Thursday, August 13, 2009

It rained last night!!!!

Did you hear the hoorahs of cheering out in whatever part of the country you live in?

We've been monsoon-less so far this summer and everything is dry and gritty and dirty and well, ummm.... hot!

But we got a deluge last night along with the violent thunder and lightening that accompanies monsoon rains and everything smells fresh and wonderful and everything is now less dry, less gritty and LESS HOT!

So I'm going for a walk!

And hoping this black, black sky means we're getting more rain soon.


  1. Well it didn't rain here, but we are in different parts of the country. I love the rain. It means I don't have to water the plants. Speaking of, I better go water.

  2. I'm sure my sister-in-law in Gilbert was ouside danicing in it if rained where she was too! She misses the rainy days of the east.


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Jenny Matlock