Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Don’t look now…

…but there’s a third person in blogland!

And I’m very excited because IT’S ME!

Some weeks back I started the process of being a third person. No, this isn’t because I’m going to Weight Watchers. That would actually be the process of losing the third person I’ve been carrying around in the form of excess…ummm…. Jenny.

This was actually the process of learning to write in the third person…because I was asked to submit some articles for a National Blog linking “Local Experts”. It took me awhile to figure out what I was a “Local Expert” in. And after considerable thought I realized I am really an expert in surviving an Empty Nest in Mesa, Arizona .
I had to send in sample articles which were actually a great writing discipline for me. It really stretched my brain to write in a different way. And I actually kind of liked it. So I sent them. Various people there “critiqued” them and then they gave me a green light.

I was impressed because there are all kinds of things you need to do to write for this blog…actual paperwork, background checks, and filling out independent contractor forms because you actually get paid for what you write. Kind of exciting.

So, I’m sharing this with you today for a few reasons. The first is…Click here to GO LOOK!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! I have a bio and a linkback to my personal blog and this makes me feel kinda/sorta like a “real” writer. You can’t tell in my picture but my feet are doing a happy dance.

The second reason I’m sharing this with you is because I know a lot of are looking for writing exposure. I’m not going to tell you this was a piece of cake process because it wasn’t. I am still reading “how to’s” but I like the idea of learning AP style writing and I like the idea of stretching my writing muscles. I’ve been focused on learning how to attribute pictures, use their publishing tools, and discipline my word count. But it’s fun! And it’s different! And there are a lot of learning resources available like tutorials and call-in conference calls! And I like the idea of expanding my horizons.

If you read my page and think this might be something you want to try, e-mail me (jennymatlock at cox dot net) and put “Examiner” in the subject line and I’ll tell you how to submit an application.

I don’t know where this will lead, but for me, writing is a journey and I am all about trying new paths along the way! And thank heavens this particular path is wide enough for a third person to fit beside me.

And in case I wasn’t obvious enough CLICK HERE to read my first article!

Thanks for letting me share my excitement with you!

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  1. Nice job, Jenny! It's always satisfying to take your writing in a new direction...

    (The corn sounds wonderful, by the way. We haven't had any really good ears of it yet...)


  2. Congrats...this sounds fantastic. I am so excited for you! off to read your article!

  3. You don't have to tell me twice. I am on my way there now!

  4. First of all- congratulations!

    Could this be something for me, dare I ask?

    White Spray Paint

  5. Yay you! Nice article. I checked the list of available cities and the closest one to me is 50 miles away. Sure I could've gone with the topic of White Collar Crime Examiner, but I might meet too many people I already know if I did that.

  6. Yea Jenny! Excellent article. You do us proud!

  7. Congrats. I poked around on the site. Some nicely, done and professional articles there. The wheels of my muse are turning with this one. Now, I'm off to read your article.

  8. Wow, how exciting!! Congratulations! Remember us when you get to the big times :)

  9. Jenny, great job on the article! I think we will have watermelon and corn for our dinner tonight. You obviously put in a lot of work to write for another blog as well as your own. Congrats on a job well done.

  10. This is awesome Jenny! I had a couple of articles picked up from another web site last year. It is exciting. Enjoy the journey!
    Love Di ♥

  11. This is awesome Jenny! congrats to you. So, will this be a daily/weekly job for you now???

  12. Awe Jenny, I'm so damn proud of you!!!! Your article was awesome, just like you. I can't wait till you come over so I can give you a big hug!

    Love ya'

  13. Congratulations Jenny - it is so very nice to be able to take your writing in a new direction and in the process take on some new challenges and adventures. How exciting - I'm so pleased for you.

  14. Such a wonderful, well-written piece...way ta go Idaho! Peace and blessings

  15. Yay, Jenny! Fabulous! The article was absolutely perfect. Great tone and pace. Way to go.

    And thanks for being so generous in sharing the things you learn. I will push myself to email you, but if my ostrich side gets in the way, slug me, will ya?

    Again, great work.

  16. Woo Hoo!
    As I said Great job but please don't leave us in blogland!
    I'd cry!!!!!


  17. Oh my friend, I am dancing and swirling around and even singing a bit. I am so happy for you and I can't wait to read your first article! I am going right now... well as soon as I say "Have a blessed day and Hugs"! Now I am going... hehe

  18. Yea for you, Jenny!
    Have fun.
    I'm almost tempted to send you an email ... but, I don't have time for any more writing projects at the moment... maybe in the fall!
    I know you will do a fabulous job!
    Catherine :)

  19. Way to go Jenny! I think you did a great job on your article. If I am ever in Mesa I would look for the watermelon and corn you describe!

  20. I had no doubts you could do WHATEVER you wanted, with your writing!

  21. I hope you get a lot out of it, Jenny! :D

  22. I went and I read. Great job Jenny! You certainly sound like a journalist, but you do that often right here.

  23. Congratulations! So excited for you!
    Can you post a pic of you with your walking sticks on the new site? That would draw readers, I'm sure!
    Off to read the article.

  24. My friend writes for them in Florida! You'll be great! Congrats!

  25. Congratulations Jenny! I went and read, but couldn't comment until now because I was at work earlier - sshhh!
    Great article. Now I'm hungry for corn on the cob :) Kathy

  26. and to think ... I knew you way back when .... j/k you brilliant blogger you ... Congrats to you!

  27. I am so excited for you. What a wonderful new experience! I and many others love your writing so this is a great thing my friend! I'm on my way to read and enjoy!

  28. That is so totally awesome!!! Congratulations!!!!

    This is definitely something I want to try -- I'll e-mail you right away!!


    P.S. I wish I lived in Mesa so I could visit the fruit stand :-) And because I love Arizona!!

  29. Jenny Matlock, way to go!! You are such an awesome writer, I can't wait to read the article, I'll be there in a jiffy!

    Take care!


  30. I almost didn't look because you said not to, but I'm glad I did. You did a wow! job. Congratulations.

  31. That's exciting!

    I sure can see you doing the happy dance, I know I would.

  32. Congrats on your article! I'm so happy I can Squeeee! You are way better than AP and CNN. They're writers are TERRIBLE.

  33. That is great news! Congratulations!!

  34. Don't forget us little people who knew you before you were a big blogger and famous author.....

    Two words for you if you do: Mail bomb.

  35. Congratulations, Jenny! I know many people who write for the Examiner, but all quit after a while.

    Wish you the best of luck!

  36. WooT!!! I am so proud of you and of your progress. To work toward a goal, in a wee bit later time of life. How wonderful and amazing, is that? Very.

    'Cause how many can say they are really doing that? Not many, Hon.

    Gentle hugs on your way...

  37. But we always knew you rocked. Now so does everybody else.

    Our secret is out. You're awesome and I love that you're excited about it. And that we get to share that excitement.

  38. I am SO excited to hear about this! Your article was great, and I really liked the tone of your bio. Well done, Jenny! Best of luck, and don't forget us who knew you before you got famous...

  39. Woohoo! Congratulations! Read the article, made me nostalgic....and now, I want some raw sweet corn! (Did anyone else eat it raw?)


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock