Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday "H"

Good morning class!

You all look bright-eyed and bushy-taled this morning.

I think you are all excited about the letter "H"!

I, too, am enthusiastic about this particular letter. Not only is it Handsome but it is often a very Handy letter as well.

I was sorry to say that one of you, and you know who you are, was sent to the principals office last week for ridiculing my hat.

I was very offended that you did not see that I am a fashion diva...and setting trends all over the world by my stylish and innovative head attire.

Please be certain that you do not use the letter "H" to further ridicule this personal item of my clothing.

Now, with no further Hullaballo, boys and girls, I give you the letter

I look forward to seeing where your imagination takes you this week.

If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.

The McLinkey will be live from 8:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!

And remember.... link back to this post, PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.

Class dismissed.

Please file your letter "H" papers in the McLinkey now, Class.

post signature

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  1. I am so excited about joining in on this week's "H"! I have a few photos to add though! So, it will be more like 7am on Friday that I can get them on my post! (here's the reason why and a "H"int...waiting on my niece from "H"awaii to send those much wanted photos!)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  2. LOL..that was strange...I have never done that before, wasn't sure I did it right but there it is...Cool! (I like the Hat!~ :D

  3. darn! I almost became the first link. I did have to wait until 10 since I am in the Eastern Time zone, not that I know how that works....

    anyway, a short one for me and I think the letter H is much easily than G

  4. H...mmmm
    Hospital? no. too depressing.

    ok...i will close my eyes and hear the the lilting music...

    ah...she has come to me :)

    now, off to visit all the wonderful participants :)

  5. Now do not give me an F until you stop by and see my HAT Post. You will love it.. I think it will make you smile..

    Thanks for hosting.

  6. A comment left on my Theme Thursday entry for their Hat theme lead me to your site. I am always happy to have a new meme to challenge me.

    I will certainly be checking back and hoping to find more enjoyable letters to post about.

  7. Jenny..(teacher)..I have moved your H over to by blog side goes so well with my Harward blog...I hope this makes me a good student! :D

  8. Jenny (Teach)...I have never done this...but I put the name of my post and then I listed the name of my blog ( don't know if I did it wrong or right!!! I have heard from 3 people from there! I'm a late bloomer to the computer and have SO much to learn! :D

  9. I would have posted my H-word much earlier, but I got interrupted a lot. When I finally set up the shot the sun was going down, but this time I got lucky and I caught the last light. Two minutes after I took the photo of the glass hearts, it was already too dark and I would have had to use a flash.

    There are so many good H-words: Heaven, heart, hand, horse, help, harbour, health... So I am really curious about what my "classmates" chose for theirs. I see that someone else chose heart too.
    Best wishes,

    This is not the only meme with H-words that I have done this week. I did "heart(s)" for "abc-Wednesday". I you are curious about those Heart-words, please look at:

  10. Good Morning Ms. Matlock...

    I agree with Dorothy...THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!

    I am off to read some other "H" posts, don't count me absent!!

    Have a great "H" Thursday.

  11. Well Hi there! H is a good letter for me. My Maiden name starts with "H" and I am Happy and Healthy:) Have a great day Dear Jenny!

  12. My HOME Sweet HOME is the HEART of HAPPINESS! HAVE a HAPPY H Day everyone!

  13. My little HAILEY thought your music was HILARIOUS. She is still HUMMING it!

  14. DaHling, I think your Hat looks maaaaHvelous!!! :-)

    Have a Happy Happy Day!!!

  15. Hi Jenny, so nice to be joining for the first time. I was sitting here thinking about the letter H and remembered a recent post I could link. Thanks for hosting this meme.

  16. Happy 'H' Day everyone!


  17. Hi Jenny,

    Sorry I had to enter my link twice - the first time didn't work...

    Fun idea. Love alphabet Thursday.

    Rocky Mountain Woman

  18. I accidentally linked back to this blog in my first link- that's just the kind of day it is.

  19. Hey Mrs. Matlock, I made it to class again...are ya impressed? hahaha. I LOVE this weekly think tank (o:
    Thanks Jenny...


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock