Monday, November 30, 2009

Yea, don't hate me because I have fluffy hair!

OK, look! I rarely have a picture of me taken that doesn't make me cringe and want to hit the little "delete" button on my keyboard...


My very sweet hair-dresser lady (is that what they even call them any more?) gave me a hair tip.

Mainly because I don't have much.

And what I have left has been falling out.

And because my hair usually looks like this. And since this is a full-service blog I want anyone with flat, limp, thin hair to know this great trick.

Cuz I'm all about beautifying America one head at a time.

AND if you are one of those people like me with flat, limp, thin hair you know that it never holds the fluffy! BUT this actually stayed looking good for several hours! wash your hair and put your styling stuff in there and blow it dry and style it like usual.

THEN you spray it with hairspray kind of lightly and break up the hairspray with your fingers.

THEN you put velcro rollers in your totally dry hair and let them sit in there for 30 minutes or so.

THEN you take them out and stand in shock and awe that it actually looks like you have a full head of hair.

Voila! See? Now if she would just come up with a trick to make my six eyelashes look fuller.

I guess I'm just one of those women that is never happy.

Although I was happy with my fluffy hair AND that giant spoonful of stuffing that is heading toward my lips!

But my eyelashes definitely need help!



  1. Your hair is very fluffy! And your smile is beautiful! Stuffing makes me beam like that, too.

  2. You are adorable Jenny! I like the color of your hair and your sweet smile.

  3. You look Fabulous just fabulous Jenny! I have an easier way with my hair. I just let my daughter cut it all off or I wear a bandanna!
    Love Di

  4. Oh Jenny... you never cease to crack me up...

    Your hair is dahling... just dahling!!

  5. Wooohooo hot mama!!! Love the 'do, dahling!!! ;-)

  6. You're beautiful inside and out!

  7. You have more hair than I do ~ no fair! It looks gorgeous & so do you! How's the stuffing? You're making me h-u-n-g-r-y. Will doesn't like the homemade stuff (he says it's not "Stove-Top.") Ewww.

  8. wow, that did the trick. My hair is breaking off a lot in the last year or so. I will have to give it a try.

  9. Oh Jenny...
    Love your hair, it just looks precious. You have a lot more than you think you do, or this trick really makes it fluffy. I have a lot of hair but it is thin, so I am soing to try this.

    My hairdresser cut my hair really short, and it appears to look thicker than it is this way. When it is long, it is straight and stringy. I Love it short for now.

    Your smile is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing today sweet thing. We both have GREAT taste.

    Country hugs and much love..Sherry

  10. Hi Jenny, thank you for visiting my blog...Thanksgiving had me very busy and I am just now getting over to pay you a visit...Your hair hint is good to know. I enjoyed your previous post about writing your congressman! Am anxious to read more of your past posts! Will follow!

  11. I don't know what you're talking about - you always look great!

  12. You look great but we all have our "things" mine is my fingernails. If yous seriously want help with your eyelashes, those eyelash extenders by Jan Marini, procyte, etc. really work. I used to work in a skin center and we sold one that was awesome! They're expensive though!

  13. it is a beautiful picture of you and your hair is beautiful.......I have the opposite problem....

  14. I Love your hair, Mine now ack it is straight as a board, Im serious, I have to use gobs of hair spray after I roll it to get it to last a couple hours lol.

  15. Jenny, I'm new to your blog...discovered it through "Suz" and so glad I did! LOVE your hair story... :-)


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Jenny Matlock