Thursday, December 16, 2010

L is for Lemons

The lemons hang fragrant on the tree in our front yard.

The branches are bowed with the weight of the sun-filled fruit.

When the sun comes up and the sky glows pink and peach, the tree is liquid gold poured onto shiny green leaves.

Our neighbors all share in the bounty of the lemon tree. We make pies and lemon bars and lemonade and freeze the rind and juice against the summer when all the luscious fruits whither away in the heat.

And each year at Christmas I gift my friends with boxes of fragrant yellow orbs strewn with red and white peppermint candies...a gift sure to bring a smile to snow and ice-bound loved ones.

In the spirit of the season, I would like to do a little lemon giveaway today for you, my Alphabe-Thursday friends. I will choose several names from those linked to the meme for this week. Please let me know in your comment if you would like to receive lemons. I will draw the names on Saturday and get them mailed out the same day, priority, so you will have them to scent your home with the fragrance of citrus, sunshine from an Arizona friend.

Thanks for visiting my Alphabe-Thursday "L" post.

To visit other L links, just click here.

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  1. Jenny these are beautiful and what a thoughtful gift!!! I sure would love to receive some of these in PA we can only get them @ the grocery :(
    Posting my L now ...

  2. Yes yes yes!
    Lovely and so fragrant. I'd love to win some.
    Happy alphabe-Thursday!

  3. How beautiful! I sure hope we can get some fresh lemons soon! It's been unusually COLD here in Florida! ♥

  4. You truly have a way with words. I've never heard anyone speak so eloquently and Lovingly of Lemons! A Lemon Tree!!!! How Lovely! I'd Love Lemons...Thank-you! And Thank-you for Alphabe-Thrusday....I'm LovingIt!

  5. Happy L Day...your LEMONS are LOVELY! It's hard to imagine these growing outdoors when I look out into my own backyard which is now covered with drifts of Michigan snow!
    Have a happy L Day!

    L is also for LASSIE!!!

  6. We are lucky to have an orange tree here with - ripe oranges!

    Great post for *L*!

    XOXO LOla

  7. Your idea to send lemons is just beautiful. But shipping is too expensive to Sweden. So I will pass on this generous offer.
    Best wishes,

  8. I would love some luscious lemons out here in the cold mountains, but I already won something on one of Jenny's sweet giveaways, so if Mr. Random picks me, he should give someone else a chance!



  9. I love your lemon plant Jenny and wish I could have one here but we don't have the weather for it. It would be ridiculous sending lemons over to London (mind you one would go fabulously in my Crimbo gin and tonic!)
    Please let someone else have it should I be randomed out. :)

  10. I love your post and would love some lemons.

  11. Awwww, lemons must be a breath of sunshine smack in the gray days of winter!

    Dang if we didn't have one of those dreaded Ozark ice storms last night but didn't take the power...woohoo!!!! :o)

    God bless ya and have a grand time with your giveaway!!!

  12. OHH!
    You paint such a picture!! I can smell their wonderful fragrance, see their luscious yellow-ness!
    Once, when driving through Florida in the Spring, the air was fragrant with orange blossoms. Every breath was heaven.
    So,YES! Please include me!

  13. Oh, those lemons look so beautiful, way better than the ones we get in the store here!

    How about if I send you some snow and below freezing temperatures in exchange for some lemons:)

    I would love to be included in the drawing!

  14. Oh, my goodness, who wouldn't want the gift of those glorious lemons. I love lemon squares and lemon drop martinis, made with fresh lemons, are absolutely the BEST.

    Happy holidays.

  15. This is an absolutely wonderful thought, but I won't throw my hat in the ring this time because I have a rather fruitful lemon tree of my own.

    However, I WILL use your idea of putting peppermints in with them in a bowl on my kitchen table.

    Thanks, Jenny!


  16. oh you are so lucky ...i would love to receive lemons but i don't think the border agents will let them cross ... silly border guys ... oh well looking at the photo has been enough to brighten my day ... they look so sunny & happy

  17. Lemons are wonderful fruits, not only to be devoured in many different ways but also useful in the household as in cleaning. Great post!

  18. Yes please. I could use them .

    Thanks Jenny

  19. Hi, Jenny. I love lemons, but I'm afraid I wouldn't get to using them before they went bad, so I'll say thanks for this reminder from my childhood, instead. My Grandfather used to live in Phoenix and I have fond memories of going outside, coats flapping open as my sister and I picked lemons and grapefruit from the trees in the backyard. Those were the days!

  20. Such beauties! We never grew any that pretty when I was growing up. Yes, I would love some of your lemons. Merry Christmas!~Ames

  21. My goodness, could these possibly be transatlantic lemons? I'll live in hope but not in disappointment if nothing transpires!

  22. Who wouldn't love the fragrance of lemons from Arizona; a treasure from the desert to an ice bound land :)

  23. I'm not linked to this alphabet day thing, but I sure do like your lemons Jenny. What a thoughtful gift you give to your friends!

  24. What a generous post for the letter L. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to enjoy luscious lemons!


  25. I could have sworn that I already read this and left a comment. Am I losing it??

  26. I know that I have not posted this time on Alphabe but I miss it and you so I am back. It have been a tough couple of months but I have made an effort to begin posting and I am not going to miss. I adore your lemon trees, I would love to smell those lovely lusious yellow orbs of goodness. I always have fresh lemons and limes in my refrigerator. I use them all the time in cooking! Hubby got me one of those planes so I can get the zest off easier, of course I also get some of my fingers in it too!

  27. Hi Jenny, I'm not in the giveaway because I don't do the Alphabet posts BUT just wanted to say that I LOVE lemon trees! My family in AZ has one and they gift us with lemons. DIVINE. There are so many uses for them.

  28. you are full of the Chrismas spirit Jenny....I'm sure your friends and family are enjoying your lemons...

  29. Jenny, you've just given me an idea for gift giving. We have a lemon tree that produces year-round. Until I met the mama's tree, I always thought lemons produced only in winter. Ha! I like your post and the lovely photos of your lemons.

  30. What a sweet (or sour?) thing to do. Lemons are so wonderful. I like your lemon post!

  31. Wow! Lovely, luscious lemons! That would be awesome. Please count me in. (Wow! How long is the growing season for lemons by you?)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  32. I keep trying to get my hubby to move to AZ or CA so we can have citrus trees. Those look divine!

  33. I am so behind and now I am so disappointed because I missed the lemons. Poo! I love lemon anything. Maybe you should do another one...ha.

  34. How lucky you are! I love homemade lemon son is a lemon freak, and both of my men love lemon in tea. (I'm a milk gal) It tree looks so lovely!
    You are right bright and sunny, and instant smile producer!

    I would love to be a lemon recipient!

    susanscraps AT comcast DOT net


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Jenny Matlock