Is it the back-to-schools and the memories of all the other back-to-schools that make the Down in the Dumps want to live at my house?

Is it that lowering slant of the sun as it turns the afternoon light all buttery and golden that evokes ...

You know what?
I don't know what it is.
But I'm tired of it.
It can leave now.
Because, frankly, I'm getting sick of the Oh Poor Me's which seem to follow closely on the heels of the Down in the Dumps!
And I think Mr. Jenny is sick of them, too.
But that might just be the Oh Poor Me's talking.
I'm not totally sure, but let me give you an example.
"Do you want a latte from the coffee shop on the corner?" Mr. Jenny asked me.

"No, that's OK," I sniffed.
"What's wrong?" he queried patiently.
"I dunno. I just don't want coffee. Life is so meaningless, you know?"
"Hmmm?" he replied quizzically. "Do you want coffee or not?"
"No, that's OK," I say in a weak and pathetic voice, "I don't really deserve life is kind of worthless, you know?"
"Hmmm?" he asks again, "Is that a yes or a no? I'm ready to leave now. Coffee or no coffee?"
"Did you ever realize how quickly time is passing and how quickly the Grands are growing up and weren't our kids just little yesterday and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and..."
"Jenny," he says, much less patiently now, "Do you want a latte or not? I really need to go right now so I can get back in time for a phone call."
"That's OK. Never mind," I say in a pathetic, sad, little whining voice.
And I watch his car pull out of the garage. And come back about 10 minutes later.
And he walks by my office with a single cup of coffee in his hand and I say, "That was fast...where's MY coffee?"
And he kind of smirks at me. "What about your life being meaningless and all that stuff? I thought you said you didn't want coffee? You know you could totally make me crazy here!" he says, very clearly and slowly like he is talking to logic-impaired person.
"WHAT?" I shout. "THAT WAS JUST A TEST TO SEE IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME, which obviously you do not, or you would have gotten me a coffee, too. Just never mind!"
And then he walked back down the hall to the kitchen and came back with a second cup of coffee. For me.
"Just wondering if you really wanted this or not," he stated in a calm and rational voice.
And he then proceeded back to his own office which was a good thing because he barely escaped the death rays my glare was shooting his way.

You know what?
I found a cure for suffering the Down in the Dumps and the Oh Poor Me's.
It is annoyance.
And irritation.
Annoyance and irritation over-rides Down in the Dumps and Oh Poor Me's anyday of the week.
And death rays.
Death rays must somehow release the whole Down in the Dumps and the Oh Poor Me virus from your system.
Because I feel slightly better now.
AND at least he got my coffee order right!
I have to warn you, though. Any "poor guy", or "how does he stand you?" comments are certain to cause the virus to spread your way.
And I wouldn't want you to catch it, because frankly it stinks!
Isn't it totally irritating when they don't let you drown in your miseries and then go and do the right thing so you can't yell at them! Sometimes nice husbands can be such a pain!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou do have to love 'em though!!
I do all my best work when I'm really angry and irritated. But I am loving that today is the first day of school, and I think fall is the best time of the year. Coffee AND Pumpkin Pie!
ReplyDeleteI hate when summer comes to an end and in some ways the end of the summer season. It's as if summer coming to and end marks the beginning of a seasonal sundown syndrome (fall), followed by the season of darkness and cold (winter). And the seasons keep getting faster!
ReplyDeleteGlad you got your coffee. It's one of those stables that keep us balanced.
I've been having the down in the dumps too, but I think I'm blaming it on the fact that it's been RAINING FOR DAAAAAAAAAAAYS and we've had no sunshine and life is starting to look really bleak with no sunshine!!
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh about the coffee thing, because we've had this same conversation in my house (only I don't drink coffee so usually it's my husband asking me if I want some sort of fizzy drink)! Even if I tell him no, he always brings something back because I think I'd react the same way you did if I thought he didn't!
Mr. Jenny is a really smart fella to bring the coffee anyway:) I get those blues too when school starts. The kids grow up way too fast! Enjoy your day my friend! Hope it is a great one for you:) HUGS!
I had the Poor Me's/Down in the Dumps yesterday afternoon/evening. the "I'm bored". How in the world could I be bored? I have way too much to do, yet there I was...feeling useless, nothing to do, needing attention. *sigh*.
ReplyDeleteThe SAD syndrome will be kicking in soon...a couple of months from now. I'm not ready for that yet.
Oh the poor me's and the down in the dumps, when they creep in they have a way of sticking around and spreading to those around you too. Believe me, I know.
ReplyDeleteI believe it's 'the change and ending' that's got me down a little too, even though I love fall and winter. It brings bittersweet memories with it for me...I touched on it in my post yesterday. The starting of school itself just exemplifies changes in our and did they get so old!!! It's bittersweet!
ReplyDeleteyou do have a great guy there....
ReplyDeleteI would leave a comment, but it would be, you know, probably kind of worthless anyway, and I really should be trying to figure out what to do about my meaningless life. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteNow, someone get me a cup of coffee so I can go off to work and find something to get really irritated about.
Oh I think Mr Jenny knows you only too well and knows exactly the right way to deal with things!
ReplyDeleteOnly way out of being down in the dumps is to decide on a new project, get out there and do it. Write that novel you have within you maybe? Get some chickens? Maybe not that :-)
I have a permenant seat on the poor me/death ray see saw ;)
ReplyDeleteGlad to now it's not just me who has those moments
My dearest Jenny,
ReplyDeleteI had the pleasure of a short chit chat with your hubby last week while waiting for you. That guy is crazy in love with you, and I can't tell you how refreshing it was to hear a husband singing his wife's praises in a tone of pure glee. You two are extremely precious to me as examples of what I think true love, true committment and true respect are. You both are very lucky to have each other. Besides, you're way to hyper to let "down in the dumps" or "poor me's" even get near you........LOL
Love ya'
True, true - a really good dose of irritation and annoyance will sweep away the cobwebs of poor me - of course, in my case I sometimes indulge a little longer than I should and things get messy. I'm with you on this, though, Jenny. Mr Jenny and The Great Dane are fortunate men to be married to women with temperaments like Sophia Loren!
ReplyDeleteAnd over coffee too. You always tell it like it happens to all of us.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jenny. Mr. Jenny.
I have heard these are contagious Jenny. I hope you get through it and no one in your home is critically injured by death rays.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I have those moments too! It's genetically handed down from my mother and it makes my husband crazy. But I must say that yours gave me a chuckle, simply to know that there's someone else that knows exactly what that feels like! Thanks Jenny!
ReplyDeleteToo late, I already have the virus...Autumn is my favorite, though, so I think once that kicks in, I'll be feeling slightly better. Big hugs coming your way!
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny! I love how much he knows you. Looks like he passed your "love test."
ReplyDeleteI wish I could pass some of my excitement on to you. I LOVE the fall. Everything about it excites me. October first we watch Ichabod and Mr. Toad with hot cocoa and chocolate donuts. There are three birthdays and one anniversary in this season. I cannot get enough of it. Good luck!
You need to get rid of that scary book on kindergarten. If you do, I'm sure you'll perk up pronto! That thing gave me the willies!
ReplyDeleteI'm the one who's currently on the receiving end of the pity party and death rays. The look aimed my way last night after my sweetie shouted, "HOW MANY HOURS AM I SUPPOSED TO SPEND TRYING TO SEND THIS %*!@+#! EMAIL?" was a doozy. That email? It was for an organization he belongs to and had nothing to do with me. Besides, he's the %*!@+#! techie in this house.
ReplyDeleteWell there ya go Miss Jenny....always, always keep 'em guessin'!
ReplyDeleteI hope ya have a great and marvelous Monday!!!
