Our kids all have stuff to get rid of and they are all trying to make extra money due to salary cuts, houses not selling, etc. and we have the best garage sale neighborhood in possibly the Universe so...
Instead of donating it all to Goodwill as we have so often done in the past...
A garage sale is happening here on Thursday and Friday.
Here's how we prepare for an event like this at our house.
Once we decide when it's going to be kids start dropping stuff off in boxes. And boxes. And boxes.
And I start going through cupboards thinking of things to get rid of.
And about that time is when the phone calls and conversations start.
Daughter: Mom? Will you be hurt if I sell something you gave me?
Me: No! Will you be hurt if I sell something you gave me?
Daughter: No...ummm....well....what is it?
20 minutes later:
Me: Daughter? You know those plates I have in the cupboard that we bought at that garage sale with the birds on them? Do you want them?
Daughter: Why? Are you going to get rid of them at the garage sale?
Me: Yes...
Daughter: Ohhhh.... well I kind of want them but I don't have any room....
Me: OK, well I'll just keep them then.
20 minutes later:
Mr. Jenny: Ummm.... did you put this in the garage sale pile? (Holding up some hideous plate printed in orange and putrid brown)
Me: Yes.
Mr. Jenny: Well, maybe we should keep it!
Me: Why?
Mr. Jenny: Well, it's sentimental.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Who gave it to you?
Mr. Jenny: I don't know but I've had it a long time so maybe I should keep it.
20 minutes later:
Son: Mom? You know that box of garage sale stuff I dropped off?
Me: Yes?
Son: Well, I put this such-and-such in there and it is brown and about 1/2 " tall and I didn't mean to put it in there so can you get it out and save it for me?
Me: Ummm.... sure. Which box is it in?
Son: I'm not sure...one of them.
By text:
Daughter: Do u have all garage sale stuff out?
Me: Not yet. Why?
Daughter: I want to C what there is.
Me: Oh.
And then there are these conversations when they actually see the boxes of stuff in the garage:
Kid: Mom?!?
Me: WHAT!?!
Kid: Did you see so-and-so is selling such-and-such I gave them.
Me: Why? Did you want it back?
Kid: No, but...
Me: Well, aren't you selling such-and-such so-and-so gave you?
Kid: Yea, but...
Mr. Jenny: Do you know you put all these books in the garage sale pile?
Me: Yes? And?
Mr. Jenny: Well, I might want to read them someday.
Me: You want to read a love story between a mutant and an alien with three eyes from Galaxy 17?
Mr. Jenny: Well, OK, probably not that one...I'll put it back.
Me: Sigh.
And in this pile of mish-mash stuff is some weird things. Things like the grill from an old jeep that I bought at a garage sale thinking Son #2 would like it hanging on his garden wall with vines trailing through it.
Ummm.... not so much.
Things like all the beat up stuff I bought to help the neighbors son at his Eagle Scout garage sale thinking I might someday need 4 sets of fairly hideous old silverware.
Ummm.... not so much.
Things like 43,619 baseball hats, many of which are adorned in support of giant pumpkin growers everywhere! Don't ask! Do you need one?
Ummmm.... not so much?
Things like a 3 1/2 foot tall stack of National Geographics. If you're around my age you might remember looking through them to see naked natives many years ago. I thumbed through a few of them, saw a few naked natives and was it as thrilling?
Ummmm.... no so much!
So I'm heading out to start putting stuff on tables and pricing things.
And sometimes when I actually start getting stuff out of boxes is when the real fun starts!
But I'll tell you about that tomorrow.
I have a date with a sharpie and a roll of blue masking tape!
Happy Sunday!
Been there - did it once and all I can say is GOOD LUCK and report back. lol lol lol
I love going garage sale-ing...but hate having one myself. My family needs to clean out the basement, badly....planning a day to clean it, is almost as bad as planning your yearly exam with the doctor...everyone dreads it! How do we accumulate so much crap?
ReplyDeleteWhen my son was little, he got a subscription for National Geographic from an uncle. We always saved them thinking he could use them for school. I think maybe he used a couple. They kinda traveled from house to house until we ended up back with them. My girlfriend mentioned she could take them to a nursing home a few years back. So that's where they ended up. Good luck with the garage sale.
ReplyDeleteI think you just reminded me why I should make a trip to goodwill this year. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is SO my house during garage sale time. In fact, I need to have one and soon.
ReplyDeleteYou just admitted for me why I used to read National Geographics when I was in elementary school. I thought it was totally fascinating to see naked natives.
Hope you sell tons. Then, if you don't...does it all go back to the rightful owner or do you go back to divvying up again?
