Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I've fallen in and I can't get out!

Here's the thing.

I think I might be spending too much time on my blog because I keep trying to run my life the exact same way.

When I am not in the mood for real life I think I should just be able to sign off. That hasn't been working out too well.


And then I'm thinking, gosh, I have too much to do...but I can never quite find the "pause" button to stop the to-do list pressure. But I know the pause function has to be here somewhere.


And don't even get me started on the whole I am forever trying to find that key so I can delete away the mean remarks, broken glass and spilled milk in my life.

But, that button is oddly elusive as well.


I'm thinking this concept shouldn't really be so hard.

Because about a hundred years ago there used to be this TV show called The Bionic Woman. ...and in this show they rebuilt the woman so she was part computer and part woman.

Which means that she probably had an on and off switch AND a PAUSE AND a delete key AND all the other cool computer function buttons that would work so well in real life.

And since I saw this once on TV I know this must be possible.

Because they wouldn't show something so far-fetched unless it was real, right?


All I need to do is find the computer lab where they made Lindsay Wagner into a BW and I can place my order for the new BW me, too.

I will have all the right buttons...

...and I might even trade in the options of running faster then a speeding bullet and being able to jump tall buildings at a single bound to order the perky b@@bs, flat abs and heart-shaped butt upgrades instead.


That wasn't the Bionic Woman that could do those things? That was Superman?

Are you serious?

Well...all right...

I'll do it anyway.

As long as I get the delete key function.

Well yea.

And the flat stomach.


PS. The computer chip in my brain told me to remind that tomorrow we are doing the letter "G" for Alphabe-Thursday and that on Friday the Lisa Leonard giveaway will be up!

post signature


Parsley said...

Ha, I remember the Bionic Woman and even had her doll.

Susan said...

Cute post. You always bring a smile to my face.
Keep up the good work.
There are many times I would like to "tab" over parts of my life and "shift" to a better day, but for right now, I will settle for the "insert" button and "insert" a smile on my face and go on with my day.
Enjoy your day,

Unknown said...

LOL! You are a silly one. I, for one, must have too many buttons because hubby and children always seem to be pushing mine! :o)

Oh, I am so ready for G! I need to find illustrations, however...don't think I'll have time to make my own!

lissa said...

actually that sounds just like me, I would gladly like a pause button or a delete button, wouldn't it be nice to delete certain bad days and keep the good ones?

I recall the bionic woman can jump really high over fences and cars, that's really handy for commuting since there's always a crowd

fun post, thanks for writing it

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

LOVED the bionic woman!! I wanted to BE her (flat stomach and all!). I need to get that "delete" key installed, too!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a fun post! I could use a few keys too--Maybe a "refresh" one! :-)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, all this talk of computer buttons implanted and etc. Mmmmmmmmmmm, do you think you need a Net holiday, Dear?






Deb said...

I remember her....

Love the Decor! said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog and for following
I can already tell by reading this one post of yours, I am in for a treat. I going now to follow you
Have a blessed day!!

ritad said...

Your post always give me something new to think about. Now when you find that delete button, please share. While your looking can you find Ctrl,Alt,Delete..I'm always needing that.

Anonymous said...

lol Bionic Woman I had her doll.LOL remember the 6 million dollar man rofl

Busy Bee Suz said...

So cute and SO true Jenny.
I was actually talking to someone about the BW last you have super duper hearing already???

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Be careful with the "Insert" button, though.

* said...

Loved this post, I am laughing right now. So very true.

I don't remember the Bionic woman, I think I'm a bit young (hmm, not sure)

Theresa said...

I try to limit my time at the computer:) I schedule my blog at night before I go to bed to publish the next morning. Then while sipping my coffee, I look to see if my peeps have peeped! As you see, it is lunchtime and I peeked again. So, I guess I have found the pause button:) Have a blessed day and perhaps take a day off. I just can't seem to do that, because I don't want to! Hugs dear Jenny!

Lola said...

Hi Jenny!

Thought the title of yr post might refer to Alice falling down the rabbit hole (like over at my place!).

Great post nonetheless! haha


laterg8r said...

i'd love to be the bionic woman too :D

Jackie said...

Yes I remember the bionic woman . She had problems with her hearing , like me, but see, instead, I get to let it pass through one ear and out the other :P lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny thanks for visiting. So glad you enjoyed popping in. Oh yes a pause button would be so useful just so I could sit with a coffee reading a quilting mag, and not feel like I'm wasting handsewing time.

J said...


If I had a "delete" key I would delete my geology class out of my life forever... Actually, I would delete the need for science and math out of my life forever... ;)

Stacy's Snippets said...

Hi Jenny, Thanks for visiting my blog and following me! I am now following you as well.

I LOVE those little flower cards you made...SO CUTE!!

Sarah said...

Hi Jenny, I'm down in the blog hole myself. It seems to be consuming much of my life. LOL You have be chuckling again......
See you tomorrow in class Ms. Matlock.

Sue said...

I don't think I've uttered the phrase "I'm bored" since I started my blog. I also haven't been able to answer "nothing" to the question, "what are you doing"? It does suck some time doesn't it? But, so fun!!

Susie said...

Hey Jenny, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet remarks. I've enjoyed scrolling down thru some of your posts.

Sometimes I wish I had an on/off button myself. Or even a pause button would be good.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Yes I'd liker a "refresh" button so I could relive the good times whenever I felt like it! :-)

I also like a "computer free" day here and does not belong in a box.

♥ and hugs, Pat

The Muse said...

lol...i am pressing pause...! or at least trying to hit the "home" button more often :)

great, fun post...i daresay these issues(hopes and dreams) are present in the majority of blogger's lives!

Dee said...

If I need to laugh I know where to come. I love your humor. :-)

Mrs. M said...

Too funny! I used to wear sunglasses in the back yard, spin around and "transform" into Wonder Woman. Don't think she had a delete button, but she did have a pretty perky pair! :)

Kat said...

Oh, the pause button would be wonderful. And delete - the past two days would be gone forever! But my biggest request would be adding memory, or at least the option to restore memory! I'd even give up the flat stomach for that one! Kathy

Packrat said...

You crack me up, but I agree. Remember the saying "Stop the world. I want off."? Sometimes there are days and weeks like that. All I gotta say is that it isn't gonna happen, so hold on tight because it is a wild ride at times.

Hope life straightens out soon. Smiles said...

I so wish I was Bionic. I could just imagine how fast the housecleaning, dog bathing, errand running and kid bathing would be. I could just give Boo "the eye" to let him know that I'm not in the mood and he'd just back away and head towards the door.

I wonder if there are any science technology centers looking for a volunteer?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I will join you in some of those 'upgrades' if you find out where we go for em!!

Rustique Gal said...

Jenny, you are soo funny! I've always wanted an undo button! Especially when my mouth gets away from me...But seriously, I have the same problem-blogging too much! Life seems to go on somewhere...Sherry

christy rose said...

Oh wow! I need a delete button so badly too. :)

Ashley Stone said...

haha cute post! Wouldn't a delete button be great? Kind of like that movie "Click."

Tara said...

If only we could get our updates installed at the click of a button too! Wouldn't that be marvelous!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I'm all over 'delete', but in lieu of that, I'd gladly take 'backspace', 'help' and I couldn't live without 'control'!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha! (It seems I tend to start my comments on your posts, this way!)

Anywhooo...I agree! I would love to have some of those buttons too...

Blessings & Aloha!
(see? trying as always to catch up on some of my fav blog reading! if you get a chance, I'd love you to see my latest post-I was excited to share our son's creative video for the event he organized at his university.)