Friday, December 28, 2012

Winter fall

This little poem is linked to week 139 of Saturday Centus.   The prompt is in bold.  To read other offerings using this same prompt, just click here.  I will be catching up on SC reading this weekend!   I'll see you soon! 

I’ve been standing in the winter light,
pretending things will be all right.
Frozen in this time and space,
this fall is hard.

This fall from grace.
I’ve been standing in the winter air,
pretending that I just don’t care.

Suspended in this time and place,
this fall is hard.
This fall from grace.

White snow.  Bright snow,
upon my face.
This fall is hard.

This fall from grace.
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  1. I like this! It has a hint of sadness in it and I think I can relate to that.

  2. I like this, it can be read in two ways, I think. great take on the prompt.

    thanks for all your visits. have a great new year!

  3. Stunning! Thought provoking! Love it! :)

  4. Lovely and lyrical.

    I really liked the repetition.



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Jenny Matlock