Thursday, March 18, 2010

I is for Idaho!


It's like this.

I once wrote a scathing review of Idaho based on the very small part of the population there that is mean.


Yes, I do so know what the word scathing means and THIS POST I WROTE proves that I can be devastatingly cruel AND scathing when I wish to be.

But that's not what I want to write about here.

OK, so sometimes you know how you form this impression (another "I" word, by the way) of people and think they are mean and then after some more time passes you decide that maybe you imagined their meanness and so you give them another chance and then you find out...ummm....yea...they really are mean after all?

Well, that happens with nice people, too.

After our friends visited us from Idaho I thought to myself "gee, those people are really nice" but they will probably never call us again when they visit Arizona because I insulted their State with ridiculous potato jokes and then, lo and behold, we got this little package in the mail from them a few weeks ago...


Ta da!


Look! Because of their kindness Oskar can now imitate an Idaho potato!

He is very proud.

See his obvious weiner dog pride in this photo?

And now because of the nice Idaho people Oskar can do two impressions. The potato one...and the bat one (when we lift his ears straight up!) but I'll show you that another day!

Good Oskar.

Good weiner dog.

Good friends in Idaho.

Strange "I" post.

But, hey, don't be irritated at me over it.

I actually had a better idea for my "I" post initially.

I wanted Oskar to pose like he was in an iditarod...because that is, like, one of the coolest "I" words ever.

But it didn't work out.


He pretty much just wanted to lay down doing his impression of an Idaho potato. But I tried.

YessireeBob, I really, really tried to give you an interesting and informative "I" post.

And failed.

But it's not really my fault.

It is technically Oskar's fault.

Because weiner dogs are stubborn and they only do what they want to do when they want to do it.

So please don't boo my "I" post.

And please don't hate Oskar because he is a weiner dog.


post signature

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday - the letter "I"!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Funny I post and I could never hate Oskar! Funny I know nothing about Idaho! Oh Iowa! I know about Iowa!

Theresa said...

I am impressed at how many "I" words you used in your post! You are inspiring me to get a dog, or potatoes... or a hot dog:) hmmmm

Anyway, have your self a silly day my friend!

LemonyRenee' said...

I'm Ignoring In-full your Initial Indictment of Innocent Idaho.

Ha! 7 I's in one sentence!

Julie Harward said...

Oscar is so cute...even as an Idaho potato! I lived there on a 300 acre farm..loved it..but some of those kids were mean! LOl Come say hi :D

Susan said...

I just love Oskar, he would fit in very well with our dachshunds.
Does Oskar sleep all day like ours?

Tarnished Rose said...

I love reading your blog. It brighteness my day - and Oskar is so cute!

I so want a miniature dachshund, but not sure my cat would like that idea and my husband calls them tripping hazards.


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Oskar has such a long, lovable face. If I had a dog, it would be a wiener dog.

Jo said...

I don't blame Oskar, such a cutie ... even though he is wearing a potato ... from the state that brought us other wonders, such as .... potato eyes ... potato plants ... potato pancakes??? yes I'm reaching ... and hey, i kid the good state of Idaho ... Brilliant post as always Jenny! I can always count on you for a good giggle!

laterg8r said...

what a totally cute puppy :D

beyondbaffled said...

I <3 weiner dogs especially those named Oskar! But then again I'm partial b/c I have one of my own! He looks great as a potato!

Unknown said...

weiners and 'taters! the newest hotdish sensation!

very funny, Jenny...You always make me laugh.

Carol said...

HA! I love this post! Thanks for the laugh...I needed it! You know my first dog was named Franky, right? Frankfurter was his full name....when we got Tate, the kids wanted to name him 'beans' so it would be Frank & Beans...instead it is Frank & Tater! Love it.

Debbiedoos said...

He is the new potato wieney of dogs!!~ Cute!

Mrs. M said...

Oh my - I think that potato is carrying him! :)

The Muse said...

Oskar is truly the leader of the pack! What ferocity, tenacity...well that may be pushing it...but he has the CUTE vote! paws down!!!

Happy I day!...

Here I am jet lagged ...and desperately trying to read my fav blogs :)

No post for me...(insert incoherent sobs and wailing)...
Ashamed, I shall move my desk to the back of the room....


Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Oskar is adorable! I love dachshunds and had one as a kid.

Unknown said...

"i" love potatoes. "i" love "idaho". "i" birthed 2 baby boys "in" "idaho". "i" did a pretty good "i" comment don't ya think?

Andrea said...

Oh Oskar the weiner dog is so cute. Even dressed up as a potato. I have had the letter I stuck in my head all day. I've been living my glamorous life and actually cleaning today. I haven't been able to come up with an I word to write about. All way to corny. Oh well, maybe I will go for the gusto with J. Hey, I just thought of something for next week!!!

My name is Riet said...

Wow, so many interesting I's in your post.

Unknown said...

The parts of Idaho I have seen were beautiful.

MrsJenB said...

Oskar in the iditarod - hilarious!!! I love it!!!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

you are the funniest weiner dog owner I know!! :)
(I know 2). you're a riot jenny!!
thanks for making me smile:) :) :)

Anonymous said...

IMPRESSIVE IDEA!! Just wanted to thank you for visiting and joining Happy Days! I appreciate that and hope you enjoy your visits! Love Oskar! he makes a great Musher!...debbie

Kat said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha! I wish we had a web cam so you you could see how loud I'm laughing. This was a hoot. And I will always love your Oskar the Wiener Dog - he's adorable. I don't think he's stubborn, he's just smart. Why on earth would he WANT to pull a sled when he could curl up and relax? Kathy

w said...

he's a weiner dog. and you named him oskar. hahahahahah!

i is for i gave you an award on my blog.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I love that Oskar posed with the rest of the dog team! I'd always gotten the impression that he was a solo act. It's nice to know he works well with others.

Your "I" post?

jeff campbell said...

Weiners and fries...pretty good stuff:-) I have to say that the only dog that ever bit me was a weiner dog...butcha know, I do not hold it against 'em. As for your suggestion of being a "hall monitor"...I do not know about that...I was the one they were always after...

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

The combination of a wiener dog, and potato are not that bad.."I" is for Inventive post, Jenny!

Thanks for hosting such a fun party! said...

Oskar doesn't appear to mind that he resembles a potato.

What a good spud!

Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

Betty said...

Watch out. The next thing you know the poor weiner dog will be wearing a wrestling singlet. Oh wait...that's Iowa that's crazy about wrestling. I always get those two mixed up. Thank you for helping me with my school geography assignment. :)

Brenda said...

Oskar is a cutie! And I remember that post it was one of the first I read. Did not keep me from coming back for more!

Justine said...

I love Oskar BECAUSE he's a weiner dog! And I actually loved your I post. It was different. I-ntriguing.

Justine :o )

Annesphamily said...

I love this post! I had a hard time deciding. Lots of cool I words out there. LOL! This was great!

Jana said...

you wont get a boo from me, i love Oscar and his potato style.

Enchanted Oak said...

Thanks for dropping in to visit my blog today, Jenny. I enjoyed meeting you here. You're a lot of fun.

Shay said...

Sorry if this sounds disloyal because Idaho hates you but Idaho sounds like a dream state to me. Any state that worships carbs sounds like a place I wanna live.

Oskar looks so cute as a potato. Our dogs are too big to dress up as anything unless you're doing dress ups as horses or elephants. Or the state of Idaho.

I'm brave, I'll confess. I had to goggle iditarod.

Thanks for my Friday giggle.

mrs. c said...

I adore your little Oskar, the weiner dog! HE is such a "manly" dog, look at that profile. I bet at night he dreams about running the race of all dog races, the Iditarod!

You remarks about a Idaho remind me about where I teach, you better not talk about anyone because they are probably related!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

I love your little wiener dog. He makes me giggle.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love Oskar and his great impressions. He has his paws full there with you and Mr. Jenny.

Mami said...

We are Idaho potato lovers-potato chips actually

always having a fun Alphbe thursday!!

Have a nice weekend!

lissa said...

Oskar is cute, I think he can do whatever he likes

still, a fun post to read

Anonymous said...

funny as usual!! Oskar is a good egg...I mean potato. :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oskar is just the cutest little Idaho spud ever!

Steph said...

Okay LOL... I mean genuine, hearty belly laughter. Oskar is so cute. We've often considered entering our petite poodle MeiMei in the Iditarod as well. Thanks for brightening my day.

Vicki/Jake said...

I love your I post Jenny! And I remember your Idaho post..loved that too (o: Oh, and I know Oskar would be the top dog in the Iditarod. Can't you just see that 'winning' look in his eyes..hehe

Thanks for the Hall Pass this week teach. Can't wait for J....

mub said...

This is a PKW post because I am laughing so hard I'm crying!

Janiece said...

OH MY GOODNESS what a great post!
But in defense of us Idahoans...
We might seem mean but it is mostly that we are deaf...
shooting guns without earplugs, driving tractors with the i-pod to loud, driving OLD trucks that shake your brains
and don't forget
the potato fights...much better than snowballs...because if you get hit in the ear EVERYONE knows are deaf for a very long time.

Your friend who was born in AZ and married in Idaho...and if you are born in Idaho there is some rule about you have to die yea, I will be here for a long time.

Thanks for one of the best laughs I have had in a while!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

LOL! Oscar is a charmer! I've never been to Idaho but got close when I visited Yellowstone NP this past summer ..we contemplated going to Idaho Falls but time got short.

Sorry I missed the letter "I" this week --- I could have used the "Irish" part of my post. I had a long day yesterday ...and was too tired to even put on my computer....sigh

ardeth blood said...


Thank you for stopping on my blog earlier.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha! (Must I always begin my comments like this?), when it comes to reading your posts!

I love "i"t! An absolutely, informative, imaginative, nvigoratioing "i" post :o)
Oskar is inspiring! & too cute!

Blessings & Aloha!

Unknown said...

I love the oskarmeyer potatoe.....he is really good at being a potatoe

Unknown said...

oh yeah, potato has no E' on the end but it just doesnt look right to me tonight...weird.....weirder than a weiner dog in a potato outfit....

Melisa Waldorf said...

I remember reading the "idaho post" way back when. I'm so glad they are giving you a second chance, teehee. No more jokes though. Oskar is totally adorable and I busted out laughing when I seen and read about him, and trust me girl, getting me to LOL right now is no easy thing to do. Thank you!

Summer Rae said...

Oskar is adorable! My mom has two mini long hair's and they too are proud! Thanks for following!

Sarah said...

Oskar is pretty cute as a potato. Like you, I think the word "iditarod" is pretty cool. I think it's one of the most interesting "i" words of all. Great post, Jenny!

Amanda Lee said...

Hmmmm, I've met some really nice people from Idaho. Cute dog, by the way. He seems to like his potato outfit!