Friday, March 29, 2013

Bring on the deviled eggs, please!

This little poem is linked to week 152 of Saturday Centus!   We actually did this today with some of our Grandlittles!  Oh what fun!  To read other links using this picture prompt, just click here.

 We cover the table carefully…

The kitchen smells sharp and vinegar-y…

We fight for the colors…

…and fight for the dippers…

“Who has the white crayon!”

“Whose egg is just sitting

here in the purple!  

Hey! Pass me the green!”

All through the years

it’s been the same scene.

No matter how many I boil

there is never enough.

We fight over the last two!

Things can get rough!

But  after…

The after…

Can be so sublime…

Pickled and deviled and egg salad so fine!

“Hey, quit hogging the blue!”

It’s just about Easter!

and the egg dyeing's not through.
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  1. Hooray Jenny! you followed the teacher's rules and did swell at rhyming! Oh wait- of course you did well, you are the teacher- what the bells is wrong with me- can't you see I truly and vinegar-ly am so sorry really, truly!! I didn't! :)

  2. Delightful ! Were you there when our 5 kids used to color Eggs ? Really felt like it to me...well done !!! :)

  3. What brings back memories for me is when someone drops and cracks an egg before it gets dyed and then the fight begins that there aren't enough eggs. :) Happy Easter to you!

  4. cute! Have a wonderful Easter Miss Jenny!

  5. I LOVE deviled eggs and egg salad, but I won't mention what they do to me.

    Happy Easter!

  6. What a cute poem! And ohhhh...I LOVE deviled eggs!

  7. :) egg coloring is on our docket for today. Hopefully it will go smoother for us than it does for you. let the festivities begin!

  8. Devilishly DELIGHTful!

    When my daughter was little, we used to colour eggs every year. I looked so young then. Sigh.

  9. Good one, Jen!

    Can you believe that I don't even do Easter eggs any more? Once the kids left, I gave up on it. But I will NEVER give up on deviled eggs.


  10. Cute, Cute, Cute!!!

    'Receive a special treat in the mailbox from one special lady!!!


    God bless ya sweetie and have an extraordinary Easter weekend!!! :o)

  11. Very cute Jenny! One my brothers hated hb eggs and couldn't even stand to touch them. I always thought that was odd. Hope you had a nice weekend.


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Jenny Matlock