Monday, October 12, 2009

Recipe to share all have so many wonderful recipes on your site. I love the pictures. I love the little stories. I love the imagined scents and tastes and flavors and...

But I can't eat any of this stuff right now.

I am on a super-strict diet because my Naturopath is an out-of-control sadist.

Oh, don't get my wrong. Most days she makes it so I can actually walk. But she is awfully, awfully mean.

But I decided that still, I should really reciprocate on this whole recipe posting thing and show you something yummy to eat.

OK, get a pencil and a pad of paper. I'll wait....

...waiting.... waiting....

What is taking you so long? Did you detour by the Halloween candy hidden in the closet?

OK, are you ready?

Write this down.

1/4 cup almonds.

Got that?

OK. Now. Write this down.

A little bowl.

Got that?

OK. Now. Pour the almonds into the bowl.

Got that?

Now eat them!


That was soooo a recipe.

Look, there's a picture and everything. So now we are even. You have recipes. I have a recipe. Hooray.

And now I can return to my usual smart-ass writing and the recipe pressure is off me for awhile.

Oh, and you're welcome.



  1. I think I have seen that one before, oh yes, the snack at your house last month!!! I am on a hummus kick now thanks to you, just have to get some fresh carrots tomorrow.

  2. YES!! that recipe was ingenious, inspiring, it really proves you can do anything you put your mind to. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  3. I love almonds, too. I can eat a can at a sitting, so I am offering you the "easy" version of your recipe: Open can... eat from can.

  4. Too funny!!! i have to say I love me some almonds! thanks for visiting today...nice to meet you, i suppose I need to keep reading your blog, I love a good smart-ass! :)

  5. Hi Jenny,
    Thanks for inquiring about the harvest blocks. I actually have a blog for the vinyl lettering. You can link to it at the top left side of my blog. Just click on the "Family" tile and it will take you there.
    Being as I got your comment already from my main blog I would be happy to send you a set of the blocks. All I need is your address.
    You can email it to me at:

    The blocks are $12 plus shipping. I will pay the shipping because you metioned you came from It's so very Cheri's blog.

    Anyway, just email me and I will let you know the payment method.


  6. Nuts are so healthy! Both the ones that you eat and the ones that make you laugh!


  7. What a fun post! LOL!! My Aunt Nadene had the very same "secret" pie crust. The secret is the vinegar she would say!

    Cornbread is the bane of my existence. I think because no one can make it like my great aunt and mine is practically inedible. I have no idea what I do wrong, every. single. time.




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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock