I've got shingles.
On my cheekbone.
At least I think it's on my cheekbone. There's a lot of chub on my face, but if I poke kinda/sorta hard I feel something hard and bony in there and I'm pretty sure it's my cheekbone.
I haven't had shingles in over 20 years.
And, really, it's just as obnoxious as I remember.
One of my friends told me about a holistic type of treatment for shingles, so I'm giving it a try.
The only problem is that it's...
butt paste.

Baby butt paste to be exact.
And I really hate that name.
But I'm applying it diligently to my ridiculous shingle outbreak...
So I guess, really, technically...
I am a butt head.
Or, to be more precise, a butt paste head.
Someday's it's just really weird being me.
PS. Sometime I'll have to tell you about the time I got shingles on my torso and went to a voodoo healing lady for relief. But not today. I can't give away all my stories at once cuz, gosh, then what will I have left to write about in five years or so?
I have not heard of Butt Paste before, but people have been telling that it works great. I should get some since I have some kind of outbreak too..stress..it does this to me.
ReplyDeleteFor real? Shingles? On your face?? I didn't know you could get them there. I hear they are painful. I have Rosacea and it's embarrassing. A fifty~...uh a young my age getting breakouts every day is quite embarrassing. But I have cream from the dermatologist for the Rosacea. Let me know if the butt paste works. The tube of cream I use is quite expensive.
ReplyDeleteIf you tell me your Voodoo story I'll tell you my Preparation H story. :)~Ames
I have heard that hurts really bad, I hope the butt paste helps you...even if you are a butt head.
ReplyDeleteI have not had shingles, but since I've had chicken pox, I guess I'm an outbreak waiting to happen. I'm filing this information away in the back of my glisteny thinkbox.
ReplyDeleteThis product did wonders for JDaniel. I hope it works for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear you've got shingles on your face! I hope it doesn't hurt too badly.
ReplyDeleteI never used Butt Paste when my kids were babies (I can't remember the name of the brand I used), but I do recall that most diaper rash ointments were great for healing all sorts of skin related problems. Hopefully, it will work for you and you won't have to be a butt head for much longer!!
Ohhhhhhh noooooooo! I do hope the Butt Paste works!!! Sending good JuJu your way!
Haven't heard how it works on shingles but butt paste sure does work on butts...with diaper rash. Hope it works for you!
ReplyDeleteOh no! I hope the butt paste works because I heard that uncured shingles could be very painful. Jason's grandfather had shingles on his lower back and never got it looked or treated until it was too late. He lives in constant nerve pain these days...at least my MIL tells me that the nerve pain was caused by untreated shingles. I hope that never happens to you!
ReplyDeleteOh my Jenny, I always heard they were painful. I hope this butt paste does the trick! xo,
ReplyDeleteshingles? On your face? Ouch. Hope the butt paste works
ReplyDeleteReally? Or is this just a silly piece? I have heard and seen that butt paste before I think....now this inquiring mind must check it out...my mother-in-law used to get shingles, quite often, she blamed them on my hubby, (ha ha her son) although it was as she said because of being nervous??? Is that right? I wouldn't think that our sweet happy as a lark can be Jenny should ever,ever get shingles...oh no...but if so, please hurry and feel better, because as I remember when she used to get them it was not a good thing at all! GET BETTER quickly! xoxoxoxox!
ReplyDeleteI don't say the 'B' word. I use bottom, behind, back porch..etc. I wanted to try the product once on chapped hands and was forced to ask a clerk for the product. My DIL, the Latin Lovin' Hillbilly said she'd love to of see me just say the 'B' wordl
ReplyDeleteI do have a home remedy that worked for me many time until the last time and those shingles were different from the get go. They looked more like chicken pox at first then they just connected all the lines. I have some deep, deep scars left.
I'll email you the recipe. It dries up most shingles in about five days.
Prayin' for ya girl
I swear by Flander's Butt Cream. It's the only thing that helped my Munchie Boy. Peruvian mud is what it was. Don't know the specific healing properties. But it was like magic. And I'd love to hear your voodoo story. I loved your one about the shaman. (oh, and ppppbbbffffttttt to the shingles...how very painful they can be)
ReplyDeleteGet well soon...and Please, PLEAse do not wait five years to tell us the voodoo lady story!
ReplyDeleteI almost spit water at my computer when I opened this blog to see that is a real thing... buttpaste. Too funny! Speaking of voodoo.... I've been thinking about voodoo dolls eversince the V blog when one of the fellow bloggers blogged about them (OK to be honest I thought about them alot before that, it wasn't her fault... LOL)! Now I gotta work a way into using a little ditty I wrote for the W blog... tee hee hee:-)
ReplyDeleteOh, Jenny! Having shingles is miserable. I hope that you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteButt, Jenny . . .
ReplyDeleteButt paste is AMAZING!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I get shingles, I use those bee sting swabs, you know the kind you snap and squeese and the stuff fills up the cotton ball. I also use aloe with benzocaine, it is very cooling and numbing. The but paste might prove a little to greasy for your face. Sorry you got them, it sucks.
When my dad had 'em he had 'em bad. I can't make fun of you because I know they're painful and can lead to other problems.
ReplyDeleteI do like that the butt paste has a pleasant smell. Must make it easier to deal with even if you smell like a recently changed baby diaper.
y'all are one heck of a fancy girl with yur putt paste and all ... baking soda and water just aren't good 'nuff fur ya ...
ReplyDeletebutt paste ... who would have thought!!!
Oh, BUMMER! My hubby, my MIL, FIL and Son, all got a case of them within a short span of time. Painful stuff. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea butt paste worked on shingles. Not that I really know what they are, other than something sailors used to get a lot (learned that in elementary school...).
ReplyDeleteI have used butt paste for my kids and found it works wonders for that area. My cousin's wife used it with her baby and after I stopped giggling at the name I made a note to check it out after I gave birth.
Well, I've heard of people using "Preparation-H" for zits, so butt cream isn't really that far of a stretch. Hey, whatever works, right? I hear that an oatmeal poultice helps to relieve the pain (if you have any). I hope you feel better soon.
I bought a tub of Butt Paste for the first grandkid and it's still half full after the second (and final) one is out of diapers. (They are here for daycare 5 days a week.) So I'll save the rest, just in case we develop shingles or any other nasty skin ailment. I really do hope the stuff helps you, and soon! (And I LOVE the name of it, though maybe I wouldn't if I needed it for my face.)
ReplyDeleteYou seriously have the best stories ever. I can't wait to hear about it. And sorry about the Shingles! I hope you feel better soon, and that the Butt paste does its job. In the meantime, you can be as mean as you want to everyone, because you are a butt paste head, and just living up to your name, right?
ReplyDeleteOK since you are sharing putting Butt Paste on your checkbones..I'm telling you I use Butt Paste (yes it is a horrible name but oh does it work) under my Breasts! Yep with age and gravity I get a rash under there and this is the best medicine. OK so are we best friends now cause I only tell people really close to me stuff like this. LOL...hugs, Linda
ReplyDeleteThe things I learn from blogs!....and The Great Dane thinks I'm just naturally smart. I'm not going to tell him my source - a little mystery is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you got shingles again Jenny!!! I have heard it is hard to get rid of....but I have heard that this butt paste is a miracle worker.
ReplyDeleteps. I would never call you a butt head or butt face.
A friend has just had shingles all over one side of his stomach. He said they were really painful! Hope yours aren't feeling too bad :(
ReplyDeleteYou are making light of it, but my daughter had shingles her first year of college and she was in such pain. I've never seen her so miserable. Her doctor was very concerned it would go to her eyes and cause blindness, they had to put her on some meds for it. Maybe butt paste isn't the only meds you need?
ReplyDeleteI had shingles twice in one year. And now my baby girl was bitten by a rattlesnake and has a head like a giant tennis ball. Top that!!
ReplyDeleteYou should be living at my house this week. My husband cried yesterday because he was the one who took Liz out for a walk when it was really too dark. I am getting a lot of mileage out of this, and Liz gets vanilla yogurt for dinner.
I hate the desert!!
You've had shingles TWICE??? Wow, that is really unlucky. I hear it's awfully painful.
ReplyDeleteGet well soon, Jenny!
PS. And in the meantime, enjoy the butt paste. teehee