Thursday, April 15, 2010

Morgan's Mysterious Magnetic Mane

Perhaps Morgans Grandma rubbed her head on her Grandpas leather office chairs.

Perhaps not!

Perhaps an alien force temporarily deactived the magnetic field around that particular particle of Earth allowing static electricity to reign for a moment.

Perhaps not!

We will never know the real answer to this Mysterious M question.

Mesmerizing, isn't it?


This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "M"!

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  1. She is such a cutie!!! Methinks GrandMa had soMething to do with this Mystery....hMMMM!!! ;-)

  2. Oh, I don't know. I thinking your stretching it a little with magnetic. It looks more like static electricity to me j/k LOL.

  3. Oh, that Morgan is so cute! Magnetic forces?
    You are so clever, grandmother! Speaking from experience, I think its a blonde thing! :-)

  4. I a few pictures of my youngest daughter with her hair in flight like that. It's sooo funny.

  5. Love it! Maybe I will style my hair like that next!

  6. Me thinks Grandma is looking for excuses to show off pictures of her granddaughter... :-) Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  7. She is such a beauty hair and all. I hate static. Have a good weekend.

  8. she's adorable. but watch out. that's what firestarter's hair looked like before she started melting butter and throwing fireballs everywhere.

  9. I love the Letter M. :p She's adorable.

  10. Jenny you are too funny! I got a kick out of this post, but I think
    Morgan has a bad case of static electricity from brushing her hair too much!! lol
    She is a cutie by the way.
    Have a great evening,
    Blessing Nellie

  11. What a cuty she is with her beautiful blond hair

  12. Very interesting mystery!
    Catherine :)

  13. Thanks for your fun posts. I don't have any of those grandbaby things yet. I hear it is a wonderful time though. Enjoy your evening. I like the alphabet thingy too! Great idea.

  14. She's a cutie patootie!! I used to love rubbing my hair with a balloon and making it stick straight up!

  15. Funny, we have those same alien happenings here at my house too:) Have a happy day my friend!

  16. I have a Morgan too and she also has a mop of hair.
    I think giggles make your hair stand out from the looks of the photo!
    So cute.

  17. How did you ever think up 'MMMM' for your Alphabe-Thursday's letter "M" post! You are clever!

  18. What a Magnificent Mystery of the Magnetic Mane! Magical perhaps?

    I Marvel at Morgan's Mesmerizing smile.


  19. My kids go down the plastic slide at school and there is so much statoc electricity that their hair stands straight up! It is so funny and we always take photos to show their parents.

  20. THat is so funny Jenny! My younger son today was just telling me he did not take off his hoodie when he was hot because of static cling, he said his hair goes wild!

  21. haha ! I like watching the Duggers Family in 19 kids and counting , and they all went to a science center and one of the girls got some electrical charge and her hair did that. It was wild and magnetic!

  22. How wonderful! Going down the slide does this to JDaniel's hair.

  23. Maybe you can tell Morgan that one of your pupils linked to your magnificent blog today!

    She is a beauty, that is for sure!

  24. It's that silky, baby fine hair, so staticky! I want to rub balloons on her head and stick them to the wall.

  25. I am not sure where to comment...
    I think there are three posts today (o:
    I have one child here that has hair always sticking out like that.
    All your M's were food...
    how about Munchies??

    Liked your story about the broken glass....
    what did the cops tell her?
    Don't leave us high and dry (What does that phrase mean anyway?)
    Someone died but who???
    Good Job.

  26. Just darling! You are so creative.

  27. Must be the time of year, last week when I got in and out of the car, I kept getting continuously shocked. It's always fun when you're little and your hair flies around you like that. It's not so much fun when you're older and have spent some serious time putting your "do" together!

  28. My hair used to do the same thing! She is much cuter than I was though! It's magical!

  29. What a cutie!! It reminds me of a time when I had a "magnetic personality" and hair to go along with it! :-))

  30. I'm wondering where Morgan's Grandma got the idea to rub her head on Grandpa's leather chair??? Morgan's Grandma sounds like fun!

  31. Whatever the reason, she is a doll!

  32. I hate it when that happens....

  33. Oh, definitely that mischievous Grandma had something to do with it... she's always up to somethin'! :) Morgan is adorable BTW! -Tammy

  34. I think that Morgan had a little help from her GrandMa! She is a super cutie!

  35. She's a little beauty! Her hair is like spun gold!...When I was little we would rub balloons on our hair to make it do that! xo Paulette ;)

  36. I love that wild static electricity hair! She's adorable.

  37. She's adorable Jenny. But riddle me this - why is static hair cute on kids and ridiculous on us? Maybe you could base your next "mystery short story" on that?? Kathy

  38. Hehehehe!!!! That's definitely a mysterious magnetic mane!! Although I have to say, it looks a lot better than the majorly messed up mane I wake up with every morning!! ;-)

    Thanks for participating in our Empowering Giveaway :-) Good luck!!


  39. I looove a good mystery! And what a cutie she is.

    btw... CONGRATULATIONS, you are the winner of my Lights, Camera Lashes! Mascara Giveaway. I have sent you an e-mail requesting an address as to where you would like it sent. Looking forward to hearing from you!

  40. what a cutie-patootie....are you sure she didn't rub her head on a balloon? I remember doing that as a kid...many times!!

  41. Cute cute pictures of your grand. I have not been over to see you much this week. Computer has been down a couple of days, grandson has had his tonsils out life has been happening. I've missed getting a little of your silliness.

  42. It's so cute now, but when she's my age it won't be nearly as fun. My hair is so thin and fine I catch myself looking like that all the time. I actually rolled it up in the car window one time! Must have been the seats...

  43. Too Cute! love your sense of haha! and thanks for stopping by my blog today! Happy M day!

  44. She is so cute with that static in her hair! Was she playing with balloons? LOL!

  45. Mesmerizing, Yes! It's so dry there that I imagine there is lots of static. Mo has the prettiest hair!

  46. She's so sweet. Love her hair.
    Happy Friday and happy weekend!

  47. Your M post was very clever, but I claiM, "Unfair advantage!" How could you Miss with subject Matter as cute as Mo?!

  48. I had a mane like that once. Okay, we'll not so lovely. But at times magnetic. I always loved it when my boys touched the magnetic ball at the science museum and their hair stuck up. (Now they just do it with gel.) Morgan is way precious, as you very well know. :)

  49. Love the pictures of Morgan! She is adorable in her "flying hair".

  50. Just rub a little "Bounce" over it and it will be a miracle solve!

    My kids' hair does that too - makes for some great pictures!! :)

  51. We used to rub baloons on our hair to get that effect!


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