Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just pour some corn syrup on me, please.

Don't get worried.

This isn't a kinky post. You know I'm all about the PG stuff.


Today I was making this scrumptious recipe for Coconut Cream Cupcakes (recipe tomorrow!) for our daughters birthday, and I got to the part where you make the fresh whipped cream topping.

And since we weren't going to eat it right away, I remembered a little tip about adding 1 teaspoon of corn syrup to each cup of whipping cream before you start beating it to keep it stable longer.


I don't know about you, but January so far has been all kinds of topsy turvy here and I'm feeling kinda/sorta out of balance and things definitely don't feel stable at all...


I'm wondering if pouring corn syrup all over myself would help...


When I asked Mr. Jenny about this he got a strange, hopeful look on his face.

Wonder what that was all about?


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  1. Sorta gives new meaning to "GRAB MY BUTTONS" which happens to be right across from the end of this post.

    Well played, Jenny, well played indeed.

  2. Yummmmm I love corn syrup:) Mostly with my biscuit! Enjoy your day, go calm Mr. Jenny down:) HUGS!

  3. Sounds like Mr. Jenny is hopeful. Maybe he was thinking of caramel popcorn or something.

  4. well, hes a man.. I dont think they can help themselves!
    but oh my goodness! coconut cream cupcakes??? I am never going to lose weight! I'll be looking for that recipe!
    happy wednesday

  5. ROFL!! Let me know how that works out for you! ;0)

  6. Jenny you're a nut and I love it!! Can't wait for the recipe!

  7. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, you know I'm a visual person...........ROFL!!!!

    LOve Ya'

  8. Please try pouring some corn syrup on yourself. As a gracious duty to your Dear Readers of course. >,-) And let us know how it worked.

    I'm a bit off kilter too, so I could use some stabilization as well!

    But I'll let you go first. Don't want to be *accused* of raining-on-your-parade or anything. >,-)

    Hugs & ♥'s...
    'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

  9. Example of... The best phrase, remembered too late. -pout-

    I should have said that I didn't want to be *accused* of "stealing your thunder"!!!

    Oh well, it only took me a few seconds, to come up with it. It could have taken minutes...

    Or hours...

    Or days, even...


    Hugs & ♥'s...
    'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

  10. Oh dear you are in trouble now!!! Mr Jenny may be getting some ideas!!!!

    Those cupcakes sound yummy!!! Can't wait for the recipe!!!

    Thank you for the love you sent to me...I sure need it and you were right there with it!!!

    Love ya girlie!!!

  11. This post made my morning! You crack me up, Jenny!

    I'm now considering pouring corn syrup over my bank account and seeing what happens. Would it keep it from deflating?

  12. Please, pretty please take pics when you do this....and share them!
    Inquiring minds want to know....

  13. January has had the same affect on me! Pass the corn syrup, please.

  14. heehee

    You are a funny, funny girl.


  15. I am snickering over here!

  16. We were getting in bed on Monday night around 10:30, and I asked Rod, "Where's the (item)you bought today?" Oh, no! He forgot! This is horrible! So he got up, put on his clothes, and went to the store. He ran into my BFA Diane in the store, and she wanted to know what he was doing at the store late at hight? Of course he was too embarrassed to tell her. If I had only remembered I had corn syrup!

  17. You are just too funny sweet Jenny! Did you give the corn syrup a go? lol

  18. Jenny I really needed this laugh today! Thanks and hey give it a try, Mr Jenny might make your cupcakes very happy!

  19. If this works, please let me know so that I can try it too!


  20. I just bought two bottles the other day...I might have to try it, sometimes you just get desperate!

  21. Pour corn syrup over yourself, then roll your body in sprinkles...that would be such a pretty "gift" for Mr. Jenny!

  22. You, my dear, are such a hoot! LOL! Loved this. But yeah, pour it on there and see...


    Sheila :-)

  23. I can't get de-stuck from your title choice. You know Corn Syrup makes you sticky. You like to be sticky do ya? LOL

  24. Lol, LOL, LOl, Jenny, you crack me up! I hope you can get yourself unstuck because I'm REALLY looking forward to the recipe :)

  25. I inhaled my pizza into my lungs on this one. You're dangerously funny!

  26. Pour some on me....heck, pour a ton of tar over me.....that's how I've been feeling these days! BOO HOO. Off to have my own pity party.

    Make sure you eat all that yummy goo, girly.

  27. Lol...too funny. It seems to be that kind of month all of blogland. Another tip for stablizing whipped cream is a little product called Whip-it. It is a Dr.Oeketer product, whether you can get that in the states I don't know, but it's great. I have had a can in my cupboard forever...may have to pass it down to the kids, you don't need much. That's the industrial size, lol, but you can get it in the grocery store for in small packets.

  28. Our poor men.
    Many hopeful looks have crossed The Agronomist's face only to be dashed by the "Not on your life" look on my face...Cheryl's comment made me laugh out loud!
    Who knew this was "that" kind of blog : )

  29. :)
    The thought of corn syrup on my skin/hair gives me the heebie jeebies.
    Can't wait to see the finished product!!!

  30. When I read the title, I immediately thought of Def Leopard. I love that band. And while corn syrup may not fix your month, it could certainly create some *ahem* interesting memories! :)

  31. Coconut Cream Pie is one of my favorites so I'm sure I would love these cupcakes. I look forward to your recipe.

  32. Well he did buy you that nice lap top and all....

    Coconut cream cupcakes!! I can't think of anything that sounds more wonderful.. and to top it off with fresh whipped topping. Your daughter is a lucky girl!

  33. LOL Thanks for the giggle hun....I wonder how straight up corn syrup tastes though.....

  34. I am so glad I did not have coffee in my mouth right then...then again that would have taken care of my mac problem.


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Jenny Matlock