Friday, September 18, 2009

How do I love thee...

Let me count the ways... and to the end of that list I'll now have to add one more - Sharpie art.

My sweet (decidedly non-artistic husband) was helping me last night take care of our three little houseguests.

I could not find the oldest ones (7 year old granddaughter Julia) lunch box and she told me she had lost it and just took her school to lunch in a bag. That's OK a lot of places but in the heat everything gets kind of melty and nasty lukewarm.

So Steve rummaged through the nightmare in the garage and found an old animal printed thermal lunch pack we had. And then he disappeared for quite a while and when he came back....ta da!
Although he didn't draw the little lime green censor area he did put little embellishments all over her name.

And that just touched me.

No complaints about rummaging through the 110 degree garage.

And then to try and make her lunchbox fancy and pretty.

Awwww. What a guy.

The list grows longer.

And now I don't have to try to figure out what all this deep stuff means: I love thee to the depth and breadth and height, My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

I can just put "Sharpie artist" on the top of my list and call it a day.



  1. Aaaaawww! That is SO sweet! "Chuck" is THE man! :o)

  2. So sweet! Love is all about the little things :-)

  3. How come I never see you anymore? I want to see what you are doing with your kitchen window...Go STEVE!!


  4. I've given up on finding my sanity...or my sense of forethought...


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