Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I love my daughter Jessie the best.

Sure...I love all the rest of the kids. And my grandkids. And my husband. And possibly even my weiner dog, Oskar.

But you know how a Mom isn't supposed to have favorites?

Well...I'm going to have to be honest here and tell you...

That I do have a favorite.

And it is our oldest daughter Jessie.

Sometimes she's not my favorite...but don't tell her that. Let her bask in the glory of being the favorite for a day.

OK, goodbye.




Oh, yeah.

She is my favorite today because she is a "Craft-Tea Girl"!

And because she is a "Craft-Tea Girl" she has a "Craft-Tea" post on her seldom used blog. It's about making this......for a special gift.

And because she has a "Craft-Tea" post on her seldom used blog I do not have to write a blog today at all...and I can just link you to her post.

Because I am feeling at a loss for words this morning.

No, it is not because I was up all night immitating a camel braying.

It is because I am silent today. And refelective. And a woman of few words.

In fact, I should link this post to Wordless Wednesday. (cough, cough)

Excuse me for a moment.

Do you know that your nose DOES NOT GET BIGGER WHEN YOU LIE? I just had to check in the mirror for a moment. Thank heavens for that because mine is already plenty big enough.

But anyway because my favorite daughter put up this post for a cool craft I can just send you over there and spend an extra hour laying in bed.

Dreaming of camels. Praying that another one of my kids will start a blog so I don't have to post on Friday either.

Oh, but I will definitely rouse myself on Thursday and put up a stunning "E" post for Alphabe-Thursday. Oh yea. I have got one killer post will be amazed and astounded and...


No my nose is not growing.

OK, I just didn't want to ruin your image of me as always being full of words...(hey, that wasn't nice...I said words!) so how can I confess to you that I have nothing for "E"? Nada. Zip. Squat.

But I will.

Oh I will.

Game on.

And don't forget to visit Jessie's blog. You can go there by just clicking here!

Cuz it is a cool craft she came up with AND

She is my favorite...


PS And click on the picture that shows the inside of the tea-pot.

I'm telling ya, this girl is clever! Oh, and did I mention...she is my favorite!

post signature


Anonymous said...

Okay~~ Jenny...again, you simply made me laugh this morning! I just know that I will be on your site everyday...I had a thought... you missed your calling-you need to be doing stand-up or writing a column in a newspaper because you are so incredibly entertaining. I said this same thing about Ellen Degeneres in the early 90's and look where she is now. I can pick em, I tell ya. (maybe you can get your own show)?????

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing...I just put you on my homepage as the "Funniest Blogger that I Know". Hope you don't mind.

Theresa said...

Honey Hush:) Not gonna happen, right? Can't wait to go see your favorite Daughter's blog and the craft. Hugs to you and what, no more camel stories? Enjoy your day!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

jenny isn't it NICE when our kids help us out by blogging so we don't have too? Hmmmmmm mine don't blog, ok well up to me then. Off to check out your favorite childs post!

Maggie said...

Hi again,
Just went back & read your hateful Idahoan blog, I thought your jokes were very funny, don't know why they didn't!LOL.
Off to look at Crafty daughter blog now. See you tomorrow for E day.

Anonymous said...

I'm off to check out her post!

Tarnished Rose said...

I just LOVE reading your posts! Have a great day.


Martha's Favorites said...

Jenny: Do you realize that you went from funeral to camel to your favorite daughter? You are so funny. I am going to try to contact you later about the Thursday "e". I am going to spend all day in bed thinking "e". I will let you. Thinking can be dangerous to my health. Love you lots, Martha

Jennifer said...

Love your blog & looking forward to future posts! I've had a trying past two days, and reading your blog has put a smile on my face today,....and let me tell ya, I really need that!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha!!! How can I keep up! Love it and will be hopping over to your favorite's...

Blessings & Aloha!

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

You're funny!!! Great blog, so glad I'm here!

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog! So glad you did, cuz now I found YOU! I'm your newest follower! Cheers!

The Wilson's said...

Thanks, Ma - I'm glad I can be a favorite for a day :) Love ya!

Diana said...

How did that middle of the night camel braying go anyway? I will check out your crafty girls post Jenny. I always tell my kids that they are my favorite when I'm alone with them!
Love Di

Busy Bee Suz said...

I have a favorite as well. It changes day to day, and I let them know it as well.
Going to visit your favorite now.

Deborah Ann said...

How is that even without saying anything, you can still make me smile? {{{Jenny}}}

Justine said...

You crazy chick. For someone at a loss for words you sure did write a lot! Okay, I'm going to go check out Jessie's craft, even though I'm not a crafty person myself. But, only 'cause she's your favorite. Today.

Justine :o )

A human kind of human said...

Jenny, you are soooo funny, thanks. You cheer me up no matter how filthy my mood. Excus me a moment (mutter, mutter, in the background) Oh, my boss also says thank you.

Jackie said...

Your posts always make me laugh!! Going to visit her blog now...


Sue said...

I needed a good laugh this afternoon. The teapot is a great idea. We do memory jars here...but, I love the idea of putting the notes in the teapot.


Changes in the wind said...

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment.

Kat said...

I can always, always, always count on you to put a smile on my face, no matter how crappy the day has been. And today has been a doozie! I have a favorite child too, and I tell her all the time. Of course, I only have one child... Have a great day, off to finish my E! Kathy

Rita said...

Love that teapot and the note and to see you so silent!wow.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Jenny, What a delightful and fun place you have here! I sure have enjoyed my visit perusing several of your posts! And I am most envious that you have a tree full of lemons just out your front door. But I am glad to meet you!

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment!

Kindly, ldh

Melisa Waldorf said...

What??? A camel doing what??? I'm afraid to ask. I often feel like I'm missed out. Yah know, like there's an inside joke, and I'm not on the inside, teehee. I think the problem is I don't read everyday, my fault, I know, I need to get with it! I'm off to check out your favorite daughter!

Melisa Waldorf said...

What??? A camel doing what??? I'm afraid to ask. I often feel like I'm missed out. Yah know, like there's an inside joke, and I'm not on the inside, teehee. I think the problem is I don't read everyday, my fault, I know, I need to get with it! I'm off to check out your favorite daughter!

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

You're funny! You know, MY mom always said she didn't have favorites, but I suspected differently!! It's so clear that I am far superior to my siblings, how could she not love me best?! Thanks for confirming my suspicions!

Hope your camel braying is up and running again soon!!

Maggey and Jim said...

Hey, My DD2 is also Jesse.. but I can't have favs cause they are both my fav's.. I am going to the link and can't wait for that really long post..
Maggey said...

Just cuz she's your favorite for today, I'm heading over. Be sure to let me know when you choose another favorite because you will, I know you will...and I'll stop by their blog too.

Vicki/Jake said...

Hey got an award over on my Blog!!! WootWoot..
And while you're there, go see *the other blog* and what's going on (O:

Ok, favorites, mine all think they are and that's good...But this one's a lucky special daughter, cause she's yours (O:

I'll go see her now.

Have a fun letterthingamajiggy tomorrow. I'm sure Ewe will think of something..

littlethings1 said...

I checked out your daughter's blog , how adorable !!! Thanks for stopping by at my blog !!

Terry said...

I can see why she's your favorite! What a clever idea!! :0)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Jenny!
This is so sweet! I love her six-tea idea and all the little notes inside.
What a busy weekend I had..hubby was home three days so we did a lot of chores around the house together that we've been neglecting.

Hope you had a good Valentine's Day!

This week is flying by so I diodn't get a chance to do an "E" post as yet! ack!

♥ Pat

Jess Herbig said...

It's because her name is Jessica, definately, I think. :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Yes, I'm laughing too! I better check my nose once of these days to see if it gets bigger when I'm pulling a string on the kids..Fun post, Jenny!

Just Joany said...

Well, then, what's making my nose grow? That's all I wanna' know.

I went to your favorite child's post and enjoyed it very much. I'm now turning my own age back, in case she wants to do that for me. This could take awhile, though.

~ Just Joany
Red Wagon Flights

Sarah said...

I always smile and giggle here. You must have the most wonderful sense of humor everyday of your life. Not to mention the endless energy!!
I'm off to visit the favorite daughter's crafty blog.

gayle said...

I am so behind..checking her out now!!

gayle said...

Oh love your blog and your favorite daughters too!!

Wanda..... said...

I apologize Jenny, I was thinking of my daughter-in-law Cindy's good news.