Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ding Dong.... Ding Dong....



Yes, that was me.

Hanging these little flowers on your door for May Day!

Jumping over the porch railing to get away quickly!

Running around the corner, giggling!



Can you call the paramedics now please?

post signature


  1. Aww thank please take care and yes I will call the paramedics....

    Wishing you a day filled with smiles!!! :-)

  2. Thank you for the lovely flowers. While I have no May pole for celebration, all of my muguet (lily-of-the-valley) is blooming so I'll be gathering a bouquet in French tradition.

  3. aww thanks love the flowers on my front door. Glad I know who put them there ;-)

  4. Happy May Day.
    Thank you Jenny for the lovely flowers, I'd send you some muguet but DH dropped the pot of Liy of the Valley whilst unloading groceries yesterday and they are looking a little worse for wear!

  5. Happy May Day to you too Jenny!
    Have a fun day ♥

  6. Thank you for those flowers and sorry about the yuccas:) I am sure that hurt! Happy May day my friend!

  7. Aw, gee, thanks Jenny. I love me some May Day flowers. That 5 foot drop from my deck must have hurt like hell. Help is on the way.

  8. I remember so well doing this on May Day when I was a kid.

    I was surprised a few years ago when I discovered that most of the teachers at my school had never participated in the May Day basket tradition, and didn't even know it existed! So - - - I quickly made some baskets and hung them on their room doors. It was fun. And the next year, one of them left a basket for me!

  9. It's officially my birthday month! Woohoo! Thanks for the flowers!


  10. Jenny....your so sweet...the parmedics or on the way....

  11. Well heck woman, I just checked my front door and you obviously missed my house!

    Justine :o )

  12. ROFLMBO!! You're just too funny! :0)

  13. You are so funny....and sweet! I hope you have a great day!

  14. Oh, I loved doing that when I was a kid....making baskets out of construction paper, filling them with flowers and leaving them on peoples doors. I think I liked the ringing the doorbell and running away best. Thanks for your May Day gift today and I hope you heal fast.

  15. Dare I say, I was laughing at the image of you of jumping over the porch railing. Fortunately I don't have a railing - I know you had a clean get away from mine - it must be another house the paramedics had to pull up to!

  16. I saw these on a blog last night...I didn't even remember it was MAY DAY til then! Thanks for the flowers...I love to leave something at someones door..ding ding it..and hide! So much fun! have a good day and come say hi :D

  17. It's a cold and rainy May 1st here, so that cheery little cone was a sweet surprise! I love the tradition - I remember it from our years living in a German village.
    Now go back into the house and have a cup of tea and calm down - that's enough excitement for one day!

  18. I remember doing this as a kid! Why don't we do this anymore?

    And thanks for the lovely bouquet!

  19. Such a sweet thing to do. Are you OK now???

  20. aww!! I love getting flowers. It's my favorite gift!!

  21. too funny, I posted about the same thing!

  22. happy May Day Jenny!

    I'd love getting a beautiful flower surprise like that on my door!

    ♥ Pat

  23. Sweet! Thanks Jenny have a great day!

  24. We had our May Day activities planned for later this afternoon... I LOVE your door hanger flower holders! We were just going to do little vases, but we may have to copy your idea (is that okay?). :)

  25. If you could only see the mental image I have of you jumping over the porch railing! *laugh

  26. Oh Jenny, I needed a pick-me-up today! And I remember that tradition fondly from my youth in Sweden. Thanks for the bouquet, and for stirring my memories.

  27. Happy May Day to you! I have sweet memories of hanging May Day baskets on neighbors' doors and running away after I rang the doorbell!


  28. That's enough to make Oscar the Grouch smile!


  29. I love that arrangement - so bright and cheerful. sandie

  30. That is adorable. Sorry if my dog nipped at your heel as you ran around the

  31. Jenny, thank you so much for the flowers. Don't worry I couldn't catch you either without calling the paramedics.

  32. Sprain your ankle jumping over or have a heart attack from running away?

  33. Oh Jenny---you are waaaay too funny!
    Thanks for the flowers and right back at YOU!


  34. Thank you, Jenny. At least one person around here is sweet. When I described the May Day Tussie Mussie tradition to my brood, the all looked at me like I was crazy. I began to ask whether they'd been raised in a barn, but then I realize some of them were my own kids . . . oooops.

  35. That's so thoughtful...and that's a pretty, pretty may basket! Happy May Day to you, too, even if it's almost over.

  36. LOL!!!
    Happy May Day!

  37. Love love love the poka dots! Happy May Day to you...just got my lavender in the mail so I am going to work on my rice bags tomorrow! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  38. and a Happy may day to you!

    love the mussy tussy!


  39. Wow - you made it all the way to Washington too, my flowers are perfect. :)

  40. Jenny,
    I just knew it had to be you! Thank you! :)

  41. Loved the flowers, now, right back atcha!

  42. I'm celebrating May Day the old fashioned way- railing against our capitalist overlords, rioting in the streets, lifting up my laboring brothers and sisters.....

    or maybe just ordering a pizza.

  43. NICE!

    Thank you for the flowers. It was a bit of cheer today!

    How did you ever manage to do it in Missouri? :-)

  44. Thank you they are beautiful. You stay off that ankle now. ;)

  45. I loved doing that as a child. Today's kids miss so much don't they?

  46. They are lovely and you're very thoughtful and sweet. We never celebrated May Day, but it seems so old-fashioned and quaint. I love the way Anne of Green Gables fame is always receiving May flowers from one of her children.


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