Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Irish Letter E, F and G!

We had the Grandlittles off and on through their visit here in the US.  They were all hoping for snow and we finally got it.

And really got it.

In fact, it was an Excellent amount of snow for our Irish Family to play in!
The girls called it Grand.

And Mr. Jenny and I just called it memorable!

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The little feller in this photo is NOT from Ireland.   But he certainly loved his Irish cousins.   We missed our other little Grandson from Idaho during this visit as well!

This post is linked to the letters E, F and G! for Alphabe-Thursday.

To read other offerings, just click here.
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  1. Jenn, I am so glad you had time with the Grands and SNOW!! Happy New Year dear friend.

  2. LOVE the photos!!! Sure looks like you had a nice time, even if it does look like it would have been too cold for me. AND, someone is a tall as you! They sure are growing!

  3. Wonderful pictures, I like to see all covered by snow!

  4. So much snow, more than we have here in Canada. :-)

  5. Looks like a wonderful time! Glad they were able to come back for the holidays.

  6. That snow is beautiful and I'm glad the kids got to see it and play in it. I'm sure that visit was good medicine for you too. Betty

  7. It looks like everyone was having a great time. You must have been so happy to have them around you. Very nice photos Jenny. Great memories...


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Jenny Matlock