Really I am.
I'm just sittng around trying to distract myself from the fact that I have no little kids to watch this week.
Our son and daughter-in-law are taking the girls to the first day of school without us.
I know.
It's wrong, I tell ya.
I can't get to see them walking up to their classrooms.
I don't get to see little Mo wearing her twirly dress...
Or Riley proudly carrying her fuzzy zebra backpack...
Or Julia going confidently to the 4th grade hallway...
I am left to sit here and feel sad.
Really, really sad.
And to look at last years first day of school pictures.

...which is also depressing from the standpoint that I have gained 35 pounds since this time last year!
I think it might be a good idea to distract myself.
I could sing...'s no fun without my Grandlittles.
I could dance...'s no fun without my Grandlittles.
I could slide down the hallway... way.
Instead I shall distract myself by wondering deeply and profoundly about something I have often wondered about.
Yes, I'm wondering about stairs.
And not just any stairs...
Those long, curvy stairs that movie stars and the judges on American Idol walk down...
How do they do that?
Aren't they afraid they will fall?
There are no hand rails.
I bet you've noticed this, too.
They walk down those long curving stairs that have no hand rails wearing 8" platform heels and THEY NEVER FREAKIN' FALL!!!!
What is up with that?
How can they manage?
Okay, never mind.
My distracting idea worked only for a brief second.
I don't care about the stairs.
Really I don't.
Did I mention my Grandlittles all started school today?
I love those photos and I'm sure they'll all be having a great time. It's hard to watch the kids growing up and away. Our schools are still in the midst of holiday here in the UK, not that we're involved with that side of things these days. Our Grandkids live too far away for such regular visits. You're very lucky!
ReplyDeleteMy kids are all grown and the grands live out of state but I still feel sad when school starts marking the end of summer. Try to keep singing and dancing...and wait for the weekends!!!
ReplyDeletePoor thing! Cuppa tea will help. You look like an awesomely fun grandma, and what adorable grandkids you have!
ReplyDeleteDeep breath... inhale, exhale. Repeat as needed. (Slowly, don't hyperventilate)
ReplyDeleteI've never known you to be so easily discouraged! I say, put on some dark glasses and pull a hat down low on your forehead and follow them to school, camera in hand.....
ReplyDeleteYou know you want to......
I'm thinking about you extra much today. I know it's going to be a hard one.
Jenny, it's time for some planning. It will distract you and the kids will love it...I think. Most little girls like tea parties, right? Bake some cookies, get out the tea pot and fancy cups, and before you know it, they'll be home and you can party! A new first-day-of-school tradition! Or go for ice cream! Thinking of you today.
ReplyDeleteBTW - My latest effort to drop my extra pounds is a weighted hula hoop! So far so good. It's gonna be ok.
You are so cute here. I've never wondered about stairs until now. And yes that's pretty amazing stuff they do walking down the stairs in those heels! Blogging's a great distraction.
ReplyDeleteSchool starts early, doesn't it? Out here it's after Labor Day I think!
ReplyDeleteI know you will be looking forward to hearing how their first day was!
I totally think you should have gone.
ReplyDeleteAww, don't be sad, Jenny. You can always be there to pick them up on the first day of school! That way you can hear all the best stories and ask all the questions first :)
ReplyDeleteMy oldest grandgirl started school last week. Since she's in Georgia and I'm in Virginia I had to call to ask about her day. Funny thing she said, "I'll tell you three things" and then she went on to tell me her three important things about the first day. Her mom said that she had been telling anyone who asked...I'll tell you three things....except everybody's three things were all different! She cracks me up!
ReplyDeleteGet in your finest and go find a set of curving stairs and practice walking up and down, it will lift your spirits and lower those pounds. Just 'kidding' Jenny, can't help myself...when I visit here, you bring out the 'kid' in me.
