Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Greed - Saturday Centus

Yes, I know it's Wednesday but don't be confused.

I started a new meme on Saturday centered around a prompt and limited to 100 words. We are all linking up our little stories and it is proving to be quite interesting.

Last Saturday I wrote the prompt but starting this week Mr. Jenny is going to do it because he said I can "cheat" too much when I write it myself.

Not sure how you can "cheat" with something that's total imagination...but .... ummm.... OK.

The bolded words are the prompt this week.

My untied shoelace changed my life. As I leaned down to re-tie it, I kicked away a few leaves. When I turned my head slightly to look where the leaves had been, I was astonished to see a rubber-banded wad of hundred dollar bills nestled in a little indention in the muddy ground.

I watched as the Dillard's sign grew smaller in the side window.

And I remembered that moment, remembered that stupid shoelace, remembered the mud I wiped from my hands onto my jeans after I had stuffed that wad of money into my pocket.

The clerk at Dillard's was pleased with the big sale she rang up for me.

Until she used her magic counterfeit pen on the hundred dollar bills.

Store security had transferred me to a Sherrif's deputy waiting with handcuffs.

"I can explain," I cried.

"Tell it to the judge," was his dispassionate reply.

post signature


  1. Ho my..I always wondered what I would do ...I'm thinking take it to Las Vegas and "clean them up a bit at the slot machines...then go to Dillards!

  2. This is my favorite one, Matlock! A fresh approach and some well-turned phrases combined to make a tale that leaves us wondering, "And then what happened?"

    You get an A+!

  3. Oh my gosh - what a cute AND awful story - both at the same time! lol

  4. Your imagination is gonna wear your brain out:) Have a blessed day... gotta go spend my moolah!

  5. I really LOVE THIS...
    why can't my brain works like yours...LOL
    GREAT CENTUS, Jenny love!

  6. This is perfect. Some found gifts are not gifts at all.

  7. nice story, darn those pens!

    guess blogger comments is working again - it wasn't for awhile

  8. Oh wow!! Fantastically written!! And definitely not what I expected... love it love it. :)

    (Those evil pens! Grr!)

  9. That is a scream! Love it! Mr. Jenny has amazing powers of writing, too, I see. Thanks for the smile!


    Sheila :-)

  10. :) You are SO flippin talented! I can't get over how much I love your stories! SO clever!

  11. My dear Jenny,

    You are such a creative writer so I am TAGGING YOU.. please go to Wordy Wednesday @Tara Miller Writes to write the next 1-3 lines to a story yet told! Once you have done that, please TAG others too. Take care of you! hugs shakira

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. You write so well....I totally placed myself in that story, the way you told it. (Though I'm glad, not for REAL!)

  14. Love it, I'm glad someone else kept the money, even if the outcome was not what they expected

  15. I wish I could write as well as you brilliant. I am really enjoying this new meme

  16. Ah!!! I'm alive!!!
    (You probably didn't notice I was gone, haha. :P )

    Finals and finally being home have kept me from everything but that's no longer the case.
    i am home and happyyy! :D

    this is a cool new meme. hope you can keep it up. :D

  17. Fun! I love the challenge of sculpting so few words into something with punch!

    You are so well suited to that.


  18. Loved how you turned this upside down on its head. Beautifully done and I agree ~ A+

  19. That's an awesome one! I'm still not pleased with mine, but I may just post it anyway...

  20. Now, that one is definitely outta the box!


  21. You are so good at leaving us hanging!!

  22. Ha! That's the kind of luck I would have! Good one!

  23. I knew you'd take this one to a criminal place...

    Okay, not really but it sounds like I'm super smart, right? :)

  24. Simply PERFECT> You are amazing!!!

  25. Jenny - lesson learned - I will always have my OWN counterfeit pen if I ever stumble across a bunch of money in the dirt. I am SO glad you wrote this so I can be forewarned. :)

  26. Dillard's and 'Tell it to the Judge'

    Only you Jenny (o:

    Love it!

  27. Bravo! yours is the only counterfeit that we know of! Hope the judge is a kind hearted one!

  28. I could have sworn I posted a comment on this. Maybe I dreamed it LOL. Anyhow, I don't remember what I said. I'm sure it was something about how wonderful your 100 words or less was. I loved your take on it.


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock