Monday, March 7, 2011

Can you do me a little favor? Everything depended upon...

...this single card.

This was the prompt from Saturday Centus this week.

I originally wrote another story for the prompt, but something kept going through my mind about a blog friend's son and I decided to change my little story to ask you a favor, instead.

Some of you might already know Betty at Daydream’n World. Her beloved son, Reid, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lympoma in 2009 and since then has undergone treatment after debilitating treatment.

Betty has fought beside her son every step of the way, giving him love and comfort, offering her prayers and her heart.

Reid has been given hope for the future in the form of stem cell transplant scheduled for March 11 and I’m hoping you can help lift him up during this difficult time. I can’t tell you that everything depended upon this single card, but I can tell you giving comfort and joy to such a heroic man would be a wonderful thing to do.

If you can take a moment and send a card or a note to Reid in the next few days it would be greatly appreciated. And if you can share this request on your blog so that Reid receives even more cards that would be even more of a blessing.

Thank you.

Reid Martin
c/o MD Anderson Cancer Center
Room 1741
1515 Holcombe Boulevard
Houston, TX 77030

post signature


  1. You're a lovely lady Jenny ... and it would be a pleasure to, thoughts and love sent is an important and powerful healer x

  2. Oh have such a Heart of Gold and I would love to send a card and pass along this information!!!!

    Prayers for this family are going up!!!

    Love you sweet friend and have a great week!!!

  3. Thank you for posting. Very happy to send a card and prayers.

  4. I will be happy to send this brave young man a card and pray for him! Thanks for sharing his story!

    HUGS to you Sweet Jenny!

  5. Will do, Jenny! Unexpected cards do so much to lift our spirit...a few have come to our home through you! You are a Giver!

  6. It's on my sidebar Jenny and I'll get a card out today. My prayers are with him and his family.

  7. Wishing him the best and a card will be on the way.

  8. It's so touching.
    All the best,

  9. I'm on it. A card will be going out this afternoon.

  10. Sending a card chocked full of encouragement and will include him in my prayers too. There's wonderful power in prayer! My husband is living proof!~Ames

  11. Jenny this is a beautiful gesture and I would be very happy to send a card to Reid! I have had him and Betty and her family in my prayers sicne I first learned of his battle with cancer. They are very inspirational. I know Reid will win this fight!

    I returned from Sydney, Australia this weekend and today I picked my Scentsy winner -- comment #8 was chosen by the -- which was YOU!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I'll be sending an e-mail to you with my Scentsy rep's name and phone number and web site so you can chose your warmer and two wax scents and they will be shipped directly to you. She will send the bill to me :)
    I know you'll enjoy them!

  12. I'm on it! What a great thing to do for someone Jenny...

  13. I most certainly will do this today. With Beth here, I have sort of been out of pocket, but she left this morning with Rod to drive back to New Orleans.

  14. Will do, Jenny! The moment I saw this picture, I flashed back to last summer when my oldest son had a burst appendix while in England! What a scary time that was. I'm jotting down the address for the card right this minute!

  15. Jenny, consider it done! I will be honored to send a card and keep him in my prayers!

  16. done! what a beautiful idea jenny.

  17. Sent mine out today!! And we are so blessed to have you in our lives!!!

  18. It's just like you, Jenny, in spite of your own problems with your jaw, to think of others. I will send along a card to Reid.

    I hope you are healed and out of pain before long.


  19. How sweet of you Jenny. I hope and pray that this new stem cell treatment works for him. I will also send a card along to show support.

  20. Hope he gets better and the em transplant is successful and effective....

  21. I recognized that photo right away ... I miss Betty and her dolls on Alphabe-Thursday ... she is such a wonderful woman!

  22. Will do Jenny. And thank you for doing this. I can't imagine what this family is going through. I noticed that the date for his procedure is my favorite brother's birthday (ok, so he's my only brother). But I'm going to take that as a good sign! Hugs, Kat

  23. very sweet and thoughtful of you to want to do this for him. to give him comfort and some joy. i will keep him in my prayers.

  24. What a wonderful thing to do, but I am not surprised at all that you sweet Jenny are doing such a beautiful thing. I will get a card off to him and post on my site. Hugs

  25. Jenny, you are one of the most charitable and kind and loving people I have ever met. You are amazing. I will get a card sent over to her as soon as I can. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

  26. Consider it done! My nephew is a survivor of acute lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He was saved by a bone marrow transplant. It's been nearly 20 years now. Amazing!

    I will pray for the same for your friend's son.


  27. What a prayer warrior you are! I will be glad to send a card, and will lift up the family starting today! I've witnessed many miracles from prayers and will be more than happy to offer mine!

  28. God bless hi ! We have a friend going through a similar just feel so devastated but the power of love and prayers is great !

  29. Mumsy sent me and yes I will. I am a cancer survivor also and know a little caring goes a long way.

  30. Will pick up a card tomorrow.

  31. are such a sweetheart. You've got me crying. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    What Jenny hasn't told you is that she's been sending cards regularly and added Reid's name to a prayer group. Her thoughtfulness has meant a lot to me during this difficult time. I can't thank her enough!

    Thank you everyone!

  32. I've got some of my wonderful followers on it, Jenny, and will send one out asap. Thanks for this posting.

  33. Abosolutely Jenny! It's a nice thing for you to ask and a card and prayers are going his way!

  34. Jenny, I will be more than happy to send a card out tomorrow. I know when I was sick it made me feel better just knowing that others were thinking of me. Thanks for sharing. Warm Wishes, CindyLew

  35. I am writing Reid a letter. Thank you for helping him via your blog. What a sweet thing to do!

  36. Absolutely, Jenny, I will send a card...and prayers too!!!

  37. Sending a card and prayers for Reid!

  38. Jenny, you are so kind. I will send a card. My husband was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma about 7 years ago so I know a little about this. At least he is in a great place for medical care. We heard a lot about MD Anderson when Mark was going through his treatment!

  39. missed this originally. thanks for linking it up to your alpha post. will put something in the mail today. :]

  40. Thank you for sharing this again...I also missed your original post for this. I will be sending him a card. Definitely a wonderful idea...we appreciated the support of others when our son was in the hospital for long periods of time during the chemo. I didnt have a blog back then, but we did have a Caring bridge page, and from message left there, it was a blessing to read the encouragements and support.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  41. I am a bit late with knowing this about Reid. My prayers go out to both of them until he has recovered. This is a serious illness. I will send a note asap.
    You are a dear for putting this on your blog.
    Blessings to you and yours,


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock