Friday, March 25, 2011

Darn...and I thought I had a great idea...


You know how some people tell you the same story over and over again and it gets kind of boring and you really, really wish you could take a quick nap but you don't want to hurt their feelings?

So you sit there sneakily pinching your leg to stay awake so the person doesn't know that you're bored out of your skull because...

Your Momma told you to always be polite and you're not quite sure how to politely say, "Please stop talking. You have told me this story a million times before and you're putting me to sleep?"

I mean...

Not that anything like this happens with anyone I personally know (or might be married to, ahem...)


I came up with this genius idea to accomplish both things at once...politeness and napping...



Once I googled this I found that someone else thought of the idea first.

Darn. Since I hate to be a copycat I guess I can't make my appointment at the tattoo parlor for this weekend after all.

And I was soooo looking forward to catching up on my sleep.


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Unknown said...

I hear sleep is overrated. I don't believe it, I just hear it that's all!

Theresa said...

Oh how funny and weird... I was talking about those eyes:) Have a blessed day dreaming up a new idea! HUGS!

summersundays-jw said...

OOOOh, that's kinda wierd -- yet interesting. Think I'd rather have the stick-on variety. Jan

Anonymous said...

I think I would be scared to talking to someone with these. When they blinked, it would look even more bizarre.

Jocelyn said...

Wow this is super freaky!!!!! Sleep...what is sleep!!!

Wishing you a Happy Friday!!!

Ames said...

Maybe if you could invent the peel and stick tatoo I could wear them to church!~Ames

Wanda..... said...

SCARY!!! I get how you could dream up the crazy idea, Jenny, but am lost as to why someone would actually do it FOR REAL!!!

vivian said...

omg! can you imagine?!
Happy Friday!!

ImagiMeri said...

How do I know you haven't done this already? Wow, all these times we've chatted and I thought you were just I know you were just sleeping! LOL

If it weren't so ugly I might do this myself.

Love ya'

Leslie Morgan said...

I'm not so good at drawing, but I might be able to pull this off! It just seems so EFFICIENT, visiting and sleeping at the same time. What ease to an overfilled schedule!

Cassie said...

Sleep is so over-rated! You can sleep all you want when you're...well, you know.
Found the perfect spot for you to peddle your sun-dried lemons! See you in September!!

Diane said...

I'm the exact same way with my very talkative husband. He talks so much that forgets who he's told what.

And that picture kinda creeped me out a little bit!

21 Wits said...

I can see thousands of school kids rushing to do this! ...and although a bit too wide eyed for me, I would be tempted to try this myself...if just for a laugh...I can see it now in one of those long drawn out...oh yes I've heard that before and suddenly you close your eyes! Imagine their surprise! Priceless I'd say...bring your camera!

Amy said...

One of the creepiest things I've seen tattooed. ick.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Usually when I find someone is repeating his/herself then my mind just sort of drifts elsewhere all the while smiling or nodding my head. I look for the first quick opportunity to change the topic. Sometimes, I'm successful and others well...I just politely listen.

Funny post! Loved the eyes. I've thought of this idea, too, but never in my wildest imagination really thought anyone would go through with it. Looks like I was proved wrong. lol
~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Check it out...
Good Save

Val said...

Yowza, that is something!!! I sleep about 4 hours a night!!! Hopefully one day I will get 6 hours. I hope you have a great weekend!!! = )))

Jeanie said...

I'm not sure which is creepier in that picture, the eyebrows or the eyes, but together they look like enough to make someone just stop talking all together.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I gotta say girlfriend, this kinda creeps me out and I'm a farm chick used to things that would make most gals run for the hills!!! Heeehehe!!!

My dear MIL is 83 with Alzheimer and my own Mother is eighty one...'Nuff said.....

God bless you sweetie and have a fantastic Friday!!! :o)

Keetha Broyles said...

I can't even BEGIN to describe how GROSS that is!

Judie said...

OMG! I could have used that idea just the other day! Very useful, but a little scary!!

ain't for city gals said...

Whenever my uncle comes for dinner I always make sure I have it outside so I can wear my sunglasses...I have learned all I have to do is look in the general direction and take a little nap behind the I know..

Leslie Morgan said...

Oh, hell's bells! I never considered it might be tattooed, even though I am heavily tattooed. Yow. I need to rethink everything I have felt and said. Yow. Yow.

Susan Anderson said...

Nah, it wouldn't have worked anyway. The head bobbing would have given you away...


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Aggggggh! Too scary! LOL!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so silly. That right there gives new meaning to FOUR EYES!!!

cj Schlottman said...

Whut? Creepy ain't the word for this......though I can understand your reaction to being bored by the same old stories. Happens to all of us, unfortunately. I think I may have done if myself - on a small scale, of course. Did I tell you it's creepy? Stop me if I'm repeating myself.


Jo said...

Okay ... I can't tell you how badly this creeped me out ... seriously ... scared me big time, don't know why ... but ....icky... up there on the scale with spiders ....

okay, now that i am over that ... that is a tough one ... of course all of my stories are so interesting you would want to hear them over and over and over ... just ask my daughter!!!

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that is creepy!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Great idea! but I'm afraid my snoring would give me away! hugs, Linda

H said...

Those tat eyes are plain creepy! I think it would be very uncomfortable to hold a conversation with this guy.

Sue said...

That is really disturbing. You think those are tattoos? Like they will be there when her eyelids start drooping...ew...

Donnie said...

I can't stand to have anybody messing around my eyes...ewww...

Corine Moore said...

LOL! :D ... but 'CREEPY!'
I think it's a good thing you don't copy. :O

Vicki/Jake said...

Can you imagine having THAT tattoo done...twice? YIKES!

Of course, I don't seem to have the problem with talking heads around me. Go see my JAKE blog....

Who needs eyelashes under their eyeballs anyway :)

Ms. A said...

I just might need this when my MIL is talking. She goes over and over the same old things... IN DEPTH!

Pondside said...

Just the thought..........ouch!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Hilarious and creepy at the same time!

Only you, Matlock.....

Well okay, only you and some other guy.....

Willoughby said...

I'm not sure whether that would work or not. What happens if you drool while you're sleeping (not that I drool while I'm sleeping)? Then you would just look crazy.

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, that is incredible! I sort of love that. My trick, "Oh yeah, I remember! You said... and then you did...."
Sadly, it doesn't matter with my mother in law. She says "yeah," and continues right where she left off before I interrupted her. Some people are just too interested in their story, aren't they?


Bonnie said...

That is really creepy.

Sometimes when I ask my husband a question he can be very wordy and descriptive in his answer. So for certain kinds of questions I've learned to smile and say "the short version please" :)