Friday, August 13, 2010

The first day of school...

The new clothes are purchased...

Fresh haircuts all done...

The sleepless night is over...

and the first day begun.

Here in the desert

it is roasting and hot,

So you pick through your closet

and choose the coolest thing you've got...

The school kids are buzzing

like bees around flowers...

And you're nervous and hopeful...

And more anxious as the hour

approaches! You see a friend or two...

and they're not in your room!

"Oh no!" Your heart sinks

and becomes filled with first-day doom.

The hugs from your Grandma and Grandma don't distract...

Your friends aren't in your room, how can that be a fact?

So obviously you're going to hate it this year,

No matter what your Mom says it's really quite clear.

The first day of school is like torture, it's true.

Do you have the right shirt on? Did you pick the right shoes.

And when the bell rings you wave a reluctant good-bye.

This year will be awful, you try not to cry.

And the clock ticks.

And the Grandparents wait.

And the clock ticks.

And the hour grows quite late.

Eventually it's time for the end of school day one,

You watch the children stream out, some are not filled with fun.

But finally you see the red hair and the smiles!

"Grandma! We loved it! Our teachers are nice!

There's no mean girls in our room yet!

And there's no homework tonight!"

They give you a big hug and to home they all head,

But first they both shout, "School is nothing to dread!"

OK. I tried to tell this in a cute way, but both girls love their teachers and their class! Julia did not get any of the bullies in her room from first grade! She got a nice teacher! And Riley lucked out, too!

Hooray, Hooray!

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  1. Oh Jenny, I'm so glad it went well for them! The pictures are adorable, they bring back so many memories. Our kiddos don't get back to the grind until next week, and my niece is so excited she's bouncing off the walls. I hope her first day goes as well!

  2. They are so cute! How lucky they are to have mom and grandparents take them to school. Hope they have a great year.

  3. I have goosebumps! This will get me through my day with a big smile on my heart and in a pinch, it will replace a hug quite nicely! ; )

    Lucky girls I'd say, to have a grandma like you come their way. Surrogate Grandma?...any day! : )


  4. How cute! What a fun post that is!


  5. Oh that is such a relief! Your grandkids are truly lovely.

    Paul will be attending "regular school" for the 1st time after being home schooled for 4 years. He is a bit worried about the bullies because he remains skinny and tiny (hasn't had his growth spurt yet) but I know everyone will fall in love with his sweetness and unique humor.

  6. Wonderful! I was thinking about Julia this morning on my commute in to work.

    They are adorable girls, Jenny! La

  7. How cute they are! I'm so glad the first day went well! The hardest part is over now.

    What a lovely family!


  8. Well that's a relief!
    The girls look so pretty in their cool school clothes. The smiles say it all!

  9. Dearest Jenny,

    Thank you for sharing the good news! Please tell those young ladies how stunning they were and that their smiles brought out the sunshine.

    Lot's of love XOXOXOXO

  10. They look so cute! I'm glad their first day went well.

    My kids don't go back for a few more weeks. I think I dread it more than they do. I like having them around the house all summer.

  11. When kids are this yound there should only be NICE teachers..I don't understand how anyone could be a teacher and not be nice. Kind of sister is a fifth grade teacher...she worries about the same thing but opposite...she hopes her kids will be

  12. Hi Jenny,
    Aren't they too adorable for words? I love Riley's pink jacket & her tie! Julia...what an angel. I'm so happy that they had a good first day. I hope the rest of the school year will be the same. :o)

    Have a great weekend!

  13. They are just adorable! Hoping for a fantastic school year!

  14. Good to know that they were smiling, as they entered school!

    With Gramma taking photos and grankids dressed so cool.

    It's nice to view this family
    ...who live by the Golden Rule!

  15. School starts here next week. Not sure if the boys will let me take such cute pictures of them.
    Our weather has been hot and I hate how they start back so early, but we long for fall and cooler weather and a 3-day weekend.

  16. I love that you went with them on their first day!

    Great pictures - the tie is a great choice for the first day. TOO CUTE!!

    Have a great weekend!

  17. What a Fabulous Post.....I loved seeing all the pics of the girls...How adorable are they!!!!!

    Whew....relief and glad the first day was such a success!!!!

    Wishing you a Happy Day!!! :-)

  18. Oh, this is so what we're going through in our house right now!! Makes me misty eyed....
    LOVE that beautiful red hair...enhanced by that contagious smile...thanks for the smile today!

  19. Oh Yay! School is starting early?! Our first day is Aug 30.

  20. We've only just begun. I've still hair cuts to give and more shopping to do but the I'm dreading kindergarden has begun. Yup, preschool was no sweat but KINDERGARDEN - well, that is something else my grand daughter tells me. Hopefully she does better than I did. I almost flunked out. Oh, not because I couldn't learn the material but because I refused to settle down for naps and such. (Remember those with your little rug layed out on the floor.)I'm afraid I still have negative feeling about kindergarden though I'm fifty years old but don't tell my grand daughter that, I'll never get her there. LOL

  21. So glad your pretty little red heads had a great day! I was thinking of them... :)

  22. It sems odd to see them going into school in their day clothes. In England, almost all schools have a uniform. I'm pleased they like their classes and teachers. It makes such a huge difference - to the teacher too :)

  23. Oh my goodness can I relate. My grandson started fourth grade on the 5th. It's was stressful for him and that made it stressful for me. He finished his first week. He's tired and the heat makes him more tired, but he did it. Now we can rest this weekend. Good luck to your grand daughters.



    Yes, I am shouting that!!!!! 'Cause my heart was in my throat, reading and reading and reading.... Until the day was over. Pheeeeeewwwww!

    I need a rest now. That worry wore me out!

    From one Nana to another...

  25. There's nothing better then seeing that smile on their face after you've worried about them all day.

  26. Glad they had a great day!

    I am not near my daughter's kids, but talked to them on the phone last night - their first day went of without a hitch, too!

    Three grands to go, next week - and The Boy, the week after...when he's gone, I can stop guarding the refrigerator from 7am to 2:45!


  27. Oh what a cutiepie! I just think she is precious and will have a great time I am sure!

    Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  28. We are still "getting ready" for that big day here. We've got one going into 4th, 3rd and 2nd grades and one starting kindergarten. I'm glad the day went well for your girls. They sure looked cute.

  29. Oh Jenny, I just got goose bumps and tears in my eyes!! I am so glad those beautiful little girls will have another good year! The things that kids pick on them about will end up being the beautiful assets they will have as young women! How proud!

  30. they are adorable girls so glad the 1st day was good for both of them...

  31. Oh how sweet! I am sweating the first day a week from Monday. I am hoping at least one friend will be in the class! Your grands are so cute and look great in their picks for the first day!

  32. I am so glad they both had a great first day and got some goodun' for teachers. That goes a really lonnnnnnnng way to making things bearable one day at a time.

  33. the first day of school for the most
    adorable kids and dr. seuss!

    i loved this so much!

  34. YEAH!! I am so glad for them and you! I know that first day of school blues! They sound happy and hopefully it will last! They looked so cute!!!

  35. Your poetry is music to my eyes.
    I am so glad they are both happy...I have been worried since reading about the bully incident. (darn the meanies!)
    They are so cute, love those big smiles!

  36. Great poem! But even though you're poem had some doom and gloom, it was kinda funny to see your beautiful grandchildren's big grins in every picture! I hope they have a fantastic school year!

  37. The first day of school really sets the tone for the year and I'm thrilled that your sweet grandgirls had a wonderful day.
    It makes your grandmother heart fill with joy and relief, doesn't it?

  38. That is so cool. Well written I must say. I am glad the girls had a good first day at school. Glad there were no mean girls, so far, and that the teachers are nice. This seems a little early for me but then I did not have longer breaks in the middle when I was in school.

  39. Cute write and cute girls!

    No school for us until 9/1, BUT it is "tax free school clothes" week and it's brutal out there!

    Enjoy them.

  40. What a sweet, uplifting post!!

    Gotta say that younger one is quite the little fashionista!

  41. they are just so cute.....ok this one makes me cry.....

  42. This story and photos will be part of your family history forever...

    FANTASTIC post!

  43. The girls just looked so cute for their first day of school. It sounds as if they are in for a fun and wonderful school term. I love the way you shared with us their first day. Hugs

  44. So cute.
    I miss those first days of school...

  45. Oh, they are so cute! It's great that the nervousness turned to delight.

  46. What extraordinary hair! Oh I love that! And what a pretty family, (including gorgeous gramma!)

  47. I'm SOOO Glad that the first day went well! I love your pics and poem!! :) TGIF!

  48. This was very cute Jenny! An Ode to the first day of school!
    Love Di ♥

  49. I'm so glad it went well for the girls! Yay for Grandma and Grandpa and the first day of school!

  50. What a great story! I love how you all went to see them off! First day is exciting! Love the new clothes!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  51. Yea! Yea! Yea! I say!
    Glad the girls enjoyed their first day.
    I think we adults still question our first day of anything.
    I went back to school today and agonized over MY outfit and I'm a grown adult! It was hot here and we didn't have kids so I wore shorts and a school T--I was ok with this. Come Monday morning who knows. I not going to worry about it right now because it's the WEEKEND!!! Whoohoo!


  52. How adorable! I'm so glad they enjoyed themselves. I hope I get so lucky on my first day when we start back.


  53. My grandkids are happy with their teachers, too.


    (Our wishes came true...)


  54. Loved the little rhymin going on there :) You are so lucky to have them, and they to have you.

    That's the extent of my rhymin :)

  55. Loved seeing the excitement and happiness on their faces. What a wonderful way to be in your grandkids lives on their first day of school.

  56. I SO remember those 'fisrt' day! Love the pics. Help share life in another part of the world!

  57. They looked stylin! I am glad they had a good first day and that they like their teachers!

  58. What a cute poem! And I cannot believe that school is already starting. Unbelievable. So wonderful that they like it and there aren't any bullies. That is always a relief.

  59. Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!! (Whew, I'm so glad!)

  60. I am so glad to read this. I was worrying for you and them...of course there will be good days and bad days, but starting out really good!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  61. Yay!!! for a great first day of school for them both! They looked great in their First day of School pics! And how absolutely awesome that you all were there to see them at the start and at the end of the day!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  62. Reserving my gut reaction for another day another time and simply stating how wonderful and lucky you all are

  63. You captured this superbly...
    and I loved the meter and rhyme!!


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Jenny Matlock