Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good morning!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, isn't it?

If you have a minute I'd like to share a wonderful song with you as you read this post. Wayyyyy down at the very, very bottom of my blog there's a playlist. I have the autoplay turned off. If you don't know the music of Patty Griffin (and you're not at work right now!) click on song's called Beautiful Day. The lyrics are amazing. And perfect to listen to on a day when many of us are thinking of gratitude. And facing lots of lifes difficulties.

Finally, finally we are getting some autumn color on our street. It's o-dark-thirty right now, so I can't take a picture, but there's actually red and gold trees turning on my street right here in the desert.

And if that's not exciting enough news...Thanksgiving is our middle Grandlittles birthday. She is turning eight.


I know. Crazy how quickly time goes by.

I've been trying to pretend she isn't growing up, but denial, sadly, has failed me a bit of late. I'm willing to let my personal suffering go, though, and make some cupcakes for her for Thanksgiving...I suspect she would be less than thrilled with candles in a pumpkin pie...silly girl!

Later today the link for Alphabe-Thursday will go up but it won't be for the letter "D". It will be for a link with anything to do with Thanksgiving or family gatherings. I know it's not Thanksgiving Day everywhere, but it is Thanksgiving day for me...because I am thankful for all of you who continue to brave the blather on my blog so often.

Thank you for doing that! I am, truly and without the smallest trace of sarcasm, thankful for your kind support as I continue 'off on my tangent' through life.

Tomorrow I'll put up my little annual Thanksgiving post...and gather with family and friends and celebrate this interesting, busy, crazy life.

Stop by if you get a chance, and if I don't see you, know how very much I am thankful for all of you!

Hugs from Arizona!

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  1. We are just as thankful for you, Jenny!

    Happy Birthday to the Middle Grandlittle!

    Nov. 24th would have been my mother's 86th birthday.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Hey Sweetie,

    #119 is "Impossible" and #120 is "Heavenly Day" is that the one you wanted us to listen to? I hate to be the dork to point this out, but I want to make sure I listen to the right song.

    Have an awesome Thanksgiving dearest, and give everyone a hug from me.

    Love ya'

  3. Jenny, I am also very thankful for you! I feel like I've found a friend even though we've never met face to face. I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving and here's wishing Miss Middle Grandlittle a very Happy 8th Birthday! God Bless!

  4. What a beautiful Grandlittle you have and Happy Birthday to your sweetiepie!

    I am thankful for you dear Jenny! Thank you for my surprise in the mail yesterday, you are such a precious friend and I love you!

    Have a blessed day before Thanksgiving! BIG HUGS!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Jenny Sweetie...
    I have so enjoyed blogging with you, and what a joy you are to read. You bring laughter, and smiles each time I pop over. One day I hope to meet.

    Happy Birthday to the grand little. They sure do grow fast. Our oldest grand will be 16 on Christmas Day. Where has the time gone?

    Have a beautiful holiday sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  6. a beautiful 8 year old for sure! I hope you have a fantastic thanksgiving Jenny! While you are enjoying the fall colors we will be hitting the slopes -

  7. Oh sweetie, that beauty is growin' before our very eyes.

    Here's sendin' her a great big Ozark...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!

    I'm so blessed our paths have crossed my friend.

    You have a blessed and beautiful day tomorrow!!!

    BTW: Somebody received some lovely cards in the mail. Thanks!

    Angel is always 'thrilled' to see your name on somethin'. She told me she would send ya a 'thank you' herself for the Halloween goodies. Did she carry through?

    Thanks for all you do!!! :o)

  8. haha...always keepin' us on our toes, aren't you? So, 121 Heavenly Day or 124 Beautiful Dawn by Wailin Jennys? Doesn't matter...both good songs to get the day started. Thanks for the music, the opportunities to stretch ourselves, the opportunities to make new friends, the opportunities to develop and share our talents. You ain't no Turkey, Mrs. Jenny. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  9. Jenny I am so thankful I've met you in blogland. Your wonderful posts have made me laugh, cry and jump for joy! Your encouragement to me has been such a blessing. Thank you for being Jenny Matlock! hugs to you my friend!! Linda

  10. I did go listen to Heavenly Day and it is awesome! thanks again and wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving!
    hugs, Linda

  11. Happy American Thanksgiving to you and your family and I am very thankful for YOU!

  12. Happy Birthday, Middle Little!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Jenny.

  13. I just wrote a post about Youngest turning nine. And while it isn't Thanksgiving here in Canada I hope you don't mind my linking up, because I sure am grateful for my little girl.

  14. This is the second blog I've read today and the second Thanksgiving Day birthday! Happy Birthday to your grandlittle.

    Is something wrong? A couple of times I've read something you wrote and wondered. I hope you're OK. I'm glad you're making those cupcakes. Somehow a birthday pumpkin pie just doesn't sound right.

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving!!! To Sweet Jenny and family!!! I am so Thankful to have met you through Blogland!

    Happy Birthday to your grandlittle :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I love cake (cupcake or variation of) the best for a birthday. My hubby loves his momma's Pumpkin Pie Bars soooo much that he would actually request it for his birthday sweet on his December 25th birthday :o)

  16. That was indeed heavenly! (And beautiful, too!)

    As is your darling granddaughter.

    Happy Day, Jenny!


  17. I hope she had the sweetest birthday ever!!!!!!

  18. Happy Birthday to your ADORABLE middle grandlittle. <3 She is so CUTE. And I know what you mean about it going so fast...everyone says that but I guess it's because it is SO TRUE. You take advantage of each moment with your grandkids though. You're a COOL grandma. :D

    Happy Thanksgiving Weekend Jenny!


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock