Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good help is hard to find...

Holy Criminy. This was hard! 25 words is not very darned many to write a little story with. But here's my attempt. The prompt is used three times and bolded (so I only counted it as five words...I don't think that's cheating and I'm comfortable with the fact that the story was told in exactly 25 additional words!)

To read other Saturday Centus offerings, just click here.


She yelled, “I’m not getting any younger” even though I hurried.

Then she screamed, “I’m not getting any younger”, when her coffee wasn’t hot enough.

I thought, “I’m not getting any younger”, as I ignored her buzzer and call light.

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  1. Wow, how did you write such a story in such a short amount of words? Amazing!!!


  2. love this. Your boss sounds like my hubby Never happy

  3. Hmmm! I think I know that woman!!!!

  4. Ooooohhhh, this was like finding a great bargain on a limited budget. Good job!

  5. I ain't gettin coffee for my boss, but I sure as hell can hear him uttering those words soon to me :P and the reply too :D

    Lovely Centus!

  6. I think I'm at the age now where I could be the one screaming...but when I was younger, I was the one who thought that.

    Don't you think I deserve the hot coffee now?

    Great job!

  7. This is so clever!

  8. Excellent Jenny and perfect for the prompt...made me laugh...I think know that woman too !

  9. I feel like I have been on both sides of this story, Jenny! Good one you hammered out here. Hope you are cool in the West...stinking hot in Midwest!!!

  10. Isn't it Sunday??? I feel like I'm at work:@)

  11. first of all you're the boss so you can do whatever you like.

    I loved it. I bet there are patients like that everywhere.

  12. Where's the arsenic when you need it? :)

  13. ohhh. that was good. very very.

  14. This a complete story in 25 words. You rocked it!


  15. Patience is a virtue...have you seen the movie Bad Bosses? Well done...Peace and blessings

  16. Very crafty of you to use the prompt three times! That makes the writer's angst very palpable. Great!


  17. I can "hear" the sarcasm in her voice! Great job!

  18. Dear Jenny,

    This is simply brilliant!

    What a well-crafted story with only 25 additional words. Impressive. Really. Good use of the prompt. Clever of you to repeat it!

    And yes, alas, I too have worked with people like that. (Sounds a little bit like my ex too!)

    Best wishes,
    Books are heavy-Anna's SC wk 63

  19. oh dear i can picture that stressful time. you just cant please some people can you. age is against us all isnt it huff sigh ...

    and i like how you used the prompt 3 times too. get you mrs matlock ;-)

    My Centus


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Jenny Matlock