Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Channeling my inner Martha

Man oh man.

I had big plans for this post.

Joni over at Red Couch Recipes had this delicious sounding recipe for baked Southwest Eggrolls. She called them something slightly less appealing like mummies in moldy dressing, but still...they caught my fancy.

See for yourself! (click here!) These look yummy, right?

So I went to the store and gathered all the stuff to make them.

YessireeBob, I was excited. I was going to go all domestic diva on you and impress the heck out of you with my culinary skills and then I would feel all kinds of good about myself...

I got all the stuff out and put it on the counter. I had my camera at the ready so I could take step by step tutorial pictures and impress the black beans right out of ya!

But then...just when I was reading the back of the package of eggroll wrappers...

Mr. Jenny said, "Hey, it's getting late. Do you want me to run over to Pei Wei and pick up some dinner?"

And I said, "Wellllll...ummm... I was gonna make...ummm...HECK YEAH! I WANT THE SPICY CHICKEN!"

Yee haw!

And you know what? I didn't feel bad at all.

Because, probably the line cook over at Pei Wei has been feeling an overwhelming desire to channel his or her inner Martha all day today. And he or she probably needed to have a great big old boost in feeling good about themselves...

...and really...

Who am I to stand in the way of someone's inner domestic diva-ness.


I'm cool like that.

Totally willing to sacrifice my own personal needs to help others.


I'm feeling mighty noble now.

And totally willing to put the eggroll wrappers back in the fridge.


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  1. I know how that story goes! so now you can make them today. but, lol, I was thinking you were going to tell us that you made them and they hadnt turned out well, and you were going to show us pics of something less appealing that the picture of the ones your friend made! (ummm, not that I doubt your creative cookie talent!) Just thought thats where you were going with this post!
    have a great day Jenny.. hope that chicken was good last night!

  2. lol...another martha moment bites the dust! Happens more times than not over here! Maybe tomorrow? :)

  3. It all seemed like the perfect idea for a meal...until the takeout fairy put a bug in my ear.

    But there are lots of days to cook...and that perfect recipe will be attempted - and probably taste eh, just okay.

  4. If someone is offering work-free food, take it. The kitchen ain't going anywhere.

  5. Hey you did they nice chef a favor you should pat yourself on the back :o) eggroll wrappers keep for weeks anyway ha ha.

  6. LOL. Sometimes, it's just too easy to choose food cooked by someone else :)

  7. Oh my YUMMY! I love them homemade or from the restaurant AND have even bought some frozen ones that are DE-licious! Enjoy your day, Martha... errrr Jenny:) HUGS!

  8. Yup, thought the climax was going to be a dinner disaster,, nice twist sister!! NOW BE SURE TO POST THE PICCIE OF THE ROLLS WHEN YOU "DO" MAKE THEM. PS, may I have the recipe! :-)

  9. Ha! My inner Martha jumped ship a long time ago! I'm always up for take-out!
    The eggrolls look yummy though -- not so sure about mummies in moldy dressing....

  10. No inner Martha here so I understand your decision perfectly.

  11. That's just the way I feel about Papa Murphy's thin crust chicken Mediterranian pizza. I will gladly stop chopping, stirring, etc., and I'll put the oven in 425!

    Please get back to me about Tuesday. PARTAY!!

  12. You just described all my 'inner' Martha moments to a T!

  13. Dear cousin Jenny.
    If you would please make a trip to Ohio, this fall, like now, we could play Martha all day and night. Tea in my cottage with some fun breakfast scones we made together. (I hate scones, but it sounded better than poptarts) We could craft in booth my studios and have lunch. And then craft some more and have dinner, a walk in the hood and then for dessert, smores by an outdoor fall fire.
    Please please come to Ohio to visit with me.
    Much love,
    P.S. Thanks Steve for sending her to me.

  14. Hey girl, I'm with you! If Mr D says, "it's late, where to you want to go eat?"...I'm in the car in a flash...It's the unselfish thing you know!

  15. Mmmmm Pei Wei, Honey Seared Chicken..nom nom!

  16. Jenny, this is too funny, and absolutely something I would do/have done. I REALLY have to be in the mood to cook. xo

  17. I don't have an inner domestic diva. Every time we eat, it's from someone else channeling theirs!

  18. Everything Joni makes is great and always looks perfect. You may be better off! You have Pei jealous. I'm going to try to get my inner Martha to make an apple pie in a little while. She may just rather sit under this blanket and nap!

  19. Funny I should happen upon this post right now. I'm busy going through my blog list and printing out some recipes people have posted. You should see my collection of printed out recipes. I will have to live to be at least 100 in order to try all the recipes in my collection. Anytime someone suggests eating out or calling for a pizza I'm game. I love Pei Wei. You made the right choice! Food always tastes better when someone else cooks it.

  20. You're my kind of cook - and so is Mr Jenny!

  21. JENNY HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!?! It's almost 11 at night and my stomach is growling and you tease me with one of my favorite foods?! Ugh.

  22. Oh yum, I love the scallops there! I haven't been in ages though and didn't make it on this trip.


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Jenny Matlock