Sunday, August 25, 2013

Painted Alphabet Letter N



Oral surgery is nasty.

I am still knocked on my butt from all this work, but I think there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

I keep telling Mr. Jenny I've changed my mind and I want to un-do all the surgery...

...but he says it's too late.

Darn him anyway.



I only finished this letter N sign because I had started it several weeks ago.

I think it turned out pretty nice!

 Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter N.   To read other N offerings, just click here.
post signature


  1. Do hope you're feeling better!

    PS Feliz Navidad to you too! (In a few months it'll be all we'll be hearing here in Spain!)

  2. You will be ready for Christmas with that one! I like it!

  3. Love you N sign and oh yes, oral surgery is VERY nasty! Hope you are better soon.

  4. So sorry to hear about the surgery. Hope you are feeling better now.

  5. Hopefully at Christmas it's all forgotten !

  6. It turned out very nice!! Perfect for the holidays! Hope you are feeling better and recuperating from that nasty surgery!

  7. We are sisters in spirit - I am on round three of four gum surgeries, but the last one should be easy - it's just one little spot...

    not fun!

  8. I so hope you're feeling better! Definitely no fun ~

    Love the sign!! You are so creative and talented. Will be off to check your shop.


  9. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. I love the Feliz Navidad sign. I had a deviated septum repaired once upon a time. It was no fun. I was terrified of letting anything or anyone get close to my face because I didn't want my nose touched. I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this.


  11. I love the sign! I went back and read the past posts (and saw that picture)! I've had several oral really odd one and you win! I've never had all that stuff you had and I never looked like that. Oh my, you must be in so much pain and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Even your eyes are swollen you poor thing. Feel better soon.

  12. The sign is gorgeous....although I'm a little put off by the mention of the holidays. :)
    I'm hoping by now you are feeling better???!!!
    Rest up my friend.

  13. wonderful sign!
    I had oral surgery recently, too. It knocked me on my butt, much more than I expected.
    I hope you are feeling better.

  14. Rest and heal! Christmas WILL be here before I'm ready, I fear!

  15. Mr. Jenny is so wise! Sadly, it was too late. But I bet you feel much better today, right?

  16. I love this one, Jenny! I hope you're starting to feel better!

  17. Oh my! I hope you are doing better! Hugs to you!
    And love your Feliz Navidad sign...well...frankly, I love all your signs! :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I am late my blog visits! but happy to be here.

  18. Ooooh, I missed the oral surgery posts! I have been so sporadic with blogging recently,

    I hope by now you are well on your way to feeling better.

  19. Hope you are now feeling much better. I can't see the words Feliz Navidad, without hearing Jose Feliciano's voice in my head.

  20. You are one of the most talented people I know. Geeze. Hope your face feels better soon.

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Jenny Matlock