Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alphabet Soup


She made Alphabet Soup for supper tonight,

I’m just a dumb kid, but it doesn’t seem right,

It gives me the squiggles, it gives me the quease,

To eat all the A's and the B’s and C’s.

She says, “Oh what fun! You can eat what you spell!"

But when I spell the word liver, I don’t feel very well,

My brother spelled puke and then gobbled it quickly

My sister spelled spinach and and made me feel sickly.

I tell ya, Alphabet Soup makes me just want to flee.

I’ll go to bed hungry, May I be excused please?

This silly little poem is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Alphabet Soup. To read the other entries, just click here.

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  1. Adorable, funny and very well written. You're endlessly entertaining, Matlock!

  2. That is just too cute. Now I feel badly that in all my 71 years, I have never had alphabet soup. Must correct that.

  3. You are just so good at this!....but then it's your party and we all look to you for inspiration (how's that for playing up to the teacher?)

  4. She needs to get them to spell words that are more fun!

  5. Very cute poem and perfect for this week.

  6. That was too funny. My brothers and I used to spell bad words and funny things too.

  7. Giggling here...I so remember those days...The awful words that would be made!!!

    Love ya girlie....a visit to your Blog makes my day so much better!!!

  8. they need to put more vowels in those cans of soup :D
    sometimes we just want to make bigger words :D

  9. That is the cutest poem ever!!!!
    You are so clever. :)

  10. Too funny! My kids love eating bunny-shaped pasta, but every time they ask to "eat bunnies for supper" I can't help but cringe!

  11. I think the pic is sweeter that the poem! I'm a pushover for grands!!~Ames
    P.S. Jenny I don't know how to create a link to my giveaway here. Perhaps you can give me a mini tutorial.~Ames

  12. I just figure out how you put ABC in the spoon ! Was the table very dirty ?

  13. Well I like crackers in my soup :D

  14. awe, that was just so cute Jenny ... and yes, you can be excused!

  15. love it!! and that cute little face at the end!

  16. Love it! You sure are good with words Jenny. :)

  17. I love it... we used to always see who could spell the grossest words with ours. Wait, is grossest a word??? LOL

  18. You never cease to amaze me! *giggle

  19. You are naughty, and I love it!


    Sheila :-)

  20. This is just too darn stinkin' cute girl and it makes me want some alphabet soup!!!

    I used to love to make words with it and Mama would get so agitated that I was 'playin' with it and not snarffin' it down!

    Have a fun day sweetie filled with many blessings!!! :o)

  21. I love alphabet soup. Only the letters are so soggy and warped I am not sure I can even decipher the letter. But yummy still the same.
    Love your little ditty!

  22. So cute!

    I miss alphabet soup. (:

    I plan on reading a ton of blogs tonight and some this weekend to catch up! Sorry for being obsolete!

  23. Oh, how fun! That puke one really does sound like a little boy!


  24. Very cute Jenny, and while I loved it as a kid, I don't think it tastes the same anymore or something because my kids don't like it at all!

  25. It's a very cute poem, and like Terra, I couldn't eat it now either..

  26. Thanks so much for visiting me. I don't know how you do it. I just can't keep up with all of the blogging. Is there a secret to it?

  27. This could only come from YOUR mouth:) You're so fun!


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Jenny Matlock