Thursday, June 24, 2010

W is for Water

This refreshing break is brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter "W".

Please click here to visit the rest of the links! And dry your feet off before you walk across my floor, please!

PS I tried to segue this into my W post but even my freak brain can't do Christina over at Fresh, Local and Best asked if I would mention she is doing an All-Clad pan giveaway and she'd love it if you'd go over there and enter...just click here to get there! Thanks so much! Make sure to look at her newer post, too. She has a great list featured about foods and chemicals. It is really interesting.

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Theresa said...

Refreshing! We have a tupperware bowl in our pool too:) The kids usually use it to empty the water out of the pool:) Have a blessed and cool day! HUGS!

ImagiMeri said...

Hey Jenny,

Those girls are adorable!!!! See you later!


Kat said...

They are so cute! Love the "bucket head" photo. Man, I wish I could jump through my computer screen right into that pool, it looks wonderful. Kathy

Cheryl said...

I loved the photo of the grand with the bucket on her head! It's gonna be a scorcher here today. Sure could use your pool.

RNSANE said...

That pool looks so refreshing but I would want it lukewarm. I think, if I had one handy, I might try water aerobics, Jenny.

Bits-n-Pieces said...

lots of cutie cuteness!
I'm trying to wrap my head around a W entry....but my mood is getting in the way. Could turn out to be WHINEY! lol

Little Messy Missy said...

Thank you for leaving the comments and stopping by to read my blog.I just spent some time reading your blog...I will be back.
Little Messy Missy

Amy said...

What a fun grandma you are! I so want to go play in a pool now.

Yankee Girl said...

That looks like so much fun!

Water is one of my favorite things. There is nothing like taking a summer swim.

Betty said...

She sure looks like she's having a great time all by herself. I'd love to jump in with her and cool off!

Betty said...

She sure looks like she's having a great time all by herself. I'd love to jump in with her and cool off!

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Sometimes I really miss our pool. When we lived inland we had one and my kids were in it from morning till night. We do however, have the ocean now and it's not to shabby either. My oldest daughter and her kids still live inland and they miss the pool most of all. They get down here to the beach but, it's a 30 minute drive so not as often as when we were 5 minutes away! Have a great summer, and keep writing. You always entertain me.

Life in Rehab said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh, how cute is that?!?!?

Melinda said...

Look at all the fun! What cute pictures.

AND why are you not there in your bikini.?????????? :) :)


Pondside said...

We don't have enough hot days up here to warrant a pool, but those photos.....well, they make me want to jump in!

Fresh Local and Best said...

The girls are adorable! These photos are precious! Thank you again for sharing about the giveaway! You're the best!

Just Add Walter said...

love these pictures -- looks like so much fun!

Unknown said...

I WANT TO SWIM! That looks awesome!

Cheryl D. said...

Gotta love summer! My daughter is taking swimming lessons this week, and nothing beats the smell of sunscreen and pool after she gets out. I can almost get the wafts of these smells just from looking at the photos of your adorable grandkids!

Theresa Plas said...

HappY! HappY! JoY! JoY! Good opportunity to soak up some rays!

GardenOfDaisies said...

It's so humid here I almost did a water post for W too. The only place in the entire state that feels comfortable is the swimming pool. (or maybe the inside of the freezer.)

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are the cutest!!

AZ is just like living in Florida, it is considered child cruelty to NOT have a pool.

Sherrie said...

The girls look like they are having a fabulous time. Love the picture with the bucket on her head, cute. Have a great day!

Sherrie's Stuff

laterg8r said...

totally beautiful pics - great W :D

Short and Sweet said...

Well with it being 112 degrees today that pool looks very inviting. I'm sure the girls had a ball...darling photos of them. Thanks for visiting my blog and please find a place to stay cool.

Anonymous said...

Water is such a fun thing when you're a little kid. Lovely pics! They're so cute. :)

Unknown said...

On sweltering hot days such as this (100+) I could use a refreshing dip in your pool. I'm grabbing my towel and will be right over!

Marlene said...

I could use a dip in that pool! Cute kiddos. Think they'll mind if I hog their swimming space?

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

The top pic of that little grand looks just like Mrs. Matlock!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Your post screams SUMMER FUN! How great your little ones look!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Cute! Cute! CUTE!

Anonymous said...

The bucket looks like a great pool toy. They look like they are having such fun.

H said...

And here was you, trying to make us believe that looking after your grandchildren was incredibly hard work :p
I envy you having a pool in your garden (and the weather to make it worthwhile!).

mrs. c said...

Wow! I think I could handle the hot weather if I had such a wonderful water source and lovely setting! Just bring me a glass of sweet tea!

Christy said...

Fun fun fun! We had a pool growing up and I sorely miss being able to walk out the back door and go swimming.
What a refreshing W post!

Anonymous said...

I can't see what I am typing. I think I broke my laptop screen when I tried to dive in! Its over 100 here and HUMID! My hair looks like I was electrocuted!!

Chatty Crone said...

The girls are beautiful and that pool looks so refreshing - it is so hot here! sandie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You don't need a lot of words when you have photos like that to share! Cute kids and nice pool! I feel better just looking at these!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Ohh I love your pool, what a cutie!
Pool Party at Jenny's everyone!!!!!

edie said...

What refreshing and hilarious pictures.

Thanks for the prayer. It wasn't a big thing. We just had to give our kitty a new (hopefully happy) home due to allergies. Hard to believe how attached one can get to a furball. :D

Unknown said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog and for being newest follower!

Brenda said...

That looks refreshing! I hope you get in with the grands and enjoy it too!

Red Couch Recipes said...

To have a pool in your back yard filled with lovely grands sounds like heaven! Joni

jen said...

The bucket makes her look like an old-fashioned scuba diver.
110 today. Are ya ready?

Unknown said...

I especially love the face in the bucket! You are so lucky to have a pool! I guess it is a necessity in Arizona!

Wanda..... said...

I see so much of you Jenny in the first granddaughter's photo!

Ms. A said...

Wish my pool looked so nice! Glad the know there are times when even you can't come up with something!

Jeanie said...

There is nothing cuter than little girls in swim suits and little girls in summer dresses. Two of my favorite things. You've got some great smiles there.

The Words Crafter said...

...if the screen were a bit bigger, I think I could dip my feet into the pool, hang on....trying....

Susan Anderson said...

Cute little water babies you've got over there!


Holly said...

Ah Jenny, I've missed you!!!! Not because you're gone, but because life is crazy!!!! I'm 2 weeks behind in your lovely story and hope to catch up soon!
Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra 24 hours once a month that was all to oneself?????
Anyway, thought I'd say hi!!

Connie said...

Very refreshing! Such cute girls. Love the tupperware or is it rubbermaid?

RACHELLE said...

We got to go swimming today for the first time since living in a it's been about 3 months. it was great!

It's just not summer until you have gone swimming!


The Muse said...

What wet whimsical wonders!

Ah, the pleasures of youth! (wink)

Mimi said...

Love those pool pics, so HOT here so a POOL IS A MUST!!!!

One Photo said...

Lovely happy photos! We are spending time every day in the pool thanks to the heat which is so much fun but is not doing my hair or skin any good at all and my feet are beyond acceptable for displaying to the world :-)

Vicki/Jake said...

What Wonderful Widdo Wons :)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Definitely a refreshing W post! Can you get these little lovelies to be any cuter?? Love their action shots with the buckets. When we had a pool and ours were about 10,7 & 4, they did the whole "secure a bucket on the pool ladder and swim down under to get some air" trick! (Little did I know this dangerous feat of theirs! I learned about it years, in fact!)

Blessings & Aloha!
Oh dear!!!! I''m late, I'm late, I'm late W assignment! I am working on it and finishing it now!

Viki said...

They look like they are having a lot of fun. Is this your pool?

Jessica said...

It looks like you girls are having a blast this summer!! I LOVE the bucket deep sea helmet:) That's classic!! The best times I had in the summer as a kid were in the pool and hanging with my Granmama:) You're so cool! Hope you have recovered from your big toe accident:) he he great story!

Lourie said...

I took my kids to the community pool today...yours is way better. Wish we lived closer. Hahaha. Super cute pictures.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I can no longer look at pictures of the three of them in one post and not think of Tales From Home.

They are soooooooooo cute!

Unknown said...

we have been on the road for a couple of weeks now and i would like nothing more than to jump in a nice cool pool. it has been sooooo hot! refreshing indeed

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

The water looks so refreshing, and your granddaughters look so happy with that bucket.

Holly Lefevre said...

I love a swimming pool on a hot day. I hope to have my own one day. No one has pools in my town...well there are 2 and they are indoor! Too many trees =, not enough sun

Terra said...

Simply wonderful! We have been spending a lot of time at the pool this year (with swim team becoming part of our lives) this has been a wonderful experience for Lauren...She couldn't swim the length of the pool at the beginning of the season and she now has a bucket full of ribbons! What a confidence builder, what a great team experience -

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Very cute bathing beauties.
My husband just had a test and interview at All Clad! They make that stuff in Canonsburg, Pa. If he gets this job, I can move closer to my sister.

Jo said...

Jenny, your grans have just the greatest smiles ... love the photos! It must be such a hoot just watching all of that spontaneous joy erupt!