Sunday, November 27, 2011

New career path!

I was so nervous on my first day. I fiddled with the jacket of my suit and tugged at my panty hose. I glanced in the rearview mirror…checking my makeup…making sure there was no lipstick on my teeth.

Ten minutes early, I pulled in and pep-talked myself! “Okay, Miss Assistant Manager! Go get ‘em!”

The manager greeted me with a puzzled look. Handing me an apron he told me, “Your most important duty will always be the up-sell. Just remember that!”

A pimply-faced 16 year old behind the cash register said, “Get freakin’ real, dude! Just tell her to say ‘would you like fries with that?’”

This little hundred word story is linked to Saturday Centus. The prompt is in bold. To read other french fry queries, just click here.

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  1. They must train them well, because they certainly always ask. Now if they would just train them to listen and get the order right!

  2. Yeah, Miss Jenny! Get freakin' real! And those fries had better be hot, too! LOL!!

  3. Love it! Just the way the kids would say it too. Get freakin real dude! I can just hear this rolling off their lips.
    Great write!

  4. Sounds like my very first job....selling burgers at Burger Chef....not Burger King...we had Burger Chef in Michigan and I thought (no -- I KNEW) I had the coolest job in all the world! Funny how just thinking about that job I still remember how cool I felt...(really got the same vibe from your post) !!!!although, we wouldn't dare call our boss Dude!!! to his face anyway...oh the times they are a changing!

  5. Uh oh, I guess she didn't get the job she thought, ha. Very surprising ending.

  6. Lack of communication maybe?? I think the kid that said "Dude" has a handle on things. Hee hee!~Ames

  7. Ha, well done.

    Certainly takes the air out of the balloon.

  8. You nail it every time, Jenny. I especially love the lingo (e.g., "Get freakin' real, dude.") It's always been about the up-sell, hasn't it?

    I hope you're enjoying the season.

  9. Awww, what a disappointment. To be Asst Manager and yet still having to do the up sell :)

    Great little story, I laughed

  10. Personally I think "Mister Jenny" has a nice ring to it!

  11. Always a great twist from you, Jenny! Love this.


  12. That is too freakin' Funny Jenny!!!!


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Jenny Matlock