Tuesday, December 24, 2013

On Christmas Eve...

 ...each year.

I am so grateful that my parents did not name me 'Eve'.

Can you imagine hearing, "Merry Christmas Eve, Eve!" every year?


That would be really irritating, right?
I think so, too.
All that aside, though, wishing you a Merry Christmas Eve from Mr. Jenny and I.
Hope your Christmas is filled with blessings large and small!
And, hey!
If your name happens to be Eve...
Merry Christmas Eve, Eve!

post signature


  1. What a great pic of all of you! love love love....

  2. Merry Christmas and enjoy those grandkids. Maybe next year you'll be overseas with them.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family! Kinda glad my name isn't Eve also! Hugs!!

  4. Merry Christmas Jenny! That is a great photo! I am so glad that in the huge explosion that is the internet, I found your blog and you!

  5. Thankful for the little things--haha.

    Merry Christmas Jenny.

  6. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!


    P.S. The signs are a great success.

  7. Oh, your little people are becoming big people and they are all so cute! Merry Christmas to you and yours. Wishing you good health and happiness for the New Year!

  8. What a great photo! Those grandchildren sure are growing.

    Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Jenny!

    M :)

  9. That would be indeed be strange, we don't have Eve(s) we have Eva(s) ! lol !

  10. Happy Holidays to you & yr family!

  11. Merry Christmas to you too dear Jenny! BIG HUGS from my heart to yours!

  12. Merry Christmas, Miss Jenny! Love the picture of y'all with your "grands". I'm sure you'll enjoy this special day with them! I know I'm looking forward to our day with our family!

  13. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  14. What a great photo of you all! Merry Christmas!

  15. You are so funny! I love it. :D That is a beautiful picture. You look good Jenny!

  16. I hope your Christmas was magical! I love the photo! You all look so happy and having a fun time. Hugs, Anne

    P.S. I LOVE my new sign and I posted it on Blue Monday! Thank you so much! You re a dear heart!

  17. Gorgeous photo of you and family. Happy Holidays Jenny!

  18. Great picture! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a great new year! :)

  19. Ha. YOu are the funniest! I love love love the photo of your family. Adorable!!!


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock