I turned away from my 90 year old Father to talk to a friend in the waiting crowd.
When I turned back, moments later, I saw only his abandoned walker.
A security guard noticed my confusion…“May I help you, miss? You look puzzled.”
“Mmmm… thank you, I’m just looking for my father. We came in together a moment ago, but he seems to have wandered off.”
I was startled from my search for him when a percussion of horns and drums inspired the quiet crowd into a roar!
The marching bands tread accompanied a rousing version of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
The Memorial Day Parade had started!
My eyes widened when I saw my Father, leading the band proudly, age-spotted hands steadily holding the flagpole displaying our American Flag.
I share with you this quote by Arthur Ashe in honor of Memorial Day. “True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.”

Click here to visit the rest of the cool stories linked to this prompt!
My sister is on vacation in D.C. this week and she told me yesterday that it has been so moving at the Vietnam and WWII memorials. Families have been coming to pay tribute stenciling names as silent tears stream, whole units have reassembled and saluted the wall of names and elderly men in wheelchairs stand to salute the flag.
So glad we have this day to pause and remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Beautiful, Jenny!
Great post Jenny!
happy memorial day!
Great post. We are just getting ready for the parade this morning. Happy Memorial Day.
Wonderful post!!! Happy Memorial Day!!!
Beautiful! Enjoy your day! HUGS!
Touching and very relevant for today. Thank you for sharing this!! :)
I'm so glad you posted this one too. What a great visual.
Well, good morning Jenny...Peace and blessings to you and your family on this fine day...I love the antique card...very nice post...
You're the bestest this week for sure! Love the quote and the picture. Have a peaceful Monday Jenny...and Mr Jenny.
Love this one! Great post! Great way to honor our heroes! Happy Memorial Day!
Love this post. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
Just lovely
thanks for sharing... a beautiful celebration of the day~
Very fitting!
This was great. Very uplifting thing to read on Memorial Day. Good job.
Very nice Jenny and may God bless all of our servicemen and women, past and present. Love Di ♥
Your last sentence made me teary. It's so easy for me to be overwhelmed by the patriotism of those who fight to preserve our freedom....and you got right to the heart of that.
I love your version/story from this prompt.
Such a beautiful quote by A.A. too.
Great job Jenny.
Great story, Jenny! I love the visuals and drama you generate with such few words! How very appropriate for today, too!
Thanks for posting the inspirational story Jenny--you created a wonderful image that is certainly fitting for this weekend.
Oh Jenny! I loved this!! Especially the "age-spotted hands". So beautiful!
Perfect story for today!
I really liked this story. Inspiring.
This one reminds me of my trip to the store on Saturday. I had to pass the grocery store on my way and I saw too very old men sitting out front in full vet gear collecting. I passed by, got a tear in my eye and turned around, drove up to hand a little something out the window...the sun spotted faces of these men that gave so much and still do so...AMEN.
Ok, first you made me laugh. Now I have a tear in my eye. Beautiful Jenny, and what a perfect tribute for Memorial Day. Sorry I was late getting my post up, but we had Cait's graduation bash this weekend and I just got the guests gone and the house back to some semblance of order! Kathy
Great story! I always get misty-eyed when our veterans march by in the parades in our little town.
They don't make them like that any more. Thanks for a well written reminder of what Memorial Day is all about.
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