Sunday, July 31, 2011

You say carrots...I say ...winner, winner!

Sometimes I have no idea why I actually write what pops into my head.

It's an affliction I tell ya.


Mr. Random Integer and I had a brief fling moments ago and this is what he whispered in my ear...

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 48
Result: 24
July 31, 2011 8:28 AM
(which is a big, fat lie because it's really 5:28 PM!)

And the comment that corresonds with comment 24 is:

Rocky Mountain Woman said...
I love the grapevine wall hangings! Very cool and rustic, they would look great in my house...

Sooo... Miss RMW! Send me an e-mail and we'll get your prize all figured out. jennymatlock at cox dot net


And Happy Carroting!

Thanks for playing everyone.

post signature


  1. Congratulations to #24 :o) Miss RMW is a sweetheart! (Now, better be sure to keep these carrots from your sweet horses :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  2. Nibble, nibble, crunch:) A snowman poem about the carrot nose! Congrats to the winner! Lucky, lucky WINNER!!!!!

    Have a blessed evening, HUGS!

  3. Congratulation to RMW..The carrots look great for snack!

  4. I'm happy for RMW. She is one of my favorites of the people who frequent your blog!


  5. Good for you RMW...enjoy !!!

  6. Congrats to the winner for the cute prize. Lots of wild rabbits and horses around here that probably wouldn't respect it as a work of art!!

  7. Woo Hoo - RMW is one of my favorites, so congrats to her!

  8. Rocky is one lucky lady! And Ms. Jenny is one generous gal!


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock