Thursday, June 9, 2011

H is for Happiness

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Denis Waitley

This quotation was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter "H". To see other H links, just click here.

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  1. I always appreciate a good quote and I sometimes steal a good quote...
    Happy H to you. Hope all is well.

  2. So true! Have a happy day, Jenny!

  3. This is a wonderful reminder that we are responsible for our own happiness. It a great destination!


  4. Happiness depends so much on how we look at life each day. I choose to be happy - life is too short to go around looking for gloom. I keep ahead of it!

  5. O' yeah! motto:keep a smile on your face,and always look ahead!

    HAPPINESS!! is too short not to desire happiness every second of the day.

    Our bloggy buddies makes us happy! And you "teacher" "host" are a treasure!

  6. Aaahhh, that is so true. I'm just happy we are finally getting sunny days.

  7. Your H post is a little sunnier than mine! I wrote about hate! LOL

  8. Denis said a mouthful right there.

    Thanks, Jenny!


  9. Happiness here, big smiles:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  10. Dynamic quote! Today I am happy for the simple blessing of working in my gardens with a high temperature now of 52 - exactly 40 degrees cooler than yesterday!

  11. The power of now is an awesome thing.

  12. Wonderful quote! I think I need to post that in my guest bathroom...maybe the kids' bath as well...heck I'll just post in the kitchen for all of us. :) Have a happy day!

  13. We had tough morning. I am hoping for happiness this afternoon.

  14. I needed this little reminder today. Happy Thursday to you!

  15. True! True. Oh so true.
    And now, Missy, why does your state insist on making my home smell like campfire?
    I figured, what the hey, so we are having s'mores tonight. I am praying for a quick-er end.

  16. What a great quote, and so very true! It can turn your life around in a heartbeat!

    Well done!

  17. I love that quote! Perfect H word!

  18. So, so true. We make our own happiness. Have a wonderful rest of the week! GO get some more corn and cook all the ears!

  19. This was such a cool post! I loved the simplicity of it and yet it said so much! Enjoy the weekend! Anne

  20. Hi Jenny,
    Been awhile!! lol
    I think that is a great quote, I also think happpiness comes from being grateful for all we have and focusing on what we do have, not what we don't have, and not comparing ourselves to others, or being jealous of what someone else has. We need to rejoice with those that rejoice and
    mourn with those that are mourning.
    I think most people do well with the mourning with the mourning, it is the rejoicing with the rejoicing that causes trouble. lol
    Hard to be happy for someone that has something we want, but we must learn how, that is part of the living with love!!
    Hope you are doing well hon,
    blessings, Nellie

  21. Only a man could write "living every minute with love, grace and gratitude" when he is cleaning the floors, dusting, laundry and taking care of sick kids and husband.(with grace !)lol !

  22. Happiness is very much an act of will. Sometimes, you just have to decide to be happy in spite of everything which is going on (and sometimes, that can be pretty near impossible for a while).

  23. What a great happiness quote :) Hope you are having a day full of happiness!

  24. I just LOVE this! I am printing it out and hanging it on the board on the wall inf ront of me right now! Sandy

  25. If I pay your airfare round trip and Stu cooks for you, will you come visit and paint a dry sink for me? Oh my gosh and HOLY COW! You are so talented!!! I love them both.

    And I'm completely serious about flying you out here...for painting and for laughing.....and the Atlantic ocean.....and stuff...

  26. I love this Jenny. Wishing you much happiness today and always.

  27. Great quote - a happy weekend to you!

    XOXO Lola:)

  28. H is for happiness, and it's a good one. Have a great weekend, Jenny!

  29. What a fantastic quote. I try so hard to teach this to my boys. I hope they are hearing me. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog this week, and I'm glad you found my giveaways! Good luck!

  30. Oh yes!
    And I would add to it that not only is it an experience, it must be practiced.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my H post!


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Jenny Matlock