My mother is incapable of throwing away anything due to sentimental purposes. She would be appalled if she saw how I heartlessly throw away "precious" heirlooms on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the sale.
oh Jenny...Stephen and I are having a garage sale on Saturday because he has been pestering me forever to have one. He prices things outrageously and I price EVERYTHING at .50 cents or less. Drives him crazy. I keep telling him the point is to GET RID of this stuff!! YIKES...I do not like having garage sales.
ReplyDeleteCracked up at your post. I hope my sisters don't come to my garage sale...hmmm maybe I should go back through the boxes!!! LOL
Perfect description of what happens! I smiled all the ay through.
I love your garage sale conversations! Sounds like the ones we had when this event occurred..
ReplyDeleteHave fun with yours and good luck!
Girl, you make me laugh so hard! I have only had one real garage sale and participated in a couple! I tend to buy stuff from family that I don't think they should sell:) They know I will do that so they put stuff in the sale that nobody else will want... KNOWING I will buy it! Enjoy the sale and not so much the preparation, hehe! HUGS!
ReplyDeleteROFLMBO!! This is why I take things to Goodwill when nobody is looking! LOL
ReplyDeletePerfect example of the behind the scenes action that takes place when prepping to hold a garage sale. LOL
ReplyDeleteLove garage sales. Hate prepping for them. Please take pics to share.
ReplyDeleteThey are a lot of work but if you make money it seems worthwhile. I love it when the 'family' shops their own stuff! Have fun!!
ReplyDeleteWe finally gave up garage sales in favor of just donating stuff to charity or dumping it at the annual bring-all-your-crap-to-the-fairgrounds day. I once made some really touggh decisions about clothes that did have sentimental value but no longer fit...hubby went through it all and put some things in a box that he labeled "Rethink." It was another year before I could get rid of that stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was having a lot of garage sales, the kids were little, so they didn't get to have those lovely comments. But they did get to keep any of the money made off of any of their stuff that was sold, so I guess they were duely compensated, lol. I laughed so hard at this post, I almost fell off my chair!! Keep them coming, you make my day! Cathy
ReplyDeleteExactly what happens at our house!!! Which is why it now all goes to Goodwill under the cover of darkness...!
ReplyDeleteOh Boy!!!!! I get to come to your sale!!!! :) I will be there!!!!! I have vowed NEVER to have a garage sale again...period. My husband wants 20.00 for something and I was 1.00....just like some of your comments above....I cannot deal with it anymore!!!!! See you Thursday! :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute post. I hate having a garage sale and can't here anyway since my grass would get ruined from cars parking on it. I still give it all to Good Will.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness you have your hands full. I have done 2 garage sales and honestly it takes me a week to get it all ready. How do seperate who sells what? That could be quite tedious! Hopefully your just splitting a pot amongst you! Heres a prayer to the Garage Sale Gods that you have ecellent whether and the that the turn out is amazing!
ReplyDeleteI love to go garage saling, but HATE having one of my own. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI always do the Goodwill thing. I'm much too lazy to have a yard sale. It makes my kids so mad because they think we could be rich by having yard sales and selling on ebay. (They're crazy, too.)
ReplyDeleteOk Garage sales are not big here I wish they were. But Car boot sales are very big and I am collecting for one right now hopefully to have in summer. so will let you know maybe you could pop in lol
ReplyDeleteHow funny! I quite having them for some of those same reasons1 We haul it all to the goodwill and get a receipt for taxes and it's done! Come say hi :D
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny! LOL!
Sheila :-)
We just had a garage sale yesterday and for the first time, I think we made out pretty good. Each time we had one, we would put things out and although I wanted to get rid of it, I wouldn't go down on my price. But yesterday was so much different now..yeah It would be nice to make some money this time around for our road trip at the end of the month and after 3 hrs outside, I decided to do the 1/2 price thing, I told my customers I have rolled back my prices like Walmart...got rid of just about everything and made $256.00 in 5 hrs time for tons of small things...I'm glad I rolled back my prices..my husband put like 2 small boxes back in the attic and has tons of room now. Good luck!! I just got sick of seeing the same old stuff not move and now it's gone. Now I can't wait to go and see my Godson in Alabama!
ReplyDeleteLet me know when and where. :))
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason why I don't have a garage sale despite that my husband says I should have one--Even if I don't really know all that I have, I love my stuff!!! I might like yours too, wish I could come!! :-)))
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny...that is why my brothers and sisters decided not to exchange birthday and Christmas presents anymore...we got tired of seeing each others stuff at the garage sale selling for 25 cents!