ReplyDeleteAwww, I know it must be hard not to have your babies around. :)
ReplyDeleteAccck. I have no grandlittles.. just one boy who started middle school this week. And I too have gained 35 lbs since this time last year. Why? WHY??? I'm 51 and pretty much done with "the change". Is that it? Or is it that I never move from in front of this stupid laptop anymore? acck. Hoping your sweet girlies all have exceptionally fantastic first days, and that you get to hug them soon....
ReplyDeleteoh I can't believe you don't get to go with them this year! I suppose it is ok, but I will be sad with you! We start back on the is coming up fast and I am in shock about that!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good day and a bad day Jenny! Happy for the grandlittles starting school but sad for you that no sweet girls to take care of this week. hugs, Linda
ReplyDeleteNow you have time to plan a wonderful surprise for after school. I usually bake cookie from scratch or get them a little 1st Day of School present. I promise you that time is just going to fly by and before you know it, it will be Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI know somewhat how you are feeling. Last school year, I went through a similar feeling. After homeschooling my kids since 1999, I had no one in school anymore. My son had graduated earlier in the year, so when school started last year, I was feeling like "what do I do with my life now?" It's hard letting go, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny that schools start so early now. When I was growing up (60's and 70's), we didn't start back until after Labor Day; now, they start back in early August.
Anyhow, blessings to you as you struggle with missing your little ones.
Terrible how you just have to share them...not fair! But I know you'll get through this day and be the Jenny we all love. And I just know they tell YOU stories and stuff that they don't tell the parents :):) You can grin about that. carry on....
ReplyDeleteOh Jenny...I'm so sorry that you won't be w/them this year. :o( Makes me SAD too. Sending you hugs. Not that that helps ease your pain.
ReplyDeleteWow, school starts early. Wm. goes back on Sept. 7th.
Try to have a good day. Oh, and did you know that I'm rather quite afraid of stairs. Have bad dreams about them all the time. Weird, huh?
Poor Jenny... you should distract yourself by doing another fun "project" - you know, one of the makeovers of your "fabulous finds"...
ReplyDeleteSmiles & Hugs :)
Oh no ! Really?! This seems way too early in August....and I sure do know and feel your pain...but hey, you can all bake some kind of great something together for them to take home to Mommy and Daddy ! love the photos....I still love the elementary school days....they are the best days of all people's lives...especially even all of dear Grammas!
ReplyDeleteToday? Already?? Joey just came in all sad and said, "Haley says we start school next Tuesday. Really? In 6 days?!"
ReplyDeleteIf I were closer, I'd come up and keep you company while those cute grandlittles were at school!
Hmmm! It never occurred to me that the traffice in our neighborhood was so heavy because of school! I guess my vacation mellowed me out way too much!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the stairs, I have serious issues. Doing stairs is a great way to lose a little weight, but because I have bad balance, bad feet, and bad knees, I prefer the elevator. I have fallen down stairs way too many times to even consider them as a way to get from point A to point B. Even escalators frighten me! And I never wear cruel shoes.
Oh precious cousin, the day will fly by. Paint. Write a song. Go out to lunch with Steve. Come stay with me next month.
ReplyDeleteAh Jenny, we're all feeling for you. It just seems like yesterday that I was looking at those first day of school photos of you and the girls. Deep breath - they'll soon be roaring in to tell you all about it.
ReplyDeleteSweet Pictures! I know, know. Ohhhhhh! The feelings the first day of school brings!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain even though mine don't start until the end of Aug. I'd just like to park across the street & watch them on the playground sometimes. Just need to know that no one is being mean to them. Hope you make it thru the day -- tomorrow will be easier. Jan
ReplyDeleteEven though you showed us a bunch of smiling happy pictures, I'm feeling sad and nostalgic.
ReplyDeleteOh those "First Day of School" photos! so priceless!
Do something for yourself today.
ReplyDeleteThen you'll be ready to hear how their day went.
I'm sure it is hard but you are tough and can get through the day.
Awwww, Jenny, to me school starting is a hectic yet happy time. New clothes, new shoes, new teachers, things to do and learn, new classmates and other activities, like dance lessons or soccer etc. Just think of all their adventures you can talk about with them.
