Monday, May 28, 2012

As we remember...

...perhaps we also need to...

Let there be peace on earth...and let it begin with me.

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Jeanie said...

Amen, sister/friend.

Jojo said...

And that sweet little t-shirt says it all. Precious.

anitamombanita said...


Viki said...

What a cutie pie.

Linda @ A La Carte said...


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Jenny!

Such a cute shirt on a such a cute baby!

Catching up ...I can't believe Mo will be going to first grade this year and that you have begun another round of the alphabet again...time flies!

My knees still ache from dancing so much at my daughter's I'm catching up with the ordinary routine again :)



Carol said...

Oh my Jesus! All things are right with the world when you see this lil fella! Congrats Grandma!! {Adorable!!}

Stef said...

Love it. That baby is adorable!!

Melinda said...

Ok --Question??? Is the newest member of the family?
What a precious one!

This is a day to remember and hope for peace.


Holly said...

Well said!
Are you related to that adorable baby??? So precious!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend full of sunshine!
Holly said...

What a powerful message with a beautiful baby to spread it.

Siggi in Downeast Maine said...

And a child shall lead us...
what a darling baby...
and a perfect message
Siggi in Downeast Maine

Susan Anderson said...

I like the way that message was delivered!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Amen Jenny
What a sweet baby with a sweet message of hope.

Hope you had a nice weekend.
Blessings of peace to you,

21 Wits said...

What a darling way to begin my day! You are totally right too!

Busy Bee Suz said...

So stinkin' cute. LoVE that onsie. :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

i know it does because I know the sweet things you do for others that no one knows about. :) You are a lovely woman, Jenny!

Pearl Maple said...

What a little sweetie, my granddaughter has a similar shirt, babies are a delightful addition to our world

Annesphamily said...
