Friday, July 19, 2013

...cuz only 'was' can break your heart...

This little work of fiction is linked to week 169 of Saturday Centus.  Dang.  I could have definitely used another 100 words here.  My delete and backspace keys got tired on editing this to a mere 100 words.

To read other offerings using the same picture link, just click here.


The little shop had been slow and I noticed the tearful lady standing outside the display window for the tenth time in as many days.
Going quickly to the door I asked if I could help her.
 As she turned away I gently asked, “Why do you keep coming back?”    
 Her lip trembled.
 “That sign,” she said pointing.  “It was my daughter’s favorite poem.”
 “Was…”  I said.  “Was?
 She turned away.
 “Wait!” I shouted.  I ran inside, grabbed it, and held it out.   “Please take this…”
She hesitated and then she did.
 ‘Was’ can be a terribly powerful word.
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  1. Wow, this was nice. Obviously, I could not think of a thing with the prompt, but you did wonders!

  2. Oh this is one very sad "was" without a doubt.

  3. :( what a sad but beautifully written story.

  4. Wow; powerful and moving in a few words.

  5. Nice one Jenny! Bittersweet for sure...


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Jenny Matlock