My husband does this. He'll tell you fall always makes him sad. It's usually around October though and he gets very introspective. I'd tell him about the death rays but I think if I do it makes their powers weaker when I have to use them. So can we keep this to ourselves?
ReplyDeleteI could write this one, only my answer is usually, "I don't care"...followed by "I don't really care about anything". I swear that if I force myself to do it, that "Walk it Out" Wii game is good for pulling me out of "the mood". I do always feel better after, even if it doesn't solve anything.
ReplyDeleteI had them on Saturday afternoon--after a good cry (which I hate to do) and talking to Mr. Ken I felt better and could get back on track.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has those days and each of us has differernt triggers for them.
Mr. Jenny is a good man, I'd keep him but hold on to those death rays though. May need these for the future use.
ReplyDeleteLOL LOL...I have been in the same place, with good reason if you remember. But that has started to clear and I think I get a happily ever after.....kind of....:) Let's do lunch kiddo!
This is me. I live this. I know this. I let myself get into these cycles of boo hoo.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I must run or else I would be seriously, seriously miserable to live with.
You are one lucky lady and your Mr. Jenny is sweet. Most men I know would not have brought that cup of coffee.
ReplyDeleteHope those ole down in the dumps move out and you are doing happy dances very soon. Hugs
Ohhhhhhh that poor, dear man! How does he............
Nahhhhhhhh, I didn't mean that! Really I didn't! Really!
'Cause I've already had "them," what with getting a hellish bladder infection, over the weekend. Seeeee? I don't need any more of those icky feelings, coming at me!
My husband always says to me...I can not read your mind, if you say No...then that is what you are going to get.
ReplyDeleteI can not depend on him when I am having a down in the dumps or pitty party...
Fall does bring that feeling of everything changing or going to sleep and it does bring that feeling of less time being FREE to do what we want...when the weather is warm and so much is happening around us.
Hang in there!
Yep, I know all abvout those Down in the Dumps! Only one more week until school starts and I have a raw deal this year. Don't wanna go back at all! Poor old me :(
ReplyDeleteI've been down in the dumps too, but it happens every August. I'm sick of summer and we still have almost two months left. Meanwhile, I'm reading on some blogs about cooler days, Fall is right around the corner, the leaves will be turning, etc., etc. So, I snapped out of it and decorated my front porch for Fall and now I feel better pretending the days are getting cooler.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure the cause but it certainly seems to have reached pandemic status. I'm certain we'll be seeing our national news doing a story on this soon. Hopefully, they will have a vaccine for it soon. By the way, it sounds like you did a good job of choosing Mr. Jenny!
Put me in the down-in-the-dumps camp, too. This, too, shall pass.
ReplyDeleteAs for your husband, he's lucky . . . and he knows it. ;)
i was hoping those days would pass as i got older .... not yet ... they still come around now and then ... i think it's just part of being a girl!
ReplyDelete"Men, you can't live with them, and you can't shoot them." (except with death rays of course! ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's okay...I get ya. :)
I'm in that camp with you...I having a really blue day today....lots of stuff going on...but I miss my Evan....,my heart is heavy.....I miss him....
ReplyDeleteSo hubby just does not pay attention to a thing I am saying...I have an injured baby bunny in the yard and I am trying to find someone who can help me and Joe just seems to be oblivious to this fact....
Wanna come over and spend the night and have a girl pj party...I could use some girl time!!!
You know you've been married for ___ years when he still gets the coffee, b/c I'm not sure my husband would bring me coffee if I did something like that (which I totally have), lol!
ReplyDeleteI have had that exact same day before!
ReplyDeleteI think you know a secret. It's something like-even when you're drowning in the pity pool with a rope around your neck attached to a huge glob of why/how/what that weighs at least a ton, humor and ire are pretty good at lifting us out and lessening the pull....and it helps that our husbands overlooks us in these times. Whether it's because they know and love us or just plain self preservation, I don't know. And I don't want to know....
ReplyDeleteI seriously think we may be twins! :)
ReplyDeleteSome times you just want to complain and not be rescued!