Monday, April 20, 2009

I might be crabby this morning or...

...maybe I'm just getting crabby cuz our dog is laying by my feet at my desk licking. Licking. Licking. Licking. I say "OSKAR! STOP!" he looks at me with big, innocent brown eyes... "who me?" Licking. Licking. My daughter told me once you can train a dog not to lick. Is that a euphanism for beating the tar out of him when he does? If so I will probably be willing to comply with this requirement in about 4.8 seconds. Licking. Licking. OK, that's it. I am leaving my office lickety-split.

Uh oh. Wait! There is something worse then licking. This might have to do with the almost full box of bran cereal he somehow got out of the cupboard and ate when we were gone on Saturday evening. Yikes. Eegads! Holding my breath now.




  1. licking licking licking -- I remember that was what we got when we didn't behave -- oh wait that was "A LICKIN"! lol Have a great day Jenny!

  2. Oy Vey! I hate the licking too, it drives me! And the left over 'bran cereal'!! We get that times 2! LOL

  3. My weiner dog licks all the time too!! and it does drive me crazy!!!!


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Jenny Matlock