Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rainbow Summer School - Violet

Scoop. Scoop Matlock here.

I've been working at this rinky-dinky newspaper for ten years now into a six month gig.

I don't know why I'm still here. Apathy, I guess. Or maybe just waiting for a big story to break.

This place is so low on the news totem-pole that their idea of a big story is a dog sitting on the porch of a general store eating licorice.

I'm never going to win a Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism working at this rag but I just keep wishing.

And you know what? Sometimes wishes do come true because this week a vicious crime wave hit our town. It hit us hard.

I stayed up all night writing the perfect headline to be certain that my story would be picked up by the Associated Press. Each word was finely honed to ensure my nomination for the prestigious Pulitzer nomination.

My editor held the presses and I turned my finely-oiled lead story in just as dawn broke.

Yea. It's a rinky-dink paper all tight.

The part-time proofreader must have been attending his English as a second language class. Now my chance of winning anything except a booby prize is shot. When I picked up the first copy of the issue hot off the press, there was my headline blaring away in 48 pt. Helvetica Bold.


The end.

And, BTW, I heard that groan.

This stretch of the imagination was brought to you by the color violet from Rainbow Summer School. If you would like to read more 'normal' links just click here!

And if you want to know what happened to Scoop right after this story broke, just click here!

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  1. why would I want to read more normal links? They aren't nearly as entertaining!

  2. Ah the old dying newspaper! My daughter writes for them too. Worked for the AP. She changed careers and now is thinking of returning to journalism as she misses it so much!
    I think your posts are perfectly normal, just like me! LOL!
    Love Di ♥

  3. Oh, Jenny, darling, your blog far surpasses any newspaper in terms of entertainment and delight.

  4. Fantastic post, Jenny! Violet can do just that..

  5. Oy vey! It's time for me to go bang my head against the wall to erase this shocking piece from my brain.

  6. Your post had the sound of the old "Dragnet" series on TV! Serious monotone voice just relaying the facts.
    Loved it!

  7. No groans here, this was priceless. Unfortunately, my post this week is definitely going to garner groans. It may cost me some followers as well LOL Kat

  8. Wow! What a let down that would be after working so hard on a story and hoping for that Pulitzer. This was great! I am not groaning at all. Loved it! Hugs

  9. I... LOVE... THE... COLOR... VIOLET!

    So there! -grin-

  10. Hey, I'd read any newspaper that has 48pt Helvetica Bold headlines in VIOLET!! :-)

    I'd kinda like to live in a town where a dog on a porch eating licorice is a big news item :-)


  11. I thinki Violet is my favorite color next to Chartreuse and Teal, and right up there with Lipstick Red and Sky Blue .. great Jenny, now I am going to be playing in my crayons all day!

  12. Jenny you are the most entertaining blog on my list! Keep it up!! VIOLET!!!

  13. Jenny I also live in a town like that!

    Alas we are not allowed to print in colour so I don't suppose we can copy your VIOLET headline!

  14. crack me up! Keep up the good work...

  15. Hahahahaha! You reeled me in...hook line and sinker!

  16. I read that whole thing in black and white (like the old tv shows.) It was awesome. And I am still impressed as ever. :)

  17. can i groan again ??? for emphasis??? Jenny, i love your sense of haha ... thanks for the chuckle this morning and well, a whole bunch of other mornings ...

  18. Haha! Another play of words color post! Very creative! You get an A+!

  19. I, for one, would LOVE to hear more about the Violet crime wave. Who is she and why would she do such evil things? Curious minds want to know!

  20. heehee

    I almost did something with "violent" this week.


  21. "...and the violet crimewave was a very grape diaster for our small town!" tee hee

    I'm sure similar mistypes happen in small town newspapers everwhere!

    So sorry to see summer school end - it was fun!

    ♥ Pat

  22. You are nuts! But I love you anyway:) Enjoyed your story!

  23. What a great post! I love the reporter's picture!

  24. Oh LOL!

    I wasn't quite sure what to expect as I read down your post. Not this ending, that's for sure! Nicely done :)

  25. Hi you!! Okay, my tangent this morning is, am I weird that I think plates should be round, just like tires? And I love Winter Frost White because it would be a beautiful way to show off my delicious looking foods! I do like the wine berries pattern and Addie would like the Hearthstone (square and dark) lol!!! Mom and daughter not seeign eye to eye, go figure!! Love you Jenny!!!

  26. Dear Jenny,
    I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I could be that good-for-nothing proof-reader! I make spelling mistakes all the time. The horror of it!
    Anna's Rainbow Violet

    Read my poem for Mrs. Nesbitt, when you have the time:
    Anna's H-word-abcWed

  27. That's how I would probably spell it, so I didn't notice anything wrong. :) Thank God for spell check. I didn't realize how bad my spelling was until spell check would either catch my mistake or not even recognize the word and have no suggestions. You had me laughing.

  28. haha!!! (oh! Of course, I am not laughing at good ole Scoop!) ...Actually, I am wee bit slow here...and I didnt get that VIOLET was supposed to be VioleNt, until I read Anna's comment! So NOW I am my "slowNess" to pick up the error! haha)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    And thank you soooo much for sharing your cousin's awesome cottage of doors :o)

  29. the world needs more characters....I am happy to say that you are one of them!


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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock