Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'd like to teach the world to sing...

This is a week 53 Saturday Centus offering. I couldn't get it quite where I wanted it with 108 words...I really wanted to cheat here and squeeze in the extra 15 I felt the story needed ...


I didn't...


Here goes anyway.

The prompt is in bold.

She heard things. Everyone seemed sad to her. This one was going through a ‘messy’ divorce. That one was losing her home.

Every day she heard things. Sad things. She wished she could help, because no-one seemed truly happy. Sure, they pasted a sparkly smile on their faces, but their eyes said differently.

Their eyes spoke the truth.

So when the people with the cameras came and asked her if she wished to go to Disneyland she refused.

“Little girl,” they said, “We are with Make-A–Wish…tell us your wish?”

She was surprised at their surprise when she told them, “I’d like to teach the world to sing.”

To read other SC links, just click here!

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  1. Jenny,

    This is touching and bittersweet. Kids can always see through all the stuff around them, hear between the lines, so to speak. And, they always want something to share.


  2. Truly touching. Those make-a-wish kids have the most awesome souls ever.

    Loved it.

  3. We should all be as selfless as that little child! Actually I think that limiting the centus to 100 words makes us hone our skills as writers. We always seem to get our point across succinctly.

    Thanks, Jenny!!!!!

  4. It's so touching when one can encounter kids with that sort of child like wonder that aren't yet jaded by the world.

  5. Oh I love this!! If only everyone would sing more!

  6. So well written and bittersweet. The innocent, simple viewpoint of children humbles us all !

    I usually write more than 100 words and then edit my stories down to the 100 or less....doing this challenges me and squeezes out just a little more talent I didn't know I had with the final creation...very gratifying feeling indeed. Thanks for making it possible weekly for all of us !


  7. Well done and wouldn't that be wonderful. Would take the edge off a lot of problems.

  8. So sweet. Such a beautiful request. Children are perceptive, aren't they?

  9. omg, pull at my heartstrings much ... such a wonderful selfless child ....

  10. Hope you had a great Mother's Day.


  11. Aw so sad yet inpirational. I've been around too many children wanting a final wish. Hard tug on your heart for sure!
    Very good Jenny!~Ames

  12. Awwww, how sad. You aren't supposed to make me sad on Mother's Day.

    Hope your Mother's Day was splendid!

  13. May we all have a heart that desires to 'teach the world to sing'.

    Great post!

    God bless ya my friend! :o)

  14. Oh I had a feeling you'd go this sweet and inspiring direction! As most everyone did's been busy for me and I'm just now getting to all that I can read before work today! It's been a feel good moment every post I gave us such an inspiring feel all warm and fuzzy prompt and hopefully (oh please) it will carry through with us all week long (maybe longer)!!!! Have a great week Jenny!

  15. Poignant - challenged children can see the truth more clearly, I think.

  16. Ohmigosh! I loved this! So few words and yet so much was said. It's interesting how children can see so intuitively, especially in circumstances that force them to focus outwardly. And you captured it beautifully! Loved it!


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Jenny Matlock