Saturday, September 21, 2013

Painted Alphabet Letter R

I've been doing these different paintings all week.

I haven't made my mind up yet whether I like the new style or the old style.


Here's my first R...for Row by Row

I loved this song when my children were small and I love it now for our Grandlittles.

12" x 12"

R is for rightdoing and Rumi...who always has some amazing things to say.

8 x 8
 Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter R.   To read other R offerings, just click here.
post signature


Esther Joy said...

Wow! Those had a lot of letters and took a lot of work! ...I identify!

Unknown said...

Details of the Thai alphabet and language - Thai is a Tai-Kadai language spoken mainly in Thailand by about 65 million people.Do you know what one of the biggest fears is for people a new language of Learn Thai or Learn Thai alphabet? The best way to get to that level of experience is to have an easy to use, workable system. One that is guaranteed to help you achieve your language goals as like Speak Thai, Read Thaiand Write Thai language.

lissa said...

I don't know how you do them so neatly, but these are lovely. and I like that Rumi quote.

hope you have a great day.

ImagiMeri said...

Just lovely pretty lady! Should I call you or will you call me for a get-together?

Love ya'

Jo said...

wow! that second sign is brilliant!

Lola said...

Great achievement, Mrs Matlock!


Lmkazmierczak said...

Really wonderful♫

Gattina said...

Very nice ! you let your creativity out again !

Theresa said...

Beautiful creations! Have a sweet Sunday dear Jenny, HUGS!

Susan Anderson said...

I like these and would love to see more!


Busy Bee Suz said...

You are doing great Jenny! I hope you're feeling good these days. :) said...

Have you been hiding your talents? I had no idea that you have an Etsy shop. You are a beautiful artist!! Thanks for your beautiful words of encouragement on my blog. I left a thank you to you on my latest post.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Wonderful signs...what a sweet thought the second one has and I would love to learn that song on the first one.

Blessings & Aloha!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

really really cute Miss Jenny!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Really lovely, Jenny! My penmanship has much to be desired.

Unknown said...

What wonderful words of wisdom!

Anonymous said...

I just love Rumi! Wonderful quote.