Monday, November 14, 2011

Grandma! Beware!


If you've been reading my blog for awhile you've seen this little girl a time or two...

Our youngest Grandlittle who started to Kindergarden in August.

She and her sisters were off school for Veterans Day and spent the day and overnight with us.

Those three Grandlittles are the best medicine anyone in the world could hope for...

...especially when they hug and kiss you and write you notes!

Late in the afternoon, Miss Mo went into my office and spent a l o o o o o n n n g time in there.

Every time I walked by the door she shouted, "Don't come in Grandma! It's a surprise!"

Finally she surfaced when I was just finishing up cooking dinner.

"Grandma, please sit down, I have a letter for you," she told me in a very serious voice.

I sat at the kitchen table and she handed me a folded up piece of paper.

I picked her up and sat her on my lap and said, "Wow, you wrote me a letter, Mo! That's really cool."

"Welllll, Grandma, I did write you a letter BUT I don't know what it says."

"Okay, Mo," I replied, "How did you write me a letter if you don't know what it says?"

"Grandma! I put down a whole bunch of letters and numbers and then I signed my name!"

"Well, that sounds neat," and I started to unfold the note.

"Wait! Wait! Grandma! Beware! Beware!!!!"

"Beware?" I inquired, "Beware?"

"Yes, Grandma! Beware! There are a lot of periods and commas in the note, too!"

And I carefully unfolded the note and, by golly, there were a lot of periods and commas in there, too.

Thank heavens she warned me to beware!


post signature


  1. I'll just bet you have a special place you put those wonderful letters and treasures from your Grandlittles, too!

  2. She's sounds so adorable. We spent the weekend with grandlittles of our own and, yes they are the best medicine. It'll be many months before we get another dose though as ours live so far away.

  3. You have to watch those period s and commas . They pop up EVERYWHERE (slippery little suckers )

  4. I think it is exciting that she knows what periods and commas are. She is so into learning!

  5. OH MY GOODNESS! I just might buy a frame for that note!

  6. She's only in kindergarten? She may not be able to write words but her letters are very good...and the commas and periods! That's a keeper!

  7. That is soo awesome! I think you should frame it or put it in a little treasure box. I know you'll keep it forever. shes a doll!

  8. They are definitely the best medicine. Jan

  9. Now that's unique, just like Mo, who takes after her writing Gramma:)

  10. Love it! Those little ones can sure put a smile on these Grandma's faces:) Enjoy your week dear friend, HUGS!

  11. This is great. The reader can then insert their own meanings--it is sort of like a buffet.

  12. She's following in her gwammaw's foot steps. A genuine writer at heart. Jenny you need to frame that letter! It's just too gosh darn sweet!~Ames

  13. That is so cute! What a fun surprise from your grandlittle! Ours are coming to visit us next week. I have not seen them since December! Looking forward to lots of hugs and cuddles and kisses with my two little girls!


  14. Boy am I glad you sent us all a cuteness alert before reading this! What a little dolly!!!

  15. Wow! She certainly said a mouthful in all those letters and punctuation. I think that is worth framing and hanging on the wall in your office!

  16. A cute thing my little grandson does when I watch him is take me around the house when I first get there and show me all the "dangerous" things. He usually says something like "This is dangerous for gwammas, this is only for me to use. Typically the dangerous stuff is stuff he isn't allowed to play with (lawnmowers, microwaves, etc.) but he never stops hoping that I am a big enough pushover to let him play with the dangerous stuff...

    Don't you just love them????



  17. thanks for sharing your granlittles with us ... they are a refreshing bunch of girls ... and this little letter is just priceless!!!

  18. So, so darling, Jenny. It warms my grandma heart.


  19. Awwww, melt my heart. This is just too stinkin' cute!

    Good thing she warned ya about all the punctuations. Heeheehhee!

    God bless and have a fantastic week!!! :o)

  20. How cute is that??? My youngest daughter (9 years old) still writes me little notes and it makes my day.

  21. What a little sweetie pie ! I remember writing notes to my Nana, Grandma & Grandpa as a child...I was so excited to mail them or give them in person !!!

    And there are those cute redheads on the soccer field...I suspected as much !!! LOL

  22. That is so sweet and thoughtful. Like a good grandma I bet you were able to read the entire thing.

  23. oh man, that is the best. You are one lucky grandma

  24. Oh this is so sweet! I just know you'll be putting this in that special grandma's keepsakes box! I really miss those cool little things from my daughter...but hey, in every book she ever gave me....there's always a sweet note before she signed her name!

  25. Adorable! You'll keep it forever! Justin likes to write, but he makes me spell everything out, slowly, so he can do it one letter at a time.

  26. Oh my goodness, Jenny! Your littlest granlittle is super adorable! She really just wrote you a letter with random letters and numbers! That is just beyond cute :) How about we make a trade for a day and I get to play with your granlittle and you get to play with E? Or better yet, we can have them play together!

  27. Cool! Keep it somewhere safe!

  28. It just might be written in code you know!
    So darn cute...

  29. Oh MY GOODNESS!!!
    BEWARE must mean: Pure cuteness ahead!!!!


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Jenny Matlock