Friday, August 26, 2011

Three girls in a bathroom...


Wednesday was an 'early out' day from school.

I picked up the Grandlittles and headed to my parents to visit for a bit.

Apparently the visit went on for too long...

...because...all three girls disappeared into the bathroom, giggling.

The oldest popped out once to rummage in a little cabinet that my Mom keeps stationary supplies in.

"Don't come into the bathroom!" she cautioned all of us.

"Julia? Are you getting into trouble in there?"

"No, Grandma, we're just doing something."


More giggling.

More giggling.

And finally Julia returned to the living room to announce, "Close your eyes everyone. I have a surprise for you!"

Moments later we could hear some crazy laughter going on.

All three of them cautioned, "Don't peek! Don't peek!"

Finally Julia told us to open our eyes...


...we saw this...

"Ladies and gentlemen," Julia announced, "I give you...Cotton Ball Girl AND The Tissue Queen."

My parents and I looked at each other in astonishment.

"Julia? How did you stick that to their faces?"

"I got a glue stick out of a Great-Grandmas drawer! Isn't it funny?"

It was funny...

After my Mom leaped up to be sure they hadn't used the permanent glue stick!

What silly girls.

We laughed and admired Cotton Ball Girl and The Tissue Queen and then headed home.

I kept telling Morgan (aka The Tissue Queen) that I needed to blow my nose. I think she rolled her eyes at me, but I'm not totally sure.

And every time I looked at Riley (aka Cotton Ball Girl) I just had to crack up.

Before the garage door had even come down, the two younger girls made a bee-line for Grandpa, who hunted me down immediately. "Is that going to come off? What are they doing?"

"Geez, Grandpa. Keep up! Don't you recognize Cotton Ball Girl and The Tissue Queen when you see them?"

He laughed and took a bunch of pictures of the big transformation.

The Tissue Queen was a bit easier to dismantle then Cotton Ball Girl.

Fortunately we all went swimming after that and all the little bits of glue were dissolved.

While we were swimming I asked Julia, "Well, why didn't you get 'decorated' too?"

"Are you crazy, Grandma! Do you think I would let those two stick things on my face with a glue stick?"


Okay, I've missed them.

Just a teensy bit.

And I'm still laughing over their silly antics.

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  1. Just too, too funny! And Julia is one wise grandlittle!

  2. Kids come up with the best ideas! Glad you had a nice afternoon with them.

  3. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you wish they'd had glue sticks when we were little?????

  4. How funny! They are so creative!

    I can't stand the feeling of glue stick residue on my hands, I can't even imagine what it feels like on your face! I'm so glad that it all came off.

  5. isn't it wonderful how their imaginations take them away!!!
    who knew you could become a queen with just a tissue!!!
    happy happy joy joy joy :D

  6. Gee - grandkids are so much fun. I'm sure their parents were, but not nearly as much.

  7. They are very cute! Keep you on your toes! xo,

  8. They must get their wonderful imagination abilities from you, Jenny!

  9. Wow!!

    Your kids are awesome!! This is so much fun!! Laughed out loud after long long time!!

    Thanks for sharing
    Another Author

  10. I cannot see my kids doing that. lol. They hate getting sticky stuff on them!

  11. Julia missed out on such fun I can't think who she would be, but there has to be a fun character left.

  12. Isn't it great that as g'parents we can laugh at their creativity. I probably wouldn't have when I was younger. If you want to see real trouble -- throw a boy into the mix. Jan

  13. Awwww, the innocence of a child....and the antics of girls! I'm still in a giggle:) Thanks for reminding me how fun they can be:)

  14. OH how funny! Those girls were really being creative:) Enjoy your day dear Jenny! HUGS!

  15. OMG this made my morning!! These girls are too funny and then what Julia said just topped it off!


  16. Sara and I are laughing our butts off! I needed to lose a few pounds....thanks for sharing!

  17. OMGosh, those imaginative little sweethearts...I love it.

    Reminds me of the antics and sillies we used to pull on my Nana. One time we used shaving cream, another time peanut butter...Nana was not impressed at first, but then laughed with us after the astonishment and surprise passed...we still laugh about it to this day !

  18. I have a big ole smile on my face from this. I remember my girls doing silly things like this! Your Grands have the best imaginations! So cute also...I know you miss them but look at all the fun you still get to have!

  19. Oh my - those two are definitely a chip off the Jenny block! Thanks for the early morning laugh!

  20. Too cute, and probably not the last time Julia will be dressing up her little sisters in one way or another.

  21. Oh my! lol...They are loving life haha. How did they even think of that?! So fun to see their silly creativity. Their names cracked me up. :D

  22. That is too funny! I totally thought they used some permanent glue or something so whew! I like that last pic the best, with cotton ball girl being dismantled & evidence of her alter being left behind. Good thing there was swimming to take care of that!

  23. Sounds like a silly, wonderful day together! Hm...creativity abounds! Dontcha wonder what other things they have in store? :o) I love that your mom also lives near by so that you all are able to spend time together! What fun!

    Yay for a bit of swimming time to help transform them back into their former cutie-patootie selves :o)
    Was Julia helping in their transformations into Cotton Ball Girl and Tissue Queen?

    Blessings & Aloha!

  24. Good to know that should I ever need to look like a curmudgeon
    with a hairy face, all I have to do is glue some cotton balls on then pull them off.

  25. Hilarious!! My little granddaughter hasn't gotten into the glue sticks (at least not on herself!) but I expect that she will any day now!

    I've been checking out your Alphabe-Thursday and I think I'll join in! (Gonna join as Magnolia's Attic too which is my vintage blog -- the alphabet may jump over there too!)

  26. Thank goodness that wasn't permanent glue!

    *Big smile*

  27. What fun (and oh, so funny!) girls. You are one lucky grandma!


  28. That is just too cute! Two of my grandsons taped the other gson to a light post last year...Aren't gkids grand?!

  29. Hahahaha! This makes me laugh outloud! Can't decide if I should show it to the kids or not....

  30. I know three little girls who take after their Grandma!!!!!!

    Have a super weekend!


  31. That is so funny. I love what kids come up with. and their laughter.

  32. So much creative energy! They really are cuties!


  33. I'm with Julia - lots of fun helping the others :)

  34. Its always so much fun to read your blog !! :)

  35. Kids....aren't they and their imaginations wonderful! I'm smiling real big just looking at their silliness.

  36. Oh my gosh...that is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time. I love those girls!

  37. Oh how funny! You never know what children will come up with. What surprises me is that I laugh at the grandchildren's escapades. If my children had done the same thing, I would have probably punished them! laurie

  38. They get their imagination from their Grandma, don't they?? And aren't cotton balls a wonderful invention???

  39. oh my gosh!!! this is completely wonderful, what a great story this will make years and years from now! oh those littles of yours are sure a lot of fun!


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