Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Alphabe-Thursday Letter W

Good morning class.

Welcome to round ten of Alphabe-Thursday! Today we will be studying the wonderful letter:

We are making some small progress.   Testing has located another parathyroid tumor and I am scheduled to see surgeon in about ten days.   My specialist specialist appointments are on track for Friday.   Fingers crossed.

Please link directly to your Alphabe-Thursday URL (if you don't know how to do this let me know!) and please continue to visit the five links before and after your link and leave a comment. Minimum of 10 links visited please. You can visit more if you like, of course, and please try very hard to visit the blogs that visit you for this meme.

If you have any difficulties with your link, please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find you easily otherwise.

If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you as quickly as I can.

The McLinkey will be live from 1:00 pm MST time Wednesday afternoon in an effort to assist our lovely "friends across the pond" and continue through 10:00 am MST time Friday morning!

And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog, PG posts only, and you must visit at least 10 other posts...perhaps consider starting from the last posts and work backwards. The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.

Please link your witty letter W post now!

post signature 


  1. Best wishes in the treatment of the parathyroid tumor from the weirdos at Team Netherworld.
    We all love your prompts and use them often. We just don't share the links because others aside from you tend to be hostile to the fictional works we are inspired to create.

  2. Hope you are finding some relief, Jenny. I know I'm not around as often (my daughter and I are pretty busy with her twins), but I think of you often.



  3. Hi, Jenny,
    Knocking on wood, crossing fingers, and channeling positive vibes for you.

  4. Thinking positive thoughts for you!

  5. Thinking wonderful thoughts for you! Thanks for hosting Miss Jenny!! xo

  6. I hope all of this will end up with a solution! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. *hugs*

  7. Always thinking and praying for you my sweet friend. Please take care and I appreciate you doing this more than you can imagine. I hope at least for a moment or two you take your mind off your pain. I wish I could be there to hug you but here is my Colorado hug from me to you!

  8. I'm so hoping you get some answers soon, my dear virtual friend!

  9. Oh prayer is that they're figuring all of this out!

  10. Hi ya Jenny I just snuck in as tail end charlie to say 'small progress' must seem like big steps with all you have been through. A step in the right direction is the right way to go! I wish you huge progress in the coming weeks
    lots of XoXo's from me
    With love
    Wren x


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock