Monday, August 9, 2010

Amazing observation...

I have to share the coolest thing with you all!
It's possible I need to get out more...


Did you realize today is:

8-9-10 !!!!!!!!!! ???????? !!!!!!!!

WAIT! Beautiful Jennifer told me that at 11:12 pm tonight it will be 8-9-10 11:12 so I felt a little bit better about not having a life.


Pat Tillett wrote me that at 13 seconds after 11:12 PM it will be 8-9-10 11:12:13!


Polly wrote me that if we went into nanoseconds it would be 8-9-10 11:12:13:14!

And now I feel a whole lot better because a bunch of people are easily amused to!

Yea, we are all kinds of cool out here in blogland!


And don't even e-mail about what comes after nano-seconds because my head is suspiciously close to exploding as it is now!

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  1. oh my gosh you are cool

  2. didn't realized it at all, & am too sometimes gets easily amuse - even those silly number jokes like:
    -- How do you make 7 even? (Take away the s!)

    -- Why didn’t the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel? (Because it had more cents.)

    -- Why was the number 6 afraid of the number 7? (Because 7 ate 9)

    & yeah, I stole those from some blog

  3. hehehe just think it'll be the same next year on September 10!!!

    Something to look forward too.....LOL

  4. I saw that on someone's blog and thought it was petty cool. Glad you noticed! Kinda funny, huh?

  5. You know what? I didn't realize that, either!! I KNEW today had to be special, though! Cool! Thanks for the heads-up!!

  6. I'm glad someone's paying attention to these details! Thanks Jen:)

  7. I love these kinds of dates. Perhaps you and i should both get out more..... ;)

  8. You are one bright cookie. Nothing gets past you does it? Just kidding I haven't even looked at the date today.

  9. Only here in the US though. In most of the rest of the world today is actually 9-8-10, because they put the day first. Next month it will be 8-9-10 for them! LOL

  10. I wrote it on a patients chart this morning, and got all excited! I love dates like that! (When my birthday was on 9/9/99, I was THRILLED!)

  11. Aren't we all???

    Too cool.


  12. i said the same thing to the grocery
    clerk, who looked at me with a dead
    pan expression, "uh yeah, we figured
    that out about four hours ago."

    i wish it had been you instead. :)

  13. Looks like you are not the only one easily amused...thanks for I can act really smart with Mr. Gates..(not Bill)

  14. Hehe Hubby came home at lunch to tell me! LOL Sometimes its good to get excited about silly things - reminds me not to take everything else too seriously!

  15. hahahaha me and my friend savannah thought of that earlier.
    tonight it will be
    8/9/10 at 11:12:13 PM ;D

  16. What a cool day to have a baby born...or be married...or (like me today) have a blog giveaway!


  17. There's still enough of the day left over here for me to have some fun with this!

  18. Not to brag, but, yes, I did take note of that early this morning. I got a little tired of it after I had written it about a dozen times at work, but then that would have happened no matter what the date was.

  19. I'll have to tell my kids. They are going to be so excited.

  20. and at 12 minutes past 11 it will be: 8/9/10 11:12!

  21. I have been saying 8-9-10 all day! Really cool ;)
    Hugs, Lisa

  22. That is amazing! I am bored too!
    Love Di ♥

  23. I can't even imagine all that, my head is about to explode just from being nearly 66 and full of all the junk it has accumulated all my life.

  24. I didn't know until I went to the Mammogram place and filled out today's date. I got to put 8-9-10 all over 5 papers. Small things just make us happy.

  25. That's pretty cool! I hadn't even noticed today.....Mondays.

  26. I'm so glad I stopped by again. I would have missed it! I'm going to tell Dave right now!

    You probably think I'm kidding, but I'm not!

  27. I hadn't given it a thought...but I'm glad I read this before it was over!

  28. LOL, that is so funny and cool at the same time. :)

  29. Something about summer that makes me not notice these things, but I just love this! How fun.


  30. As I was filling out the paper work for my sons kindergarten (sniffle) registration, I noticed the date. 8-9-10 but didn't think about the 11 12. Very cool indeed. :D

  31. It doesn't work in England. You folk over the other side of the Atlantic write the numerical date backwards! Oh yes you do!! Yesterday, which is the day you were talking about, was the 9.8.10. We've still got the whole 8.9.10 11:12 thing to come (on 8th September '10).

  32. I noticed the 8-9-10 while writing a couple of checks today. Thought it was pretty cool, too. Signed up to be a follower...I work a late shift 3 nights a week, so that is why I'm still up at this weird hour...I don't know why, but I always feel compelled to explain. :)


  33. I'm in the U.K. so I'm also waiting until 08 September to celebrate :-)

    Some others coming up this year:

    10/10/10 10:10:10am

    12/11/10 09:08:07am

  34. I DID realize it was 8-9-10....when I began to write out checks to pay the bills....oy.

  35. Sounds like a really good reason for a little celebration!

  36. Oh my, it's way too hot to get my mind around all those cool numbers!

    What's say, I come back and re-read, in October?


  37. Man, I hate that I'm a day late and a dollar short!!!

  38. and you can have a moment like this for a couple more years...perhaps we should throw a party on 12-13-14? I hope it is not a Friday though...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I completely missed that. Darn! I realized that it was friday the 13th last night at 11:45. Pitiful, hu? But that is super cool about the 8-9-10 11:12:13:14. So funny.


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Jenny Matlock