Monday, March 24, 2014

I can imagine her now in her bathroom mirror...

Extra blush.
No lipstick on teeth.
Orange scarf tied jauntily around bristly hair.
I saw her in a garden.
I could tell she was sick.
Her face had that sallow color that can’t quite be disguised with foundation.
You could tell that it hurt her to move.
Her eyes were ringed with pain.
But there she stood.
The bright orange flag of her scarf screamed her defiance.
“I’m sick but I’m gonna live my life anyway!”
I was impressed.
And humbled.
Mr. Jenny and I had planned to go to a garden show this weekend.
Saturday morning was not a good day.
Saturday morning I had cried against going anywhere.
My hair is short and bristly. I have that sallow color that can’t quite be disguised by foundation. It hurts to move.
I didn’t want to go like that.
I didn’t want to go with my cane and my hunched over walk and feeling like a 95 year old woman who is not having a good day.
But mopey and quiet I got in the truck and went anyway.
What a blessing that I did.
The gardens were riotous in color…
Arizona in spring is astonishing.
Hot pinks, lime green, buttery yellows and cobalt blues.
Amazing colors and textures everywhere.
But the color that is strongest in my mind is bright orange.

I can still see that scarf fluttering so very clearly in my memory.
The woman and I connected for a few minutes in the fluttering shade of an Arizona Ash tree.
We touched hands briefly.
Invisible illness isn’t really invisible to other people who have it.
I guess invisibility times two equals awareness.
Bless you unknown lady in the bright orange scarf.
You have thrown down the gauntlet and I am picking it up.
It isn’t always carrying the sword into the battle, is it?
Sometimes it’s just being able to recognize that someone else is carrying it.
Be especially kind today to people around you,  friends.
You don’t know what another heart is bearing.
You don’t know the pain that lurks under another person’s invisible bright orange scarf.
post signature


  1. Oh goodness, Jenny, I'm so glad you went too. It's tough I know, but now you've got that orange scarf to see you through :)

  2. You inspire me Mrs. Jenny. XO. I love your sweet cards.

  3. Amen! One never knows the burden others carry, especially when they are able to keep in concealed. We are only able to see it, if it shows, or they tell us.

  4. Beautifully written, Jenny, and a wonderful reminder for us all.

  5. So true! There are SO many having difficult times, some with illness of their own or a family member. God bless you every day and I pray that you feel better! HUGS and prayers!

  6. Oh my goodness glory girlfriend, I'm so sorry you've been under the weather. I just realized that I may not of thanked you for the lovely Valentine you sent to Miss Angel.

    I know I been as absent as a mini~skirt in a convent but know I'm prayin' for you sweetie.

    You are a blessing, for sure!

    Grab you a bright orange scarf and have a wonderfully blessed pain free day my friend! :o)

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself even though you were reluctant to go. Hope you're feeling better.

  8. What a good reminder for all of us!

  9. What a good reminder for all of us!

  10. Could anyone have said this any more eloquently? I have been touched by a few very courageous people and you are one. Isn't it amazing the strength we find when we least expect it? I am so glad you went too and God bless!! Hugs!

  11. I would do anything I could to make you well. And to that end, I offer you my prayers.

    Love you, my beautiful friend!



  12. Jenny I love you! So glad you were able to enjoy the flowers and the bright orange. Others are there to inspire just like you inspire us!

  13. Jenny,

    I too wish I could help you feel
    better, I am glad that you went
    and are grabbing the scarf!

    Take care, my friend.

    M : )

  14. May God bless you, Jenny.


  15. Some posts are well written, because of content; this is so touching because of truth, knowing and feeling. Pray the borrowed orange scarf works, use it. I send my strength and thoughts and wish you well.

  16. Be well. Always take another step, even if it hurts and sometimes it hurts a lot.

  17. Keep on going. Good for you. Life hurts, a lot. The beauty always overcomes me and takes me to a place where I can florish. xo Jenny

  18. blessings, to you Sweet Lady

  19. Blessings Jenny...may you find healing in all that spring color! My heart goes out to you! Hugs, Cathy

  20. So glad you decided to go! You were touched, but know that you touched another...just as you touch all of us! What a wonderful message to give the world. You don't know where someone has been or is going, and your smile, your kind word, your gesture of love could bring them back from the edge! God Bless you, Jenny!

  21. I'm so glad you have the courage to keep going. You are an amazing woman!

  22. I'm not sure what pain demons have entered your life, but I am glad you went. Invisible torture and orange scarves--love it!! I read somewhere that orange is a healing color. *love and gentle hugs* :)

  23. I hate that you are suffering but I am happy you got to experience all that color and vibrance! I know how important kindness is, we never ever know what battle the next person is facing. Working at the ENT office I can tell you the ill are always kinder than those who just want their way now and always! All the cancer pts. that snake thru are smiling and happy. Sometime I sit in my car and cry. I don't know what else to do. Pray. Smile and talk and be kind. But it hurts to see good folks beaten down by illness. I love the vibrant colors here and you too sweet lady! Please take care of yourself. Hugs and Prayers, Anne

  24. Your thoughts and feelings are beautifully expressed here Jenny. I'm so sorry that you and this other sweet soul are carrying so much pain; love to you. Prayers for you both.

  25. There's the Jenny I've come to know and love. The strong one who will beat whatever it is that is trying to get her down.



  26. Sending lots of healing hugs to you ~ xxx

    xxx ~ artmusedog and carol

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  28. Jenny, Thank you for living this courageous and truthful moment and thank you for sharing it. The color orange will take on a special meaning to me this spring!

  29. I'm so glad you got out, but I'm so sorry that things are so difficult for you right now. This was so well written and so true. What is that expression? Something like, "Be kind to others you never know what battle they're fighting" or something like that anyway. I probably don't have it exactly right.

  30. I am finally taking some time to catch up with my favorite people and I read this. My feelings split right down the middle as I read this. It breaks my heart that you are obviously suffering and that I haven't kept in touch enough to know exactly what is going on. So, I feel sad and like I haven't been enough of a friend to you. I also feel inspired. Inspired to not let life's challenges hold me back. We may not all have physical issues right now, but sometimes it is the things in our heads that make us want to hide inside, avoid, isolate. Your eloquent words remind me that there is joy to be found if you take that step to find it. Your are a very special person...I haven't told you that enough. You make a difference.

  31. I am sad I just now read this post and am late in hearing about your pain. You are a brilliant lady in a bright orange scarf, that is so true. Yes, I try to always make allowances for people, especially strangers, because we don't know what they may be suffering. Prayers for great good healing for you.


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Jenny Matlock