Thursday, June 25, 2009

I think summer might be officially here

So.... in Arizona they judge when the monsoon starts by something called "dewpoint" and if it's higher then a certain point for more then three days it is officially monsoon season.

I personally judge it with a much more reliable method. Oskar.

Today is the third day he refused to walk. He goes out the door, walks about three steps and lays down.

He returns to the house, heaves a sigh of relief and jumps up on the chair for his third morning nap.

He totally refuses to walk when it is hot. Or sunny. Or windy. Or rainy. Or cool. Or if there is a leaf laying in the middle of the neighbors yard.

Which technically allows him, in his great finicky-ness, to walk approximately 8.7 days each year.

Probably explains why Oskar is a little on the chunky side.

Probably explains why his masters are a little on the chunky side.

Hey, if a weiner dog can't walk in such inclement situations then how can we be expected to.



  1. Ha! Tater is our fat pup, until you put a leash on him...then he thinks he is an Alaskan mush dog and he drags you for at least half a block until he needs to rest! He doesn't pace himself well!

  2. That is so funny. Oskar sounds like MY kinda dog!

  3. This is great. I love Oskar. I will have to share this with my sister, she lives in Arizona.


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