ReplyDeleteWe've been talking about doing a garage sale for months now. We might actually do it this time. Hope it goes well.
ReplyDeleteI want to have one but i am alone and afraid. Good luck make some
ReplyDeleteMoney... Wish I could come,, Yvonne
Oh you make me smile!!!!! This is what happens here tooo and I could just hear these conversations happening...
ReplyDeleteIs this what is going to happen to me in a few weeks...oh dear maybe I should just head to Goodwill!!!
Very funny - and oh so true! Ain't For City Gals sent me here - I'm your newest follower! Hope you have a grand and profitable garage sale - they are sooo much work!
ReplyDeleteI think I have a pretty good neighborhood for a garage sale...well, I guess it could only be the 2nd best in the universe. I don't really know though. I always think a garage sale sounds like a great idea, right up to the point of actually planning to have one. Sounds like yours is well in hand.
ReplyDeleteHave fun, Miss Jenny!
ReplyDeleteI actually made over $1000 at a garage sale once. Had some great stuff at that one. The rest of the time I have generally found that no one else wants my junk any more than I do!
Hope your sale goes well and you come up with lots of clogging fodder ... and pictures!
Our neighborhood had its very first block long garage sale last summer and I couldn't participate as my son was visiting and it was my husband's 60th birthday ...but this year I'm ready! I've been filling up a big bin all year long with things I don't want any longer. If they don't sell then out to Goodwill they will go!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your sale!
♥ Pat
oh how i wish i were your neighbor...i can't resist a garage sale!
ReplyDeleteHaha!! :D
ReplyDeleteIn England, we tend to sell unwanted stuff through Car Boot Sales, usually on a huge field, car park, sports ground... and often on a Sunday. Loads of junk, with the odd gem tucked away.
I tried to do once, about 30 years ago. Got everything out in the garage, priced, organized and then we had to evacuate for a storm. That stuff is still in the attic, prices attached and I've never attempted another one. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE garage sales...
ReplyDeletecan you wait until I come back to USA?
OK Jenny, Let's hear about the Garage sale . Any luck?? Any weirdo's? yvonne
ReplyDeleteMorning Jenny,
ReplyDeleteOh, that sounds pretty typical,
but so hilarious!! and so true!!
Hope you all did great and made lots of $$$. Everytime we have had one, we usually make enough to spend for take out dinner, since we are so tired after the garage sale!! lol
Not quite that bad, but almost.
The thing I love about having a garage sale is the thrill of being an entrepreneur for the day and talking with all the people, my fave!!
How you had a good one,
You make me laugh so much, I love reading your posts!!
Blessings, Nellie
Garage sales are a lot of work. One time I had one, and the one thing I thought for sure wouldn't sell- a package of underwear- was the first thing that sold. A woman came straight up and bought them, as if that is why she had left the house that morning! You never know.
ReplyDeleteOMG, the National Geographics with the native women with completely saggy boobies. Yep, did that!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear if you make some good money on this garage sale!
But OUR neighborhood is the best garage sale neighborhood ever. We can't have them any time we want though. The whole community has one in November and one in April and there's total gridlock through here on those days!
Justine :o )
This is so funny Jenny and oh can I relate! I need to have a garage sale again but it's just so much darn work! Hope you made scads of cash!
ReplyDeleteLove Di ♥
Ha Ha!!! Hubs and I were just talking about the naked natives in the National Geographic Magazines a few days ago. His parents had a garage sale and his Dad brought out about 400 National Geographics!!! We looked at the natives also, but I guess it was more exciting when were 10.
ReplyDeletehilarious what you have held onto :D
ReplyDeleteLOL I LOVE the convos. Too funny. I hate having garage sales, but the hubby and I have been seriously considering it. I love how you call your hubby Mr. Jenny. I might have to call mine Mr. ham or Mr. Heather! Hee hee - he'll LOVE that! ;-)
ReplyDeleteYeah...good luck with that! I feel your pain...
ReplyDeletehehe okay what I learned from this.. Don't have a yard sale with your family and certainly don't tell them your having one so they don't see you selling things they gave you ;-)
ReplyDeleteWay too funny...
ReplyDeleteKen and I are getting ready for a
garage sale too.
Soooooooooooo much to do!
He looked at the pile in the garage and asked me if I was overwhelmed yet and I said No are you and he said I am.
It will all work out I told him.
Your posts are so fun to read!!
ReplyDeleteGarage sale vs. regifting? HMMMM... the jury is not in but that's so mething I will now ponder, LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou've been quoted!