Friday, April 19, 2013

Unprofessional Professional?

This little story is linked to week 155 of Saturday Centus.   The prompt, used twice, is in bold.   To read other links using the same prompt, just click here.

“This will just pinch a little.”

I closed my eyes tightly.

“Now just take short shallow breaths.”

I took short shallow breaths…

 …and waited.

 …and waited.

I heard a tapping sound.

I closed my eyes even more tightly.

…and waited.

…and waited.

I opened one eye.

The doctor was on his cellphone.


The doctor was texting and I was waiting for him to stick a giant needle in my body. 

“Would you like me to give you a few moments?” I asked, sarcastically.

“No, that’s okay, I’m finished now,” he replied.  He turned with the syringe in his hand and a smile on his face.    “This will just pinch a little.”
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  1. I sure hope this was a fictional story. Really...doctors texting. Tsk tsk on them.

    Good story,Jen; I got a real kick out of it.

  2. I hope that didn't really happen because it's incredibly unprofessional. I would probably get up and leave.


  3. Nothing could be that important than what he was in the room to do...give you the shot. I think cell phones should be banned from the examination rooms. That's just not right!

  4. With all the time I've spent in hospitals lately, I've seen tons of medical professionals texting in the halls while walking. Thankfully, not while in the room with my son!

  5. I was once riding in a tow truck from Denver, my car on the back, not particularly pleased. And then I looked over and saw the driver we were headed down the Boulder Turnpike! I was sure I was going to die.

  6. I hope this is fiction, Jenny! Otherwise, your doctor is a jerk!!


  7. I can believe this. I took my daughter to a sports specialist many years ago. It was Friday and the waiting-room was crowded. The doctor came out and said to her nurse, "I have to get to the bank before they close. Hold down the fort."

    True story. The gall.

  8. Sounds like a mean doctor to me, ha!

  9. I can't imagine a doctor texting while he's with a patient! Somebody should pinch him a little! ;)


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