ReplyDeleteWe have 6 of our 8 grandkids starting school soon and believe me, their parents are doing the happy dance. ( It's hard work to keep them all occupied 24/7 all summer long ! )
Aww... It's terrible to miss them so much. :(
ReplyDeletePerhaps your son will take pictures for you... I hope so. It'll be better than nothing.
They'll be ok, you'll be ok....
ReplyDeleteIt's hard, I know. My youngest grandson, who is only 4, just moved two hours away from me and I am really struggling! But I have to be brave about it and I can, and you can too!!!!
I distract myself with food (don't follow my example)....
These pics are priceless. And so was your random riff on stairs.
YOU are the silliest!!! I hope the girlies have a beautiful first day!!!
ReplyDeleteIt will be okay, Jenny. Just like the girls have something to look forward to, you could plan something for yourself for these next few days - coffee with a friend, a new book, a visit to a museum, whatever you enjoy! Anything's better than thinking about stairs and movie stars in 8 inch heels.
ReplyDeleteOh dear! A valiant try at a distracting thought! haha but...why oh why were you not able to join in this year? If we lived close by, I also would want to go to the first day of school with my grandlittles...of course, I would have to have some grandlittles...but, I digress... Maybe you can greet them at the end of their first day of school? :o)
ReplyDeleteHugs to you!
Blessings & Aloha!
(yay...I have some free blog time to catch up on and hopefully be able to post earlier this week, compared to last week, towards the end of the roster....if you still have time to visit, that would be awesome!)
Two of our grandson were excited to go to school and two had anxiety issues. They definitely have diferent personalities. But I am so glad they are back in school! Woo Hoo!Boys are more of a handful and I feel like a giant punching bag swinging in a empty stinky old gym.
ReplyDeleteAs for the spiked heels (I like to call them SLUT shoes), there is just no way a woman I my age would be caught dead in them. I mean come on! Who doesn't look at older women wearing those shoes and wonder "What is she thinking??"
As for the extra 35 lbs, you and I could be twin sisters Jenny! I'm working on losing it though. Biggest battle of my life yet!
It's gwammaw time! Grab Mr. Jenny and head down to the nearest Mexican Restaurant and start sucking down a cold refreshing Mojito! Yeeha Ole' or something like that. :)~Ames
What!! You got robbed!!! They should have at least invited you.
ReplyDeleteYou could go relax in the pool all by yourself with no little splashers. Make yourself a PB&J and some chicken noodle soup, you'll feel a lot better.
Oh Jenny.....LOL call me ...let's do lunch! I miss you!!!!! Sandy
ReplyDeleteWOW! First day of school already? I guess the kids started summer vacation in late May, eh. Kids here go back on September 6th.
ReplyDeleteJenny, the photographs of you with your grands are soooo great! What cuties they are, but I guess they've grown since those pictures. I try to remember how fortunate I am that my grands live in the same town where I live, and I am able to see them often. I would definitely be flat on my face if I tried walking down those stairs! laurie
ReplyDeleteAww, this is totally adorable!!! What will you do when they're in school? I always hated the day my kids went back to school...I missed them too much! I imagine it's the same with grandchildren too!
I've got an idea. You can home school them!
ReplyDeleteDid you see Regis and Kelly the other day? It was the annual High Heel-Athon race in Central Park. I think it might have been a rerun. Yes, they actually run in high heels. Forget stairs and running, I've never been able to just walk in high heels.
My 9 yr old granddaughter starts
ReplyDelete4th grade next Monday in a new school and the rest start the week after. I don't get to go either, but that is probably good since I would probably fall down some stairs or something and embarass them all.
I'm sending some huge virtual hugs your way! Stupid school, why can't summer last forever?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you read the post on my blog where I talked about this, but I fell and slid all the way down a flight of stairs on my knees, once. I was about 14 and it was in a racquetball club, surrounded by a few dozen of my middle school classmates. It was totally embarrassing.