Friday, April 17, 2009

This is gonna be mushy...

So....Steve and I are true solemates now. It's true. Nothing will ever "break" us apart now that we are each experiencing a broken right foot together. Here's a picture of the happy couple now. Awwww....
Steve broke his foot about three weeks ago and is wearing this super-heavy constructed boot that weighs a ton. At the beginning it was hugely painful but seems to be hurting less as it's healing. I broke mine a few days ago when I dropped a package of frozen corn tortillas on it. I've been toughing it out for several days but it has been getting worse so today was spent in getting x-rays, referrals, etc. and now I also have a light-weight boot!

The couple that breaks together stays together so I think it is all going to end well. We're dumb.


  1. oh my gosh. . . I thought afterawhile married couples were suppose to start looking like each other. . . .did you miss that part ?

    ha ha ha ha

  2. Okay, you win the best wife award. Have Mercy!!!


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Jenny Matlock