Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Consider this your full-service information blog...

...and since it is I have a piece of serious advice for all of you.

And that is... not buy a book to read to kindergardeners unless you have your reading glasses along.

On Monday I ran into Barnes and Noble on the way to the airport to grab a book to read to our middle Granddaughters kindergarden glass. We were going to her school to make turkey cupcakes with the little kids (chocolate cupcakes decorated to look like turkeys - not cupcakes made of ground up turkey meat - ewwwww....)

When I did my hurried errand I just saw a colorful cover to a book called "Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. When I got home I threw it on the counter with all the stuff to for our little cooking class and thought no more of it.

I asked our daughter from Oregon to read over it so she could be ready for the class. She was oddly silent about the book and during dinner I asked her about reading it and she got this odd look on her face and said something like "do you really want me to read that book?" And I said "yes". And she said "don't you think the part about the axe and hacking the turkeys to pieces might disturb the little kids?" and I said "huh?"

So we read the book aloud.

And it started out pretty nicely with a bunch of little kids heading off on a field trip to a turkey farm with the kids all frolicking and giggling with their buddies the turkeys.

But then one little kid spotted an ax and asked what it was for. And then the book turned ominous with this little ditty:

"Tonight," said Mack Nuggett, "These feathery beasts, will be chopped up and roasted for Thanksgiving feasts."

And the little kids freaked out and cried and stole the turkeys and went home to vegetarian meals.

It was definitely a Happy Thanksgiving tale.


So she didn't read it. And I forced her to read another embarrasingly boring Thanksgiving book about thanking nature or some such weirdness.

But it didn't really matter cuz the little kids were all hopped up on chocolate cupcake and frosting by that time and they didn't pay a single bit of attention.

So my advice to you is...take your reading glasses and at least skim the book before you buy it!

Or you might end up with a classroom of hysterical little kids.

Or you might not.

But either way...

I just wanted to share this information with you.


You're welcome!

Happy Thanksgiving.



  1. No good deed goes unpunished! That's even scarier than Little Red Riding Hood.

    Once I told a story to a class of pre-schoolers and was sick for the next two months from what started as a cold I picked up there. They're cute, but they're germy.

    Grandmotherhood is full of perils. (But we learned that from RR Hood, didn't we?!)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Jenny,I got my quilt today and it's wonderful! I love it. In fact, I am sitting underneath it right now. It is beautiful. I will post pictures tomorrow on my blog. I hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving, and thanks again. I am going to keep this on my sofa!

  3. I have a twisted sense of humor and that, is a total crack up! At least you caught it before hand...I probably wouldn't have even looked at it before! Happy Thanksgiving my dear friend...I am blessed to have you!

  4. I have a twisted sense of humor and that, is a total crack up! At least you caught it before hand...I probably wouldn't have even looked at it before! Happy Thanksgiving my dear friend...I am blessed to have you!

  5. ha ha! Gather round kids, it's lesson-learnin' time! Then you can treat them to a screening of Goodfellas.

  6. hilarious - you'd have had some p.o.'d parents for sure LOL :D


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Jenny Matlock